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Trading record information

BitForex-API edited this page Jul 31, 2018 · 4 revisions

Interface address:

Request method:GET


parameter name Types Is required Defaults Description
symbol String Yes - Trading pairs such as coin-usd-btc, coin-usd-eth, etc.
size int No (default is 1) - The number of transactions is 1-600


# request
# Response
	"success": true,
	"data": [{
		"amount": 1,
		"direction": 1,
		"price": 990,
		"tid": "8076",
		"time": 1516628489676

Return value description

Parameter Name Type Description
amount double The number of transactions
direction int Direction of deal, 1 buyer meal list 2 seller meal list
price double deal price
tid String Transaction record id
time long Deal time