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Bitxor-based networks rely on nodes to provide a trustless, high-performance, and secure blockchain platform.

These nodes are deployed using bitxorcore software, a C++ Blockchain Core

Learn more about the protocol by reading the whitepaper and the developer documentation.

Package Organization

BitxorCore code is organized as follows:

Folder name Description
/extensions Modules that add features to the bare bitxorcore. These capabilities are all optional because none of them impact consensus.
/external External dependencies that are built with the client.
/plugins Modules that introduce new and different ways to alter the chain's state via transactions.
/resources Default properties. These can be configured per network and node.
/scripts Utility scripts for developers.
/sdk Reusable code used by tests and tools.
/seed Genesis blocks used in tests.
/src BitxorCore engine.
/tests Collection of tests.
/tools Tools to deploy and monitor networks and nodes.


Versioning starting with release.

Building the Image

To compile bitxorcore source code, follow the developer notes.

Running bitxorcore-client

bitxorcore executable can be used either to run different types of nodes or to launch new networks. This section contains the instructions on how to run the bitxorcore for various purposes.

Test Network Node

Developers can deploy testnet nodes to experiment with the offered transaction set in a live network without the loss of valuable assets.

To run a test net node, follow this guide.

Main Network Node

At the time of writing, the main public network has not been launched. Follow the latest updates about the public launch on the Forum.


Before contributing please read this.

Getting Help


Copyright (c) 2022 Kriptxor Corp, Microsula S.A., Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3