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preliminary snapshot cleanup feature
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Jerry committed Aug 27, 2021
1 parent 57660b1 commit 38fbf09
Showing 1 changed file with 140 additions and 0 deletions.
140 changes: 140 additions & 0 deletions biothings/hub/dataindex/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Type
from xml.etree import ElementTree

from biothings.utils.dataload import file_merge

class Cleaner():

def __init__(self, collection, snapenvs, indexers, logger=None):

self.collection = collection # pymongo.collection.Collection
self.snapenvs = snapenvs # hub.dataindex.snapshooter.SnapshotManager
self.indexers = indexers # hub.dataindex.indexer.IndexManager
self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__)

def find(collection, env=None, keep=3, group_by="build_config", **filters):
if isinstance(group_by, str):
group_by = "$" + group_by
elif isinstance(group_by, (list, tuple)):
group_by = {k.replace('.', '_'): "$" + k for k in group_by}

results = list(collection.aggregate([
{'$project': {
'build_config': '$build_config._id',
'snapshot': {'$objectToArray': '$snapshot'}}},
{'$unwind': {'path': '$snapshot'}},
{'$addFields': {
'snapshot.v.build_config': '$build_config',
'snapshot.v.build_name': '$_id',
'snapshot.v._id': '$snapshot.k'}},
{'$replaceRoot': {'newRoot': '$snapshot.v'}},
{'$match': {'environment': env, **filters} if env else filters},
{'$sort': {'created_at': 1}},
{'$group': {'_id': group_by, 'items': {"$push": "$$ROOT"}}}

return (
"CleanUps", {},
[("Group", _expand(doc["_id"], group_by),
[("Remove", {},
[("Snapshot", _asattr(_doc, group_by), [])
for _doc in _remove(doc, keep)]),
("Keep", {},
[("Snapshot", _asattr(_doc, group_by), [])
for _doc in _keep(doc, keep)])]
) for doc in results

def _expand(doc_id, group_by):
if isinstance(group_by, str):
return _asattr({group_by.strip("$"): doc_id})
if isinstance(group_by, dict):
return _asattr(doc_id)
raise TypeError()

def _keep(doc, keep):
return doc["items"][-keep or len(doc["items"]):]

def _remove(doc, keep):
return doc["items"][:-keep or len(doc["items"])]

def _asattr(doc, filters=None):
_doc = {}
for k, v in doc.items():

# firstly, remove irrelevant information
# -----------------------------------------
# snapshot step result, only indicate step success.
if k in ("pre", "snapshot", "post"):
# this key, if present, is a duplicate in conf key.
if k == "repository":
# no need to repeat filters, they must be the same.
if isinstance(filters, dict):
if k in filters:
elif isinstance(filters, str):
if k == filters.strip("$"):

# secondly, make special objects concise
# ------------------------------------------
if v or not filters:
if isinstance(v, dict):
v = "{...}"
elif v is None:
v = ""
else: # like datetime ...
v = str(v)
_doc[k] = v
return _doc

def to_xml(x):
x[1]["len"] = str(len(x[2]))
root = ElementTree.Element(x[0], x[1])
for _x in x[2]:
return root

def test_find():
from pymongo import MongoClient

# mychem
# -------
# "su04"
# "mychem_hubdb", "src_build"

client = MongoClient("su06")
collection = client["outbreak_hubdb"]["src_build"]
# cleaner = Cleaner(collection, {"local": {"args": {}}}, {})
obj = find(collection)
# print(obj)
# return cleaner, obj

def test_print():
"A", {}, [
("AA", {}, []),
("AB", {"ABC": "D"}, [])

def printxml(element):
import xml.dom.minidom
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(ElementTree.tostring(element))
with open("output.xml", "w") as file:
file.write(dom.toprettyxml(indent=" "*2))
# print(dom.toprettyxml(indent=" "*2))

if __name__ == '__main__':

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