In an effort to reduce the gas cost of the TornadoCash MerkleTreeWithHistory contract, I set out to include the MiMCSponge hasher contract directly into the MerkleTreeWithHistory contract (this was a recommendation that ABDK consulting made in their audit of the TornadoCash contracts). After extensive testing, this is the final version.
- Simply clone the repo and then run
ornpm install .
in the root directory. - Run
npx hardhat test
from the root directory.
The results of the unit tests are below. I removed some old contracts, but the previous results can be found in older commits. Noteably, the recommendation that Hari made to me was to change from the switch/case expression to CODECOPY
instead, which reduced the gas cost a further 5k gas. In total, this is about 15k gas savings compared to the original contract!
✓ MerkleTreeWithHistoryV1.yul::initialize should work (91ms)
final gas used: 904133
✓ MerkleTreeWithHistoryV1.yul::insert should work (1001ms)
final gas used: 899793
✓ MerkleTreeWithHistoryV3.yul::insert should work (846ms)
✓ Both implementations should share the same last root
✓ MiMCHasherCircomlib should match js implementation
✓ MerkleTreeWithHistory.yul::MiMCSponge should match js implementation
✓ MerkleTreeWithHistoryV2.yul::MiMCSponge should match js implementation
Circomlibjs::MiMCSponge gas estimate: 38804
MerkleTreeWithHistory.yul::MiMCSponge gas estimate: 39142 relative to circomlib: 1.0087104422224513
MerkleTreeWithHistoryV2.yul::MiMCSponge gas estimate: 39040 relative to circomlib: 1.0060818472322441