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[#264] v1.22.3: Updates dependencies
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birdofpreyru committed Jan 9, 2023
1 parent e5ca139 commit bb70f1e
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Showing 7 changed files with 1,097 additions and 763 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .nvmrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@
148 changes: 142 additions & 6 deletions __tests__/__snapshots__/client-side.js.snap
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -167,19 +167,153 @@ exports[`Export at client side 1`] = `
exports[`Export at client side 2`] = `{}`;

exports[`Export at client side 3`] = `
wrap {
"Axios": [Function],
"AxiosError": [Function],
"AxiosHeaders": [Function],
"Cancel": [Function],
"CancelToken": [Function],
"CanceledError": [Function],
"VERSION": "0.27.2",
"HttpStatusCode": {
"100": "Continue",
"101": "SwitchingProtocols",
"102": "Processing",
"103": "EarlyHints",
"200": "Ok",
"201": "Created",
"202": "Accepted",
"203": "NonAuthoritativeInformation",
"204": "NoContent",
"205": "ResetContent",
"206": "PartialContent",
"207": "MultiStatus",
"208": "AlreadyReported",
"226": "ImUsed",
"300": "MultipleChoices",
"301": "MovedPermanently",
"302": "Found",
"303": "SeeOther",
"304": "NotModified",
"305": "UseProxy",
"306": "Unused",
"307": "TemporaryRedirect",
"308": "PermanentRedirect",
"400": "BadRequest",
"401": "Unauthorized",
"402": "PaymentRequired",
"403": "Forbidden",
"404": "NotFound",
"405": "MethodNotAllowed",
"406": "NotAcceptable",
"407": "ProxyAuthenticationRequired",
"408": "RequestTimeout",
"409": "Conflict",
"410": "Gone",
"411": "LengthRequired",
"412": "PreconditionFailed",
"413": "PayloadTooLarge",
"414": "UriTooLong",
"415": "UnsupportedMediaType",
"416": "RangeNotSatisfiable",
"417": "ExpectationFailed",
"418": "ImATeapot",
"421": "MisdirectedRequest",
"422": "UnprocessableEntity",
"423": "Locked",
"424": "FailedDependency",
"425": "TooEarly",
"426": "UpgradeRequired",
"428": "PreconditionRequired",
"429": "TooManyRequests",
"431": "RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge",
"451": "UnavailableForLegalReasons",
"500": "InternalServerError",
"501": "NotImplemented",
"502": "BadGateway",
"503": "ServiceUnavailable",
"504": "GatewayTimeout",
"505": "HttpVersionNotSupported",
"506": "VariantAlsoNegotiates",
"507": "InsufficientStorage",
"508": "LoopDetected",
"510": "NotExtended",
"511": "NetworkAuthenticationRequired",
"Accepted": 202,
"AlreadyReported": 208,
"BadGateway": 502,
"BadRequest": 400,
"Conflict": 409,
"Continue": 100,
"Created": 201,
"EarlyHints": 103,
"ExpectationFailed": 417,
"FailedDependency": 424,
"Forbidden": 403,
"Found": 302,
"GatewayTimeout": 504,
"Gone": 410,
"HttpVersionNotSupported": 505,
"ImATeapot": 418,
"ImUsed": 226,
"InsufficientStorage": 507,
"InternalServerError": 500,
"LengthRequired": 411,
"Locked": 423,
"LoopDetected": 508,
"MethodNotAllowed": 405,
"MisdirectedRequest": 421,
"MovedPermanently": 301,
"MultiStatus": 207,
"MultipleChoices": 300,
"NetworkAuthenticationRequired": 511,
"NoContent": 204,
"NonAuthoritativeInformation": 203,
"NotAcceptable": 406,
"NotExtended": 510,
"NotFound": 404,
"NotImplemented": 501,
"NotModified": 304,
"Ok": 200,
"PartialContent": 206,
"PayloadTooLarge": 413,
"PaymentRequired": 402,
"PermanentRedirect": 308,
"PreconditionFailed": 412,
"PreconditionRequired": 428,
"Processing": 102,
"ProxyAuthenticationRequired": 407,
"RangeNotSatisfiable": 416,
"RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge": 431,
"RequestTimeout": 408,
"ResetContent": 205,
"SeeOther": 303,
"ServiceUnavailable": 503,
"SwitchingProtocols": 101,
"TemporaryRedirect": 307,
"TooEarly": 425,
"TooManyRequests": 429,
"Unauthorized": 401,
"UnavailableForLegalReasons": 451,
"UnprocessableEntity": 422,
"UnsupportedMediaType": 415,
"Unused": 306,
"UpgradeRequired": 426,
"UriTooLong": 414,
"UseProxy": 305,
"VariantAlsoNegotiates": 506,
"VERSION": "1.2.2",
"all": [Function],
"constructor": [Function],
"create": [Function],
"default": [Function],
"defaults": {
"adapter": [Function],
"adapter": [
"env": {
"Blob": [Function],
"FormData": [Function],
"headers": {
Expand All @@ -190,13 +324,13 @@ exports[`Export at client side 3`] = `
"get": {},
"head": {},
"patch": {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Content-Type": undefined,
"post": {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Content-Type": undefined,
"put": {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Content-Type": undefined,
"maxBodyLength": -1,
Expand All @@ -218,6 +352,7 @@ exports[`Export at client side 3`] = `
"xsrfHeaderName": "X-XSRF-TOKEN",
"delete": [Function],
"formToJSON": [Function],
"get": [Function],
"getUri": [Function],
"head": [Function],
Expand All @@ -231,6 +366,7 @@ exports[`Export at client side 3`] = `
"isAxiosError": [Function],
"isCancel": [Function],
"mergeConfig": [Function],
"options": [Function],
"patch": [Function],
"patchForm": [Function],
Expand Down
148 changes: 142 additions & 6 deletions __tests__/__snapshots__/server-side.js.snap
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -270,19 +270,153 @@ exports[`Export at server side 1`] = `
exports[`Export at server side 2`] = `{}`;

exports[`Export at server side 3`] = `
wrap {
"Axios": [Function],
"AxiosError": [Function],
"AxiosHeaders": [Function],
"Cancel": [Function],
"CancelToken": [Function],
"CanceledError": [Function],
"VERSION": "0.27.2",
"HttpStatusCode": {
"100": "Continue",
"101": "SwitchingProtocols",
"102": "Processing",
"103": "EarlyHints",
"200": "Ok",
"201": "Created",
"202": "Accepted",
"203": "NonAuthoritativeInformation",
"204": "NoContent",
"205": "ResetContent",
"206": "PartialContent",
"207": "MultiStatus",
"208": "AlreadyReported",
"226": "ImUsed",
"300": "MultipleChoices",
"301": "MovedPermanently",
"302": "Found",
"303": "SeeOther",
"304": "NotModified",
"305": "UseProxy",
"306": "Unused",
"307": "TemporaryRedirect",
"308": "PermanentRedirect",
"400": "BadRequest",
"401": "Unauthorized",
"402": "PaymentRequired",
"403": "Forbidden",
"404": "NotFound",
"405": "MethodNotAllowed",
"406": "NotAcceptable",
"407": "ProxyAuthenticationRequired",
"408": "RequestTimeout",
"409": "Conflict",
"410": "Gone",
"411": "LengthRequired",
"412": "PreconditionFailed",
"413": "PayloadTooLarge",
"414": "UriTooLong",
"415": "UnsupportedMediaType",
"416": "RangeNotSatisfiable",
"417": "ExpectationFailed",
"418": "ImATeapot",
"421": "MisdirectedRequest",
"422": "UnprocessableEntity",
"423": "Locked",
"424": "FailedDependency",
"425": "TooEarly",
"426": "UpgradeRequired",
"428": "PreconditionRequired",
"429": "TooManyRequests",
"431": "RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge",
"451": "UnavailableForLegalReasons",
"500": "InternalServerError",
"501": "NotImplemented",
"502": "BadGateway",
"503": "ServiceUnavailable",
"504": "GatewayTimeout",
"505": "HttpVersionNotSupported",
"506": "VariantAlsoNegotiates",
"507": "InsufficientStorage",
"508": "LoopDetected",
"510": "NotExtended",
"511": "NetworkAuthenticationRequired",
"Accepted": 202,
"AlreadyReported": 208,
"BadGateway": 502,
"BadRequest": 400,
"Conflict": 409,
"Continue": 100,
"Created": 201,
"EarlyHints": 103,
"ExpectationFailed": 417,
"FailedDependency": 424,
"Forbidden": 403,
"Found": 302,
"GatewayTimeout": 504,
"Gone": 410,
"HttpVersionNotSupported": 505,
"ImATeapot": 418,
"ImUsed": 226,
"InsufficientStorage": 507,
"InternalServerError": 500,
"LengthRequired": 411,
"Locked": 423,
"LoopDetected": 508,
"MethodNotAllowed": 405,
"MisdirectedRequest": 421,
"MovedPermanently": 301,
"MultiStatus": 207,
"MultipleChoices": 300,
"NetworkAuthenticationRequired": 511,
"NoContent": 204,
"NonAuthoritativeInformation": 203,
"NotAcceptable": 406,
"NotExtended": 510,
"NotFound": 404,
"NotImplemented": 501,
"NotModified": 304,
"Ok": 200,
"PartialContent": 206,
"PayloadTooLarge": 413,
"PaymentRequired": 402,
"PermanentRedirect": 308,
"PreconditionFailed": 412,
"PreconditionRequired": 428,
"Processing": 102,
"ProxyAuthenticationRequired": 407,
"RangeNotSatisfiable": 416,
"RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge": 431,
"RequestTimeout": 408,
"ResetContent": 205,
"SeeOther": 303,
"ServiceUnavailable": 503,
"SwitchingProtocols": 101,
"TemporaryRedirect": 307,
"TooEarly": 425,
"TooManyRequests": 429,
"Unauthorized": 401,
"UnavailableForLegalReasons": 451,
"UnprocessableEntity": 422,
"UnsupportedMediaType": 415,
"Unused": 306,
"UpgradeRequired": 426,
"UriTooLong": 414,
"UseProxy": 305,
"VariantAlsoNegotiates": 506,
"VERSION": "1.2.2",
"all": [Function],
"constructor": [Function],
"create": [Function],
"default": [Function],
"defaults": {
"adapter": [Function],
"adapter": [
"env": {
"Blob": [Function],
"FormData": [Function],
"headers": {
Expand All @@ -293,13 +427,13 @@ exports[`Export at server side 3`] = `
"get": {},
"head": {},
"patch": {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Content-Type": undefined,
"post": {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Content-Type": undefined,
"put": {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Content-Type": undefined,
"maxBodyLength": -1,
Expand All @@ -321,6 +455,7 @@ exports[`Export at server side 3`] = `
"xsrfHeaderName": "X-XSRF-TOKEN",
"delete": [Function],
"formToJSON": [Function],
"get": [Function],
"getUri": [Function],
"head": [Function],
Expand All @@ -334,6 +469,7 @@ exports[`Export at server side 3`] = `
"isAxiosError": [Function],
"isCancel": [Function],
"mergeConfig": [Function],
"options": [Function],
"patch": [Function],
"patchForm": [Function],
Expand Down

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