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This is a comparison of Cucumber and Smart BDD using Java and JUnit5.

Cucumber is the leading Behavior-driven development (BDD) framework. It is language agnostic and integrates with other frameworks. You write the specification/feature, then write the glue code, then write the test code.

With Smart BDD you write the code first using best practices and this generates:

  • Interactive feature files that serve as documentation
  • Diagrams to better document the product

The barrier to entry is super low, you start with one annotation or add a file to resources/META-INF! That's it you're generating specification/documentation. Please note I will interchange specification, feature and documentation throughout.

If you haven't seen Smart BDD before, here's an example: Smart BDD get book example

The difference in approach leads to Smart BDD

  • To having less code and higher quality code
  • Therefore, less complexity
  • Therefore, lowering the cost of maintaining and adding testing
  • Therefore, increasing productivity
  • Oh, and you get sequence diagrams (see picture above) plus many new features are in the pipeline

Both goals are same, in nutshell - specifications that can be read by anyone and tests that are exercised.

Implementing BDD with Cucumber, will give you benefits. However, there is a technical cost to adding and maintaining feature files. This means extra work has to be done.

There are 3 main layers: feature file, glue code, test code:

  • You write the feature file
  • Then the glue code
  • Then the test code

This approach with extra layers and works arounds for limitations and quirks, leads Cucumber (we'll explore in more with code detail below):

To having more code and lower quality. You have work around limitations and quirks. Therefore, more complexity Therefore, increasing the cost of maintaining and adding testing Therefore, decreasing productivity Therefore, decreased coverage

The quality of code can be measured in its ability to change! Hence, best practices and less code, fulfils this brief.

It's time to try and back these claims up - lets checkout the latest examples from Cucumber -

For example below I created a repo for one small example - calculator-java-junit5. Then I copied and pasted it in to a new project -

First let's implement the Cucumber solution

Feature file

Feature: Shopping

  Scenario: Give correct change
    Given the following groceries:
      | name  | price |
      | milk  | 9     |
      | bread | 7     |
      | soap  | 5     |
    When I pay 25
    Then my change should be 4

Java source code

public class ShoppingSteps {

    private final RpnCalculator calc = new RpnCalculator();

    @Given("the following groceries:")
    public void the_following_groceries(List<Grocery> groceries) {
        for (Grocery grocery : groceries) {

    @When("I pay {}")
    public void i_pay(int amount) {

    @Then("my change should be {}")
    public void my_change_should_be_(int change) {
        assertEquals(-calc.value().intValue(), change);
    // omitted Grocery and Price class

Mapping for test input

public class ParameterTypes {

    private final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();

    public Object transformer(Object fromValue, Type toValueType) {
        return objectMapper.convertValue(fromValue, objectMapper.constructType(toValueType));

Test runner

 * Work around. Surefire does not use JUnits Test Engine discovery
 * functionality. Alternatively execute the
 * org.junit.platform.console.ConsoleLauncher with the maven-antrun-plugin.
@ConfigurationParameter(key = GLUE_PROPERTY_NAME, value = "io.cucumber.examples.calculator")
public class RunCucumberTest {

build.gradle.kts showing the cucumber config

dependencies {

tasks.test {
    // Work around. Gradle does not include enough information to disambiguate
    // between different examples and scenarios.
    systemProperty("cucumber.junit-platform.naming-strategy", "long")

Secondly we will implement the Smart BDD solution

Java source code

public class ShoppingTest {
    private final RpnCalculator calculator = new RpnCalculator();

    void giveCorrectChange() {
                item("milk", 9),
                item("bread", 7),
                item("soap", 5));

    public void whenIPay(int amount) {

    public void myChangeShouldBe(int change) {

    public void givenTheFollowingGroceries(Grocery... groceries) {
        for (Grocery grocery : groceries) {
    // omitted Grocery class 

build.gradle.kts showing the Smart BDD config

dependencies {

This generates

Scenario: Give correct change (PASSED)
Given the following groceries
  "milk" 9
  "bread" 7
  "soap" 5
When I pay 25
My change should be 4

Notice how more simple Smart BDD is, much less moving parts. 1 test class vs 4 files.

We removed the Cucumber feature file. The feature file has a few main draw backs:

  • It adds complexity of mapping between itself and the source code
  • As an abstraction it will leak in to the bottom layers
  • It is very hard to keep feature files consistent
  • When developing in an IDE, it will need to support the feature file, frequently you'll be left with no support

You don't have these drawbacks in Smart BDD, in fact it promotes bests practices and productively.

The counterargument for feature files is normally, well it allows non devs to create user stories and or acceptance criteria. The reality is when a product owner writes a user story and or acceptance criteria it will almost certainly be modified by the developer. Using Smart BDD, you can still write user stories and or acceptance criteria in your backlog. It's a good starting point to help you write the code. In time you'll end up with more consistency.

In the next section I'll try to demonstrate the complexity of Cucumber

Let's dive in something more advanced:

  • A dollar is 2 of the currency below
  • Visa payments take 1 currency processing fee
When I pay 25 "Dollars"
Then my change should be 29

It is reasonable to think that we can add this method

@When("I pay {int} {string}")
public void i_pay(int amount,String currency){

However, this is the output

Step failed
io.cucumber.core.runner.AmbiguousStepDefinitionsException: "I pay 25 "Dollars"" matches more than one step definition:
"I pay {int} {string}" in io.cucumber.examples.calculator.ShoppingSteps.i_pay(int,java.lang.String)

Here is where the tail starts to wag the dog, you embark of investing time and more code to work around the framework. We should always strive for simplicity, additional code and in a boarder sense, additional features will always make code harder to maintain.

We have 3 options:

  1. Mutate i_pay method to handle a currency. If we had 10's or 100's occurrences of When I pay .. this would be risky and time-consuming. If we add "Visa" payment method, we are starting to add complexity to an existing method.
  2. Create a new method doesn't start with I pay. It could be With currency I pay 25 "Dollars". Not ideal, as this isn't really what wanted. It looses discoverability. How would we add "Visa" payment method?
  3. Use multiple steps I pay and with currency. This is the most maintainable solution. For discoverability, you'd need a consistent naming convention. With a large codebase, good luck with discoverability, as they are loosely coupled in the feature file, but coupled in code.

Option 1 is the one have seen the most - God glue methods with very complicated regular expressions, with Cucumber Expressions it's the cleanest code I have seen. According to the Cucumber documentation, conjunction steps are an anti-pattern If I added a payment method I pay 25 "Dollars" with "Visa" I don't know if this constitutes the conjunction step anti-pattern. If we get another requirement, "Visa" payments doubled on a "Friday", setting the day surly constitutes another step.

Option 3 is really a thin layer on a builder. Below shows one possible implementation of a builder. With this approach, adding the day of the week would be trivial (as we've chosen to use the builder pattern).

When I pay 25
And with currency "Dollars"
public class ShoppingSteps {

    private final ShoppingService shoppingService = new ShoppingService();
    private final PayBuilder payBuilder = new PayBuilder();

    @Given("the following groceries:")
    public void the_following_groceries(List<Grocery> groceries) {
        for (Grocery grocery : groceries) {

    @When("I pay {int}")
    public void i_pay(int amount) {

    @When("with currency {string}")
    public void i_pay_with_currency(String currency) {

    @Then("my change should be {}")
    public void my_change_should_be_(int change) {

    private void pay() {
        final Pay pay =;
        shoppingService.calculatorPushWithCurrency(pay.getAmount(), pay.getCurrency());
    // builders and classes omitted

Let's implement this in Smart BDD:

public class ShoppingTest {
    private final ShoppingService shoppingService = new ShoppingService();
    private final PayBuilder payBuilder = new PayBuilder();

    void giveCorrectChange() {
            item("milk", 9),
            item("bread", 7),
            item("soap", 5));

    void giveCorrectChangeWhenCurrencyIsDollars() {
            item("milk", 9),
            item("bread", 7),
            item("soap", 5));

    public PayBuilder whenIPay(int amount) {
        return payBuilder.withAmount(amount);

    public void myChangeShouldBe(int change) {

    public void givenTheFollowingGroceries(Grocery... groceries) {
        for (Grocery grocery : groceries) {

    private void pay() {
        final Pay pay =;
        shoppingService.calculatorPushWithCurrency(pay.getAmount(), pay.getCurrency());
    // builders and classes omitted

Let's count the number of lines for the solution of optionally paying with dollars:

  • Cucumber: ShoppingSteps 123 + ParameterTypes 21 + RunCucumberTest 16 + shopping.feature 20 = Total: 180 lines
  • Smart BDD: ShoppingTest 114 lines = Total: 114 lines
Cucumber Smart BDD
ShoppingSteps 123 lines ShoppingTest 114 lines
ParameterTypes 21 lines
runCucumberTest 16 lines
shopping.feature 20 lines
Total 180 lines Total 114 lines

Hopefully I have demonstrated the simplicity and productivity of Smart BDD.

Please see following for an example of using diagrams with Smart BDD.

Smart BDD get book example

This is source code:

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class BookControllerIT {
    // skipped setup...

    public void doc() {
        featureNotes("Working progress for example of usage Smart BDD");

    void setupUml() {

    public void getBookBy13DigitIsbn_returnsTheCorrectBook() {

    private void whenGetBookByIsbnIsCalledWith(String isbn) {
        HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        response = template.getForEntity("/book/" + isbn, String.class, headers);
        generateSequenceDiagram(isbn, response, headers);

    private void generateSequenceDiagram(String isbn, ResponseEntity<String> response, HttpHeaders headers) {
        sequenceDiagram().add(aMessage().from("User").to("BookStore").text("/book/" + isbn));

        List<ServeEvent> allServeEvents = getAllServeEvents();
        allServeEvents.forEach(event -> {
                event.getResponse().getBodyAsString() + " [" + event.getResponse().getStatus() + "]"));

        sequenceDiagram().add(aMessage().from("BookStore").to("User").text(response.getBody() + " [" + response.getStatusCode().value() + "]"));

    // skipped helper classes...

In my opinion the above does a very good job of documenting the Book Store.

Smart BDD is being actively developed, I'll try to reduce the code required for diagrams, potentially use annotations.

I use the method whenGetBookByIsbnIsCalledWith in the example above, as this is the most appropriate abstraction. If we had more requirements, then the code could look more like below. This is at the other end of the spectrum, work has gone in to a test API to make testing super easy. With is approach notice how consistent the generated documentation will be. It will make referring to the documentation much easier.

public class GetBookTest extends BaseBookStoreTest {

    public void doc() {
        featureNotes("Book Store example of usage Smart BDD");

    public void getBookWithTwoAuthors() {
        given(theIsbnDbContains(aBook().withAuthors("author", "another-author")));
        then(theResponseContains(aBook().withAuthors("author", "another-author")));

SmartBDD is allowing me chose the abstraction/solution that I feel is right, without a framework getting in way and or adding to my workload.


Creation log:

mkdir smart-bdd-examples
cd smart-bdd-examples
gradle init
Select type of project to generate:
  1: basic
  2: application
  3: library
  4: Gradle plugin
Enter selection (default: basic) [1..4] 1

Select build script DSL:
  1: Kotlin
  2: Groovy
Enter selection (default: Kotlin) [1..2] 1

Project name (default: smart-bdd-examples):
Generate build using new APIs and behavior (some features may change in the next minor release)? (default: no) [yes, no]

> Task :init
To learn more about Gradle by exploring our Samples at


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