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96 lines (73 loc) · 5.57 KB

File metadata and controls

96 lines (73 loc) · 5.57 KB


Project Setup Guide

If you want to play around with the code, implement a new feature or just run the example apps, follow along with this section. If you just want to use the player in your own flutter app, you can skip this and follow the instructions in the Getting Started Guide section.

  • Install flutter on your machine
  • Install Node.js and npm on your machine
  • Run npm ci in the root of the cloned repository
    • This will setup husky powered pre-commit git hooks
  • Run brew bundle install in the root of the cloned repository to install needed dependencies:
    • ktlint for linting Kotlin code
    • swiftlint for linting Swift code
  • Follow instructions under Example App and Integration Tests in order to have a fully working project setup, where the linter commands from the pre-commit hook succeeds

For iOS Development

To build the example project with your own developer account, create the config file example/ios/Flutter/Developer.xcconfig. In this file, add your development team like this:


Example App

To be able to use the example app, follow these steps:

  1. Create a file named .env in the project root
  2. Put your private Bitmovin Player license key inside the newly created .env file as BITMOVIN_PLAYER_LICENSE_KEY=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY, replacing YOUR_LICENSE_KEY with your license key which can be obtained from Bitmovin's Dashboard
  3. If you also want to enable Bitmovin Analytics, additionally add your private Bitmovin Analytics license key to the .env file as BITMOVIN_ANALYTICS_LICENSE_KEY=YOUR_ANALYTICS_LICENSE_KEY, replacing YOUR_ANALYTICS_LICENSE_KEY with your Analytics license key which can be obtained from Bitmovin's Dashboard
  4. In the Dashboard, add com.bitmovin.player.flutter.example as an allowed package name for your Player license and optionally for your Analytics license
  5. Run flutter pub get in the project root, if not done already
  6. Run dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs in the project root which should generate the missing example/lib/env/env.g.dart file
  7. Start the example app by running the command flutter run inside the example/ directory
    1. If you see an error that signing for "Runner" requires a development team, follow the instructions in the section for getting started with iOS development

Pull Requests

Before creating a pull request, please

  • Make sure all guidelines are followed
  • Make sure your branch is free of merge conflicts

Code Style and Linting

  • Code needs to be free of linter errors. Linting is done via a pre-commit git hook for Dart, Kotlin and Swift code. Linter commands that are used by the pre-commit hook:
    • Dart: flutter analyze
    • Kotlin: ktlint
    • Swift: swiftlint --strict
  • Public API that is exported via lib/bitmovin_player.dart has to be documented with a description that explains what it does
  • Every code block that does not obviously explain itself should be commented with an explanation of why and what it does

Commit message convention

While this is not enforced, feel free to follow the conventional commits specification for commit messages:

  • fix: bug fixes, e.g. fix crash due to deprecated method.
  • feat: new features, e.g. add new method to the module.
  • refactor: code refactor, e.g. migrate from class components to hooks.
  • docs: changes into documentation, e.g. add usage example for the module..
  • test: adding or updating tests, e.g. add integration tests using detox.
  • chore: tooling changes, e.g. change CI config.


This project uses json_serializable to deal with JSON. After creating a new symbol that needs JSON serialization or modifying an existing one, run the following command to generate the new or updated JSON part files:

dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

If generating the JSON part files fails consistently, try to clean the project beforehand:

flutter clean && flutter pub get

Integration Tests

Integration tests are located under example/integration_test/. New integration tests should be added there for new features that get implemented.

The tests can be executed either through VSCode or by running flutter test integration_test in the example/ directory.

Integration tests for the player SDK are written using a separate player testing framework which is located under player_testing/.

Before integration tests can be executed for the first time, a few set-up steps are needed:

  1. Create a file named .env inside player_testing
  2. Put your private Bitmovin Player license key inside the newly created .env file as BITMOVIN_PLAYER_LICENSE_KEY=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY, replacing YOUR_LICENSE_KEY with your license key which can be obtained from Bitmovin's Dashboard
    1. If you already created an .env file in the project root, you can just copy it over to player_testing
  3. Run dart pub get inside player_testing, if not done already
  4. Run dart run build_runner build inside player_testing which should generate the missing player_testing/lib/env/env.g.dart file
  5. Execute the integration tests by running flutter test integration_test in the example/ directory