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BitPay API Calls


To use the public capabilities do not include a token or identity with the client.


Creates or claims an access token. If you supply an id and facade you will receive a pairingCode that you can either give to an account owner, or approve the token yourself by authenticating at the My Account -> API Tokens. If you already have a pairingCode, you can pass both an id and pairingCode to link your Client ID to the token.


Name Type Required
id Client ID true
pairingCode string
facade string (merchant, pos)
label string

Note: The label is alphanumeric with spaces, underscores and dashes. A Client ID is based on the bitcoin identity protocol.

Example Params:

  "id": "Tf4iyFq4hgEf3iVHkeihR9DKPVpqEWF5crd",
  "facade": "merchant"

Example Response:

    token: '4bdD1muDaxBydeYHSdNagEy1w44FJftrfftmJ5pLfcXU',
    facade: 'merchant',
    dateCreated: 1411506027126,
    pairingExpiration: 1411592427126,
    pairingCode: 'ww0MuhY',
    policies: [
        policy: 'id',
        method: 'inactive',
        params: [ 'Tf4iyFq4hgEf3iVHkeihR9DKPVpqEWF5crd' ]


Retrieves the specified invoice.


Name Type Required
invoiceId BitPay Invoice ID (string) true

Example Params:

  "invoiceId": "MKBena5VPtX1SVwtirJYRa"

Example Response:

  url: '',
  status: 'new',
  btcPrice: '0.2260',
  btcDue: '0.2260',
  price: 100,
  currency: 'USD',
  exRates: {
    USD: 442.55566469557
  invoiceTime: 1411506491781,
  expirationTime: 1411507391781,
  currentTime: 1411506524704,
  id: 'MKBena5VPtX1SVwtirJYRa',
  btcPaid: '0.0000',
  rate: 442.56,
  exceptionStatus: false,
  paymentUrls: {
    BIP21: 'bitcoin:n4qa4vHkFG9EK7kB1izSVk1kqK89oVC97o?amount=0.2260',
    BIP72: 'bitcoin:n4qa4vHkFG9EK7kB1izSVk1kqK89oVC97o?amount=0.2260&r=',
    BIP72b: 'bitcoin:?r=',
    BIP73: ''
  token: 'A8gT6iTyQFWa6tYTAccJfAEJMaJaNEscrrxNzx16yJaHTwNq2kVqSTYvWyngmUp61X'

Note: The paymentUrls are temporary and will change and not be available after 15 minutes when the invoice expires, or the invoice has been paid.


Will retrieve a token to listen using EventSource to payment events for invoices. The token returned will represent a combination of capabilities (listening to an event) and resource (the invoice).


Name Type Required
invoiceId BitPay Invoice ID (string) true

Example Params:

  "invoiceId": "MKBena5VPtX1SVwtirJYRa"

Example Response:

  url: '',
  token: '5qkeDrNot4VAUABq6BgdBe6nnq3PPmYiwVhC97eeEupUFao5Vze6NnNxqDXbktB8qy',
  events: [ 'payment' ],
  actions: [ 'subscribe', 'unsubscribe' ]

You can then use these values to subscribe to a payment event.


var bus = new EventSource( "https://.../events?token=5qkeD..&action=subscribe&events[]=payment" );

bus.onerror = function(e){
  // do something on error

bus.addEventListener('connect', function(e){
  // do something on the connect event

bus.addEventListener('statechange', function(e){

  var invoice = JSON.parse(;
  // do something with the invoice



Retrieves the exchange rate for the given currency.

Example Params:

  "currency": "USD"

Example Response:

  code: 'USD',
  name: 'US Dollar',
  rate: 437.02


Retrieves the list of exchange rates.

Example Response:

    code: 'USD',
    name: 'US Dollar',
    rate: 437.29 },
    code: 'EUR',
    name: 'Eurozone Euro',
    rate: 340.0488 },
    name: 'Zambian Kwacha',
    rate: 2705.8471 },
    code: 'ZWL',
    name: 'Zimbabwean Dollar',
    rate: 140952.9499


Retrieves the list of supported currencies.

Example Response:

    code: 'BTC',
    symbol: '฿',
    precision: 4,
    exchangePctFee: 200,
    payoutEnabled: true,
    name: 'Bitcoin',
    plural: 'Bitcoin',
    alts: 'btc',
    payoutFields: [ 'bitcoinAddress' ]
  { code: 'ZWL',
    symbol: 'Z$',
    precision: 2,
    exchangePctFee: 200,
    payoutEnabled: false,
    name: 'Zimbabwean Dollar',
    plural: 'Zimbabwean Dollar',
    alts: '',
    payoutFields: []


Creates an application for a new merchant account.


Name Type Required
users array true
orgs array true

Example Params:

  "users": [{
    "email": "",
    "firstName": "Satoshi",
    "lastName": "Nakamoto",
    "phone": "4041235678",
    "agreedToTOSandPP": "true" // Do you agree to the Terms of Service
  "orgs": [{
    "name": "Satoshi Widgets",
    "address1": "123 Peachtree St",
    "address2": "Suite 200",
    "city": "Atlanta",
    "state": "GA",
    "zip": "30303",
    "country": "USA",
    "isNonProfit": false, // optional
    "usTaxId": "taxidhere", // optional
    "cartPos": "WooCommerce" //optional
    "affiliateOid": "affiliateoidhere" // optional
    "industry": "Accounting",

Example Response:

  verificationCode: '0.1406255280598998',
  requiredTier: 0,
  accountName: 'Satoshi Widgets',
  contactEmail: '',
  contactFirstName: 'Satoshi',
  contactLastName: 'Nakamoto',
  contactPhone: '4041235678',
  profileAddress1: '123 Peachtree St',
  profileAddress2: 'Suite 200',
  profileCity: 'Atlanta',
  profileState: 'GA',
  profilePostalCode: '30303',
  profileCountry: 'USA',
  profileIndustry: 'Accounting',
  profileAgreedToTOSandPP: true,
  updated: '2014-09-23T20:31:09.759Z',
  requiresReview: false,
  activated: false,
  verified: false


To use the point-of-sale capabilities on a merchant resource, you'll need to generate a token. These tokens can have individual client restrictions, based on an identity. Additionaly, if you're developing a mobile application, you can generate a token without an individual client restriction that can be used by many clients and can be included with your application. More information below at Merchant.createPublicPOSToken.


Will create an invoice


Name Type Required
price number true
currency currency code true

Example Params:

  "price": 100.00,
  "currency": "USD"

Example Response:

  url: '',
  status: 'new',
  btcPrice: '0.2260',
  btcDue: '0.2260',
  price: 100,
  currency: 'USD',
  exRates: { USD: 442.55566469557 },
  invoiceTime: 1411506491781,
  expirationTime: 1411507391781,
  currentTime: 1411506491798,
  id: 'MKBena5VPtX1SVwtirJYRa',
  btcPaid: '0.0000',
  rate: 442.56,
  exceptionStatus: false,
  transactions: [],
  paymentUrls: {
    BIP21: 'bitcoin:n4qa4vHkFG9EK7kB1izSVk1kqK89oVC97o?amount=0.2260',
    BIP72: 'bitcoin:n4qa4vHkFG9EK7kB1izSVk1kqK89oVC97o?amount=0.2260&r=',
    BIP72b: 'bitcoin:?r=',
    BIP73: ''
  token: '8Esi7g1utRuS8USZqrATQechZX9jkmHinQM4rpD76izieEJ8n3AsBczz5EJ24jiiRp'

Note: The paymentUrls are temporary and will change and not be available after 15 minutes when the invoice expires, or the invoice has been paid.


This will return the merchant information and settings for creating invoices.

Example Response:

  account: '5421f0b9edfb002433004520',
  additionalCurrencies: [ 'USD','EUR','GBP','JPY' ],
  defaultCurrency: 'USD',
  notificationEmail: '',
  notificationURL: '',
  merchantName: 'Satoshis Widgets'


To use the merchant capabilities on a merchant resource, you'll need to generate a token. With public capabilities you can create a token and specify merchant as the facade, and then use the return pairingCode to add the token to your account at My Account -> API Tokens, or give this pairingCode to an merchant organization administrator to add and approve.


Retrieves invoices for the calling merchant based on the query.


Name Type Required
dateStart date true
dateEnd date
limit number
skip number
itemCode string
orderId string

Example Params:

  "dateStart": "2014-8-1",
  "dateEnd": "2014-8-31"

Example Response:

    url: '',
    status: 'new',
    btcPrice: '0.2272',
    btcDue: '0.2272',
    price: 100,
    currency: 'USD',
    exRates: { USD: 440.12257441601656 },
    invoiceTime: 1411511759973,
    expirationTime: 1411512659973,
    currentTime: 1411511766879,
    id: '54cbXB29FoNY48hbctAvKy',
    btcPaid: '0.0000',
    rate: 440.12,
    exceptionStatus: false,
    transactions: [],
    paymentUrls: {
      BIP21: 'bitcoin:mndc6N5QPCMUgW378D9Nj5wZEwVQ82HGcd?amount=0.2272',
      BIP72: 'bitcoin:mndc6N5QPCMUgW378D9Nj5wZEwVQ82HGcd?amount=0.2272&r=',
      BIP72b: 'bitcoin:?r=',
      BIP73: ''
    token: '8Esi7g1utRuS8USZqrATQedEA3nhPhuniWJXBUwMbq546fWrUAkCtTEah2pPB6jeW2'

Note: The paymentUrls are temporary and will change and not be available after 15 minutes when the invoice expires, or the invoice has been paid.

When there is activity on the invoice the status will change, here is the meaning of each status.

Status Description
new The invoice has not yet been fully paid
paid Received payment however has not yet been fully confirmed
complete Payment confirmed by BitPay and invoice has been credited to the ledger
confirmed Payment confirmed based on the transaction speed settings for the invoice
expired Can no longer receive payments
invalid The invoice has received payment, however was invalid

When a payment is received, transactions will become available. An invoice can receive a partial payment and an over payment, and in these situations an exceptionStatus will be available with paidPartial and paidOver. It's also possible to accept an over or under payment via the API, and we will go into that below.

    exceptionStatus: 'paidPartial',
         amount: 110000,
         confirmations: 0,
         time: '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
         receivedTime: '2014-09-23T22:51:20.106Z'


Retrieves a single invoice with additional transaction information.


Name Type Required
invoiceId BitPay Invoice ID (string) true

Example Params:

  "invoiceId": "MKBena5VPtX1SVwtirJYRa"

Example Response:

  url: '',
  status: 'confirmed',
  btcPrice: '0.0023',
  btcDue: '-0.0007',
  price: 1,
  currency: 'USD',
  exRates: { USD: 435.72 },
  invoiceTime: 1411513113810,
  expirationTime: 1411514013810,
  currentTime: 1411515011556,
  id: 'YEh2jnoZUAbYMW2XtE44VD',
  btcPaid: '0.0030',
  rate: 435.72,
  exceptionStatus: 'paidOver',
  transactions: [
      amount: 300000,
      confirmations: 1,
      time: '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
      receivedTime: '2014-09-23T22:59:22.443Z'
  token: '8Esi7g1utRuS8USZqrATQeWGCLPqyLpcexbehA7DwDckiiZjj36LdJtSdmXvPZJTUW'

Note: The token returned from this response includes merchant capabilities on the invoice resource, including being able to make a refund, this is described in further detail below.


Will return the current balance for each ledger by currency.

Example Response:

    currency: 'BTC',
    balance: 0.0076
    currency: 'USD',
    balance: 0


Will return entries for a given ledger.


Name Type Required
currency currency code (string) true
startDate date true
endDate date true

Example Params:

  "currency": "BTC",
  "startDate": "2014-9-1",
  "endDate": "2014-9-30"

Example Response:

    code: 1000,
    amount: 230000,
    timestamp: '2014-09-24T00:30:18.737Z',
    scale: 100000000,
    txType: 'sale',
    exRates: { USD: 440.52000000000004 },
    buyerFields: {},
    invoiceId: 'Xdmsdo67EUT9M9XVtEL2A3',
    sourceType: 'invoice',
    customerData: { customData: [] },
    invoiceAmount: 1,
    invoiceCurrency: 'USD'
    description: 'overpayment credit',
    code: 1003,
    timestamp: '2014-09-24T00:53:25.594Z',
    amount: 70000,
    notes: 'BTC credit for overpayment of invoice YEh2jnoZUAbYMW2XtE44VD',
    scale: 100000000,
    txType: 'ACH/other',
    exRates: { USD: 435.72 },
    buyerFields: {},
    invoiceId: 'YEh2jnoZUAbYMW2XtE44VD',
    sourceType: 'invoice',
    customerData: { customData: [] },
    invoiceAmount: 1,
    invoiceCurrency: 'USD'


Will approve a token for the callers merchant resource. A pairingCode can be retrieved using public capabilities, as described above, and can then be added and approved to the callers merchant resource with this call. A facade and pairingCode are both required, the facade method should match the requesters facade as verification of capabilities.


Name Type Required
pairingCode string true
facade facade (pos, merchant) true
  "pairingCode": "X8tj3c2",
  "facade": "merchant"

Example Response:

    resource: '51rjLjdhZotGsH76hZpdg5j8KAvsWLWXEaww8ynUa7zh',
    token: 'U4Zeh3tKhUwLguxK8r6TAg',
    facade: 'merchant',
    dateCreated: 1411520974852,
    policies: [{
      policy: 'id',
      method: 'require',
      params: ['TfDzkkFs7vTe8yHyb28NDZ56Jt2VBAF3ysd']


This will create a token with point-of-sale capabilities (the ability to create invoices). It will not be restricted to a specific Client ID, and can be distributed with mobile applications. The token will appear at My Account -> API Tokens and can be further managed.

Example Response:

    policies: [],
    resource: '51rjLjdhZotGsH76hZpdg5j8KAvsWLWXEaww8ynUa7zh',
    token: '5VZPyPQRczUc8HP3EF9Q5jSwNJtVu4nDvEg5u8iqj8eN',
    facade: 'pos',
    dateCreated: 1411519737345



To use the merchant capabilities on an invoice resource, you'll need to get a token for the getInvoice call, as documented above in the Merchant section. When using this token, the following capabilities will be available for acting upon an invoice.


Will refund the invoice to any bitcoin address. The invoice will need to have six confirmations in the blockchain before a refund can be requested. It's not possible to do a refund while an invoice is partially or overpaid state, see below for more information.


Name Type Required
bitcoinAddress bitcoin address (string) true
amount number true
currency currency code (string) true

Example Params:

  "bitcoinAddress": "mtX8nPZZdJ8d3QNLRJ1oJTiEi26Sj6LQXS",
  "amount": 100.00,
  "currency": "USD"

Example Response:

  id: 'H9EE8zkSTL5XRCY8pFSf76',
  requestDate: '2014-09-24T00:55:08.347Z',
  status: 'pending',
  token: '6akAeXT66eLfJpCgmAsaT3QLqcXZd1cRseBUSych5KZs7iXAxjLyRvCU8TjMB3DBfw'


Will accept a partial payment to complete the payment. Must be done after six confirmations and the invoice has been written to the ledger.


Name Type Required
commit boolean true

If commit is true it will apply the changes, if false it will only show the effects of the action.

  "commit": true

Example Response:

  url: '',
  status: 'confirmed',
  btcPrice: '0.0010',
  btcDue: '0.0000',
  price: 0.44,
  currency: 'USD',
  exRates: { USD: 426.09000000000003 },
  invoiceTime: 1411586102477,
  expirationTime: 1411587002477,
  currentTime: 1411587051574,
  id: '8qKF5wGktvwnkGVLmxPgbs',
  btcPaid: '0.0010',
  rate: 426.09,
  exceptionStatus: false,
  transactions: [
      amount: 100000,
      confirmations: 2,
      time: '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
      receivedTime: '2014-09-24T19:17:33.644Z'

Note: The status has changed to confirmed, the btcPrice has been adjusted and the exceptionStatus has been cleared.


Will accept an over payment to complete the payment. Must be done after six confirmations, and the invoice has been written to the ledger.


Name Type Required
commit boolean true

If commit is true it will apply the changes, if false it will only show the effects of the action.

Example Params:

  "commit": true

Example Response:

  url: '',
  status: 'complete',
  btcPrice: '0.0023',
  btcDue: '0.0000',
  price: 1,
  currency: 'USD',
  exRates: { USD: 428.33 },
  invoiceTime: 1411588107332,
  expirationTime: 1411589007332,
  currentTime: 1411591834055,
  id: '8KNSxj3m1rcbAWnghSpMKD',
  btcPaid: '0.0023',
  rate: 428.33,
  exceptionStatus: false,
  transactions: [
      amount: 500000,
      confirmations: 6,
      time: '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
      receivedTime: '2014-09-24T19:49:18.662Z' },
      amount: -270000,
      confirmations: 6,
      time: '2014-09-24T20:50:34.046Z',
      receivedTime: '2014-09-24T20:50:34.046Z'

Note: The status has changed to confirmed, the btcPaid has been adjusted, and the additional payment is credited to your ledger.


Will list the refunds on the invoice.

Example Response:

    id: '3Ls5s9RfzkN9VtPiTkx8mQ',
    requestDate: '2014-09-24T21:05:17.251Z',
    status: 'pending',
    token: '6akAeXT66eLfJpCgmAsaT3AQ3TpX72kJrMPvHqSDG8BCaGNGGiRuechfsAdtGhgMnk'


Will send an IPN notification for the invoice.

Example Response:
