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Matheus Lessa Rodrigues edited this page Oct 28, 2017 · 1 revision


The Singleton design pattern. Ever wanted to access a MonoBehaviour from anywhere in the code? With this pattern, you will be able to MyScript.Instance.someField.


Beware, though, as it's generally accepted that using lots of Singletons is a code smell. What it does is that it introduces a hard dependency between scripts and makes it hard to refactor later. As a reasonable rule of thumb, only use it as a last resort or when prototyping.


using UnityEngine;
using BitStrap;

public sealed class MyScript : Singleton<MyScript>
    public int someField;

// From another script
public sealed class SomeRegularScript : MonoBehaviour
    private void Start()
        Debug.Log( "Some global value {0}", MyScript.Instance.someField );
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