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Supported Devices

Support Matrix

The table below lists what devices and features are supported for each device.

  • - supported by the firmware and implemented in HWI
  • - supported by the firmware and not implemented in HWI
  • - not supported by the firmware
Feature \ Device Ledger Nano X Ledger Nano S Trezor One Trezor Model T BitBox01 BitBox02 KeepKey Coldcard Blockstream Jade
Support Planned
xpub retrieval
Message Signing
Device Setup
Device Wipe
Device Recovery
Device Backup
P2PKH Inputs
P2SH-P2WPKH Inputs
P2WPKH Inputs
P2SH Multisig Inputs
P2SH-P2WSH Multisig Inputs
P2WSH Multisig Inputs
Bare Multisig Inputs
Taproot Inputs ✓* ✓* ✓* ✓*
Arbitrary scriptPubKey Inputs
Arbitrary redeemScript Inputs
Arbitrary witnessScript Inputs
Non-wallet inputs 1 2
Mixed Segwit and Non-Segwit Inputs
Display on device screen
  • 1 - Support removed for devices with firmware 1.10.6 and greater.
  • 2 - Support removed for devices with firmware 2.4.4 and greater.

* There are some caveats. See the sign_tx for these devices.

Support Policy

For a device to be supported by HWI, it must:

  • Use open source firmware as much as possible
    • Entirely closed source devices will be rejected
    • Devices may have closed source firmware components if required to under a NDA (e.g. a secure element with NDA)
  • Publicly documented communication protocol
    • It is preferred to both document the protocol and provide a Python library for using it
    • The library, with its own documentation, can suffice as "publicly documented"
  • Either (but preferably both):
    • A simulator/emulator is available for automated tests to be run
    • A promise to maintain and support from the vendor:

Device support may be dropped:

  • If promised vendor maintenance and support disappears
    • If there are continuous issues with the device and the vendor has failed to provide support and updates
  • If the device no longer receives security updates and there are known vulnerabilities and issues

Device APIs

.. automodule:: hwilib.devices.ledger
.. automodule:: hwilib.devices.trezor
.. automodule:: hwilib.devices.digitalbitbox
.. automodule:: hwilib.devices.bitbox02
.. automodule:: hwilib.devices.keepkey
.. automodule:: hwilib.devices.coldcard
.. automodule:: hwilib.devices.jade