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Releases: bitextor/bitextor-data

Bitextor test data - WARCs v1.1

14 Oct 10:37
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Collection of WARC files which are compliant to the WARC-1.0 standard and can be used to run regression tests with Bitextor. This release includes three websites that were crawled between January 25 and 28 of 2019. The websites are:

25/11/2022: Added documents.tar.gz file containing the necessary documents for testing dir2warc.

Bitextor test data - WARCs v1.0

28 Jan 10:40
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Collection of XZ compressed files that can be used to run regression tests with Bitextor ( Tests can be run on three websites crawled between January 25 and 28 of 2019. The three websites are:

kremlin-many-small.tar.xz package is a test using kremlin.warc.xz content, but each warc only contains one pair of documents (from Bitextor run of kremlin.warc.xz).

Bitextor dictionaries v1.0

24 Jan 12:22
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Bitextor document aligner dictionaries:

en-ar.dic: generated using OpenSubtitles2018
ca-es.dic: generated using (mostly).
en-ru-morpheme.QED.dic and en-ru.QED.dic: generated using QED corpora.
hu-en.hunalign.dic: from Hunalign original code
kk-ru.dic: all OPUS available data on 2017

The rest of dictionaries were trained using JRC-AQUI, on 2017.