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26.1 Release Notes

Bitcoin Knots version 26.1.knots20240513 is now available from:

This release includes new features, various bug fixes and performance improvements, as well as updated translations.

Please report bugs using the issue tracker at GitHub:

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How to Upgrade

If you are running an older version, shut it down. Wait until it has completely shut down (which might take a few minutes in some cases), then run the installer (on Windows) or just copy over /Applications/Bitcoin-Qt (on macOS) or bitcoind/bitcoin-qt (on Linux).

Upgrading directly from very old versions of Bitcoin Core or Knots is possible, but it might take some time if the data directory needs to be migrated. Old wallet versions of Bitcoin Knots are generally supported.


Bitcoin Knots is supported on operating systems using the Linux kernel, macOS 11.0+, and Windows 7 and newer. It is not recommended to use Bitcoin Knots on unsupported systems.

Known Bugs

In various locations, including the GUI's transaction details dialog and the "vsize" result in many RPC results, transaction virtual sizes may not account for an unusually high number of sigops (ie, as determined by the -bytespersigop policy). This could result in reporting a lower virtual size than is actually used for mempool or mining purposes.

Due to disruption of the shared Bitcoin Transifex repository, this release still does not include updated translations, and Bitcoin Knots may be unable to do so until/unless that is resolved.

Notable changes

Node policy changes

  • A new non-standard token/asset protocol launched a few weeks ago ("Runes"). Due to its lack of competent review, design flaws (as well as the relative worthlessness of the tokens at least when first minted) resulted in it being particularly spammy in practice. Some users have chosen to block all datacarrier transactions in an effort to mitigate this.

    To better address users' concerns, this release adds a new -rejecttokens policy filter (also available in the GUI) that will only block Runes transactions, thereby enabling users who choose to tolerate datacarrier otherwise to re-enable that policy. Note that it is not enabled by default at this time.

  • Similarly, a new policy filter has been added to block parasitic transactions. Many parasite transactions cannot be detected, but this new filter aims to do what it can when possible, currently just so-called "CAT-21" transactions built using the Ordinal attack. It is enabled by default, and can be disabled using -rejectparasites=0 (or in the GUI) if you wish to tolerate these. (knots#78)

  • The dust limit has historically required outputs to be at least three times the value they provide when later spent. The experimental dynamic adjustment function, however, was adjusting it based on exactly (1x) the value the output provides. To address this, you can now specify a multiplier by prefixing your policy by a number (with up to three decimal places) followed by an asterisk. So -dustdynamic=3.142*target:N will require outputs to be 3.142 times the value they provide; or -dustdynamic=1*target:N will behave the same as previous versions for target:N. The default multiplier, if none is specified, is now three times as historically has been used. If you use this feature, please leave a comment about your experience on GitHub: #74

Updated RPCs

  • submitpackage now returns results with per-transaction errors rather than throwing an exception potentially obscuring other transactions being accepted. (#28848)

  • getprioritisedtransactions now also includes "modified_fee" in results, with the sum of the real transaction fee and the fee delta. (#28885)

  • getrawaddrman has been extended to include in the results for each entry "mapped_as" and "source_mapped_as". (#30062)


Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:

  • Antoine Poinsot
  • Ava Chow
  • brunoerg
  • Charlie
  • Fabian Jahr
  • fanquake
  • furszy
  • Greg Sanders
  • Hennadii Stepanov
  • Jon Atack
  • kevkevin
  • Léo Haf
  • Luke Dashjr
  • MarcoFalke
  • Martin Zumsande
  • Matthew Zipkin
  • pablomartin4btc
  • Sebastian Falbesoner
  • Sergi Delgado Segura
  • Vasil Dimov
  • willcl-ark
  • Wladimir J. van der Laan