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Big revamp of README and push the info into the 'long_descri…
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…ption' field

- Also moved numpy into the setup dependencies so it is definitely available before trying to install biopython
- Deleting all conda recipe files. It's not currently necessary, so don't worry about it for now.
- Add the pytest-cov and pytest-xdist dependencies
- Swap the order of nexus and embl format guessing, to prevent some uncaught Nexus errors
  • Loading branch information
biologyguy committed Sep 16, 2016
1 parent 5cf8a6b commit 1e46499
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 7 changed files with 48 additions and 140 deletions.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -4,4 +4,7 @@ include buddysuite/
include buddysuite/
include buddysuite/
include buddysuite/
include buddysuite/
include buddysuite/
include LICENSE.txt
include privacy
124 changes: 30 additions & 94 deletions
Expand Up @@ -10,119 +10,55 @@
<p align="center">Do fun stuff with biological data files. Seriously, biological data is fun stuff :)</p>
## Description
The BuddySuite modules are designed to be 'one-stop-shop' command line tools for common biological data file

[SeqBuddy]( is the most mature BuddySuite tool, although
[AlignBuddy]( and
[PhyloBuddy]( are also functional with a more limited number
of commands. [DatabaseBuddy]( is a very different project,
existing mostly as a 'live shell' for downloading sequences from GenBank, ENSEMBL, and UniProt.

Being pure Python, the BuddySuite should be cross platform. Development and testing have been done on Linux
and Mac OS X, however, so it is unclear how well the suite will work within Windows.
## Description
The BuddySuite modules are 'one-stop-shop' command line tools for common biological data file
manipulations. Formats are detected automatically, conversions are seamless, and you can pipe into
or out of the modules, allowing you to spend more time analyzing your sequences, alignments, and phylogenetic
trees, instead of wrangling them.

For example, the following command reads in three sequence files (all in different formats), pulls out records with RefSeq identifiers,
calls MAFFT to generate an alignment, shifts gaps to force a codon alignment, calls RAxML to infer a phylogeny, and then roots
the tree at its midpoint.

If you're new to the command line, or simply want to get a better feel for how BuddySuite works, check out the [Beginners Guide](
`$: seqbuddy seqs2.embl seqs3.fasta --pull_records "[XN]M" | alignbuddy --generate_alignment mafft | alignbuddy --enforce_triplets | phylobuddy --generate_tree raxmlHPC-SSE3 | phylobuddy --root`

## Installation
Clone the repository to your local machine and run installer (or
[fork]( it if planning to develop):
BuddySuite is a Python3 project, developed and tested on Linux and Mac OS X. It should generally work on Windows as well, but
testing on Windows has been extremely limited.

$: git clone
$: cd BuddySuite
$: python3 install clean

The project should now be in your Python PATH along with sym-links to the executables. For example:

$: which seqbuddy
>>> /usr/local/anaconda/bin/seqbuddy
## Getting started
The simplest way to get up and running is:

And to get started, simply use the 'help' flag
$: pip install buddysuite
$: buddysuite -setup

$: seqbuddy -h
Further instructions are available in the [installation guide](

For a detailed breakdown of the tools available within each module, check out the
[BuddySuite wiki](

### Create shortcuts (OPTIONAL)
We also recommend creating a set of short-form symbolic links or aliases to each program, which are very convenient if
using the programs on a regular basis. Furthermore, all of the
[examples in the wiki]( use the following short forms:
There is also a short [Beginners' Guide]( to show you the basics.

*Tool* | *Short-form*
---------- | --------
AlignBuddy | alb
DatabaseBuddy | db
PhyloBuddy | pb
SeqBuddy | sb

First check to make sure the short-form command doesn't already exist; for example, the
following should not return anything:
Each tool in the BuddySuite has been extensively documented in the [wiki](,
complete with worked examples and explanations for all arguments/options.

$: which sb

If there is a conflict, choose something else that seems reasonable (e.g., 'sbd' or 'sqb'). Now either create aliases
or symbolic links:


Copy the following into either the `.bashrc`, `.profile`, or `.bash_profile` (system dependent) file in your home directory:

alias sb="seqbuddy"
alias alb="alignbuddy"
alias pb="phylobuddy"
alias db="databasebuddy"

Then restart your terminal

**Symbolic Links**
* [SeqBuddy](
* [AlignBuddy](
* [PhyloBuddy](
* [DatabaseBuddy](

For each program, replace the necessary path components in the command below and run from the shell

$: ln -s /<your>/<path>/<to>/BuddySuite/buddysuite/ /usr/local/bin/sb

You should now be able to see the short form commands in your PATH, e.g.,:

$: which sb
>>> /usr/local/bin/sb

## Dependencies
This project has been written in Python3 and is not backwards compatible with Python2. If Python3 is not currently
installed on your system, we highly recommend using the free [Anaconda manager](
from Continuum Analytics (if you experience any difficulty,
[click here]( Alternatively, the software can be downloaded
directly from the [Python Software Foundation](

AlignBuddy and PhyloBuddy can be used to launch a number of third party alignment and tree building programs, but
installation of these optional programs is up to you. For example, if you wish to use PhyloBuddy to build a
phylogenetic tree with RAxML, you will first need to get RAxML into your system PATH.

The SeqBuddy blast, bl2seq, and purge functions require access to the blastp, blastn, and blastdbcmd binaries from the
[NCBI C++ toolkit](

See the [Dependencies]( page for a full list of all
third-party packages and software that BuddySuite requires or wraps.

## Developers
All of the individual Buddy toolkits are located in the 'buddysuite' directory and the
['develop' branch]( is where all new features have been
implemented. If you're interested in contributing, please refer to the
[developer page]( for further information on dependencies
and instructions.

## Unit tests
We are striving for high unit test coverage with py.test. To run the tests:

$: cd BuddySuite/buddysuite
$: bash

## Citation
There is a very short application note on bioRxiv that can be cited if you use BuddySuite in your work.
We are currently working on a [peer reviewed manuscript](, but until then
there is a very short application note on bioRxiv that can be cited if you use BuddySuite in your work.

[DOI: 10.1101/040675](

## Contact
Any comments you may have would be really appreciated. Please feel free to add issues in the GitHub issue tracker or
contact Steve Bond (lead developer) directly at [](
Any comments you have would be really appreciated. Please feel free to add issues in the GitHub issue tracker or
contact Steve Bond (lead developer) directly at [](
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion buddysuite/
Expand Up @@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ def _guess_format(_input):

possible_formats = ["stockholm", "fasta", "gb", "phylipss", "phylipsr", "phylip", "phylip-relaxed",
"fastq", "nexus", "embl", "seqxml", "clustal", "swiss"]
"fastq", "embl", "nexus", "seqxml", "clustal", "swiss"]
for next_format in possible_formats:
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions conda_recipe/bld.bat

This file was deleted.

3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions conda_recipe/

This file was deleted.

31 changes: 0 additions & 31 deletions conda_recipe/meta.yaml

This file was deleted.

21 changes: 13 additions & 8 deletions
Expand Up @@ -27,15 +27,17 @@ def run():


Expand All @@ -58,7 +60,8 @@ def run():

Expand All @@ -72,13 +75,15 @@ def run():

description='BuddySuite is a collection of command line utilities written in Python for '
'working with biological data.',
long_description=open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')).read(),
author='Stephen Bond',
license='Public Domain',
Expand Down

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