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Aaron LaBeau edited this page Oct 3, 2021 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the Wiki on how to get up and running with the Couchbase Mobile Inventory Demo App for Android with Jetpack Compose. To follow these directions, make your computer meet the prerequisites and then follow the Docker Manual Setup directions or the Docker Script Setup directions. If you are unsure which to use, start with the Docker Script Setup, as the setup is mainly automated from running scripts.

  • Prerequisities - these should be validated before attempting to build the application if you want to demo the replication features in the app.

  • Application Overview - a review of the application and its purpose along with information on each screen in the application.

  • Project Structure - a breakdown of the repositories project structure with an explanation of the flow of the application.

  • Docker Manual Setup - for advanced developers, these directions walk through how to set up a Couchbase Server and Sync Gateway docker hosts and get network, security, and sample data loaded into the database to test replication.

  • Docker Script Setup - MacOS - shell scripts for Linux and Mac OS users are provided to automatically set up the docker hosts and sample data without having to type in individual commands in the terminal.

  • Docker Script Setup - Windows - batch files for Windows users are provided to automatically set up the docker hosts and sample data without having to type in individual commands in the terminal.