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Mobile wallet provider integrations

The Link package allows for integrations into mobile webviews in Android and iOS applications. The following details the method for communication for each platform, and the interface to facilitate client interactions.

All interactions between the client web application and the wallet provider are async. Requests from the web app will be sent across to the wallet provider using the provided webview to native app interface, and will expect the request to be fulfiled or rejected based on input from the user.


Communication with the webview is handled using the WebView methods, evaluateJavascript and addJavascriptInterface.

Receiving messages from the webview

Create a class with a JavascriptInterface funtion called messageHandler.

class WebAppJavascriptInterface() {
  fun messageHandler(jsonString: String) {
    // parse stringified json
    // handle input message

Add the javascript interface method to the global _bitcoinWalletApi object within the webview.

<webview_instance>.addJavascriptInterface(WebAppJavascriptInterface(), "_bitcoinWalletApi")

Sending messages into the webview

A method receiveMessage will be available on the global _bitcoinWalletApi object within the webview, which will receive responses from the native app.

To call it by using the evaluateJavascript method on the webview instance.

<webview_instance>.evaluateJavascript("_bitcoinWalletApi.receiveMessage(" + <stringified_message_object> + ")")


Communication with the webview is handled using the WKWebView methods, evaluateJavascript and a custom message handler sendMessageHandler in the WKUserContentController.

Receiving messages from the webview

When initializing your webview, make sure to pass in the content controller to the config with a message handler named sendMessageHandler. This will be made avaiable within the webview so that the javascript code can send data to the native app.

let contentController = WKUserContentController()
contentController.add(self, name: "sendMessageHandler")
let config = WKWebViewConfiguration()
config.userContentController = contentController
let webView = WKWebView( frame: <frame_bounds>, configuration: config)

Create a handler for the messages being received from the webview. Incoming messages will have an attribute name value of sendMessageHandler, which we specified earlier.

extension WebViewController: WKScriptMessageHandler {
  func userContentController(_ userContentController: WKUserContentController,
                              didReceive message: WKScriptMessage) {
    if ( != "sendMessageHandler") {

    // parse stringified json
    // handle input message

Sending messages into the webview

A method receiveMessage will be available on the global _bitcoinWalletApi object within the webview, which will receive responses from the native app.

To call it by using the evaluateJavascript method on the webview instance.

<webview_instance>.evaluateJavaScript("_bitcoinWalletApi.receiveMessage(\(<stringified_message_object>))") { (result, error) in
  if error != nil {

Message interface

Messages sent to and from the client app and the wallet provider are all async and will have the following format. Replies to incoming messages will be identified by the client by the messageId that is sent back into the webview after user input.

Messages sent from the webview to the native app

interface Message {
  messageId: string; // arbitrary unique id which should be passed back to the webview as the response.
  command: string; // method on the dapi which was called (eg. getAddress, sendAssets)
  data?: any; // any input data for the method that was called (eg. for getAddress, it could be {protocol: "SLP"})

Messages sent back into the webview from the native app

interface Message {
  messageId: string; // messageId for the incoming message which is being responded to
  command: string; // method on the dapi which was called (eg. getAddress, sendAssets)
  data?: any; // any response data for the method that was called (eg. for getAddress, it could be {address: "bitcoincash:qqrxa0h9jqnc7v4wmj9ysetsp3y7w9l36u8gnnjulq"})
  error?: Error; // if there was an error in the transaction or if the user rejected the transaction request

interface Error {
  type: string;
  description?: string;
  data?: any;