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Merge 7e2b62f into 90b9b6a
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nkohen committed Jun 17, 2019
2 parents 90b9b6a + 7e2b62f commit d8b1c88
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Showing 11 changed files with 933 additions and 2 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions core-test/src/test/resources/testnet-19.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.gcs

import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.DoubleSha256Digest
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.blockchain.Block
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.ScriptPubKey
import org.bitcoins.testkit.util.BitcoinSUnitTest
import play.api.libs.json.{JsArray, Json}


class BlockFilterTest extends BitcoinSUnitTest {
behavior of "BlockFilter"

case class Bip158TestCase(
blockHeight: Int,
blockHash: DoubleSha256Digest,
block: Block,
prevOutputScripts: Vector[ScriptPubKey],
// TODO prevHeader: BlockFilterHeader,
filter: GolombFilter,
// TODO header: BlockFilterHeader,
notes: String
) {

def runTest(): org.scalatest.Assertion = {
val constructedFilter = BlockFilter(block, prevOutputScripts)

assert(constructedFilter.decodedHashes == filter.decodedHashes,
s"Test Notes: $notes")

object Bip158TestCase {

//["Block Height,Block Hash,Block,[Prev Output Scripts for Block],Previous Basic Header,Basic Filter,Basic Header,Notes"]
def fromJsArray(array: JsArray): Bip158TestCase = {
val parseResult = for {
height <- array(0).validate[Int]
blockHash <- array(1).validate[String].map(DoubleSha256Digest.fromHex)

block <- array(2).validate[String].map(Block.fromHex)

scriptArray <- array(3).validate[JsArray]
scripts = parseScripts(scriptArray)

//prevHeader <- array(4).validate[String].map(BlockFilterHeader.fromHex)

filter <- array(5)
.map(BlockFilter.fromHex(_, blockHash))

//header <- array(6).validate[String].map(BlockFilterHeader.fromHex)

notes <- array(7).validate[String]
} yield Bip158TestCase(height, blockHash, block, scripts, filter, notes)


private def parseScripts(array: JsArray): Vector[ScriptPubKey] = {
val hexScripts = array.validate[Vector[String]].get

it must "pass bip 158 test vectors" in {
val source = Source.fromURL(getClass.getResource("/testnet-19.json"))

val vec: Vector[JsArray] =
val testCases =

257 changes: 257 additions & 0 deletions core-test/src/test/scala/org/bitcoins/core/gcs/GCSTest.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.gcs

import org.bitcoins.core.number.{UInt64, UInt8}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.NumberUtil
import org.bitcoins.testkit.core.gen.NumberGenerator
import org.bitcoins.testkit.util.BitcoinSUnitTest
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import scodec.bits.{BinStringSyntax, ByteVector}

class GCSTest extends BitcoinSUnitTest {
behavior of "GCS"

it must "encode and decode Golomb Coded Set example 1" in {
val p = UInt8(2)
val original =

val encoding = GCS.golombEncode(item = original, p = p)

assert(encoding == bin"000")

val decode = GCS.golombDecode(codedItem = encoding, p = p)

assert(decode == original)

it must "encode and decode Golomb Coded set example 2" in {
val p = UInt8(2)
val original =

val encoding = GCS.golombEncode(item = original, p = p)

assert(encoding == bin"001")

val decode = GCS.golombDecode(codedItem = encoding, p = p)

assert(decode == original)

it must "encode and decode Golomb Coded set example 3" in {
val p = UInt8(2)
val original = UInt64(2)

val encoding = GCS.golombEncode(item = original, p = p)

assert(encoding == bin"010")

val decode = GCS.golombDecode(codedItem = encoding, p = p)

assert(decode == original)

it must "encode and decode Golomb Coded set example 4" in {
val p = UInt8(2)
val original = UInt64(3)

val encoding = GCS.golombEncode(item = original, p = p)

assert(encoding == bin"011")

val decode = GCS.golombDecode(codedItem = encoding, p = p)

assert(decode == original)

it must "encode and decode Golomb Coded set example 5" in {
val p = UInt8(2)
val original = UInt64(4)

val encoding = GCS.golombEncode(item = original, p = p)

assert(encoding == bin"1000")

val decode = GCS.golombDecode(codedItem = encoding, p = p)

assert(decode == original)

it must "encode and decode Golomb Coded set example 6" in {
val p = UInt8(2)
val original = UInt64(5)

val encoding = GCS.golombEncode(item = original, p = p)

assert(encoding == bin"1001")

val decode = GCS.golombDecode(codedItem = encoding, p = p)

assert(decode == original)

it must "encode and decode Golomb Coded set example 7" in {
val p = UInt8(2)
val original = UInt64(6)

val encoding = GCS.golombEncode(item = original, p = p)

assert(encoding == bin"1010")

val decode = GCS.golombDecode(codedItem = encoding, p = p)

assert(decode == original)

it must "encode and decode Golomb Coded set example 8" in {
val p = UInt8(2)
val original = UInt64(7)

val encoding = GCS.golombEncode(item = original, p = p)

assert(encoding == bin"1011")

val decode = GCS.golombDecode(codedItem = encoding, p = p)

assert(decode == original)

it must "encode and decode Golomb Coded set example 9" in {
val p = UInt8(2)
val original = UInt64(8)

val encoding = GCS.golombEncode(item = original, p = p)

assert(encoding == bin"11000")

val decode = GCS.golombDecode(codedItem = encoding, p = p)

assert(decode == original)

it must "encode and decode Golomb Coded set example 10" in {
val p = UInt8(2)
val original = UInt64(9)

val encoding = GCS.golombEncode(item = original, p = p)

assert(encoding == bin"11001")

val decode = GCS.golombDecode(codedItem = encoding, p = p)

assert(decode == original)

it must "encode and decode an arbitrary item for an arbitrary p" in {

def delta: Gen[UInt64] = {
//what is a reasonable delta? This is means the delta
//can be 1 - 16384
//if we do a full uint64 it takes forever to encode it
.choose(1, NumberUtil.pow2(14).toInt)

forAll(delta, NumberGenerator.genP) {
case (item, p) =>
val encoded = GCS.golombEncode(item = item, p = p)
val decode = GCS.golombDecode(codedItem = encoded, p = p)

assert(decode == item)

it must "encode and decode a set of elements already tested" in {
val p = UInt8(2)

// Diffs are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
val sortedItems =
Vector(UInt64(0), UInt64(1), UInt64(3), UInt64(6), UInt64(10), UInt64(15))

val codedSet = GCS.encodeSortedSet(sortedItems, p)

val coded0 = bin"000"
val coded1 = bin"001"
val coded2 = bin"010"
val coded3 = bin"011"
val coded4 = bin"1000"
val coded5 = bin"1001"
val expectedCodedSet = coded0 ++ coded1 ++ coded2 ++ coded3 ++ coded4 ++ coded5

assert(codedSet == expectedCodedSet)

val decodedSet = GCS.golombDecodeSet(codedSet, p)

assert(decodedSet == sortedItems)

it must "encode and decode arbitrary sets of elements for arbitrary p" in {

def items: Gen[(Vector[UInt64], UInt8)] = {
NumberGenerator.genP.flatMap { p =>
Gen.choose(1, 1000).flatMap { size =>
// If hash's quotient when divided by 2^p is too large, we hang converting to unary
val upperBound: Long = 1L << (p.toInt * 1.75).toInt

val hashGen = Gen
.chooseNum(0L, upperBound)

Gen.listOfN(size, hashGen).map(_.toVector).map { vec =>
(vec, p)

forAll(items) {
case (items, p) =>
val sorted = items.sortWith(_ < _)

val codedSet = GCS.encodeSortedSet(sorted, p)
val decodedSet = GCS.golombDecodeSet(codedSet, p)

assert(decodedSet == sorted)

it must "encode and decode arbitrary ByteVectors for arbitrary p" in {

def genP: Gen[UInt8] = {
// We have 8 as a lower bound since N in hashToRange is in the order of 1000
Gen.choose(8, 32).map(UInt8(_))

def genPM: Gen[(UInt8, UInt64)] = genP.flatMap { p =>
// If hash's quotient when divided by 2^p is too large, we hang converting to unary
val upperBound: Long = p.toInt * 1000

val mGen = Gen
.chooseNum(0L, upperBound)
.map(UInt64(_)) => (p, m))

def genItems: Gen[Vector[ByteVector]] = {
Gen.choose(1, 1000).flatMap { size =>
Gen.listOfN(size, NumberGenerator.bytevector).map(_.toVector)

def genKey: Gen[ByteVector] =
Gen.listOfN(16, NumberGenerator.byte).map(ByteVector(_))

forAll(genPM, genItems, genKey) {
case ((p, m), items, k) =>
val hashes = GCS.hashedSetConstruct(items, k, m)
val sortedHashes = hashes.sortWith(_ < _)

val codedSet = GCS.buildGCS(items, k, p, m)
val decodedSet = GCS.golombDecodeSet(codedSet, p)

assert(decodedSet == sortedHashes)


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