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Implemented a version of the text game in chapter 5.
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Implemented a version of the Wizard's Adventure text game from chapter
5. This implementation doesn't use quasiquoting to store the data.
Instead maps and strings are used.
  • Loading branch information
bivory committed Feb 26, 2012
1 parent dcc816b commit d86e58a
Showing 1 changed file with 140 additions and 0 deletions.
140 changes: 140 additions & 0 deletions src/land_of_lisp/ch5_the_wizards_adventure.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
(ns land-of-lisp.ch5_the_wizards_adventure
"In this game, you are a wizard’s apprentice. You’ll explore the wizard’s house.")

;; Locations
(defn describe-location
"Describes the location you are in."
[location nodes] (get nodes location))

;; Paths
(defn- describe-path
"Describes a path from the location you are in."
(str "There is a " (nth path 2) " going " (second path) " from here."))

(defn describe-paths
"Describes all the paths from the location you are in."
[location edges]
(let [paths (get edges location)]
(map describe-path paths)))

(defn- find-location-from-direction
"Finds the location when walking in the given direction."
[location direction edges]
(let [paths (get edges location)]
(ffirst (filter #(= (second %) direction) paths))))

;; Objects
(defn objects-at
"Describes what objects are present and visible at your location."
[location objs obj-locs]
(filter #(= (obj-locs %) location) objs))

(defn- describe-object
"Describes an object."
(str "You see a " object " on the floor."))

(defn describe-objects-at
"Describes all the objects present at location you are in."
[location obj obj-locs]
(let [objs (objects-at location obj obj-locs)]
(map describe-object objs)))

;; Adventuring
(def ^:private location-nodes
"A description of each of the locations you can visit."
{:living-room "You are in the living-room. A wizard is snoring loudly on the couch."
:garden "You are in a beautiful garden. There is a well in front of you."
:attic "You are in the attic. There is a giant welding torch in the corner."})

(def ^:private location-edges
"The connectivity graph of the locations you can visit."
{:living-room [[:garden :west :door]
[:attic :upstairs :ladder]]
:garden [[:living-room :east :door]]
:attic [[:living-room :downstairs :ladder]]})

(def ^:private objects
"The objects that can be found in locations."
[:wiskey :bucket :frog :chain])

(def ^:private object-locations
"The locations where each object can be found."
{:wiskey :living-room
:bucket :living-room
:frog :garden
:chain :garden})

(def ^:private your-adventure
"This is your adventure."
(ref nil))

(defn start-adventuring
"Start or restart your adventure!"
;; Use the default adventure:
([] (start-adventuring location-nodes location-edges objects object-locations))

;; Define your own adventure:
([nodes edges objs obj-locs]
(dosync (ref-set your-adventure {:location (ffirst edges)
:nodes nodes
:edges edges
:objects objs
:object-locations obj-locs}))))

(defn look
"Look around your location."
(when (nil? @your-adventure) (start-adventuring))
(apply look (map @your-adventure [:location :nodes :edges :objects :object-locations])))

([location nodes edges objs obj-locs]
(->> [(describe-location location nodes)
(describe-paths location edges)
(describe-objects-at location objs obj-locs)]
(interpose " ")
(apply str))))

(defn walk
"Walk to a location."
(let [adventure (map @your-adventure [:location :nodes :edges :objects :object-locations])
[new-loc, descr] (apply walk direction adventure)]
(when new-loc (dosync (alter your-adventure assoc :location new-loc)))

([direction location nodes edges objs obj-locs]
(if-let [new-location (find-location-from-direction location direction edges)]
[new-location (look new-location nodes edges objs obj-locs)]
[nil "You can not walk in that direction."])))

(defn pickup
"Pick up an object."
(let [adventure (map @your-adventure [:location :object-locations])
[new-obj-loc, descr] (apply pickup object adventure)]
(alter your-adventure assoc :object-locations new-obj-loc)

([object location obj-locs]
(if (= (obj-locs object) location)
(let [new-obj-locs (assoc obj-locs object :body)]
[new-obj-locs (str "You are now carrying " object)])
[obj-locs (str "You can not get that here.")])))

(defn inventory
"What are you carrying on your adventure?"
(let [adventure (map @your-adventure [:objects :object-locations])]
(apply inventory adventure)))

([objs obj-locs]
(objects-at :body objs obj-locs)))

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