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Brief introduction

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The ssql is a DSL language that can simplify the query of a single table. For now, the tool can support many databases, like Mysql and Oracle, and other whose SQL can compatible with a Mysql or Oracle database.

This tool is very suited to use on URI because it develops based on FIQL (Feed Item Query Language), so it has a friendly grammar whit URI, it does not have to transfer meaning for special characters.

For example, you can input a sentence with this sc_scell_unit--case_id=13539849;pgccr>=300;unit_id<-;<->(1-5), if target database is a Mysql, the tool will output select * from sc_scell_unit where case_id = 13539849 and pgccr >= 300 order by unit_id desc limit 1,5 ;, if target database is an Oracle, the tool will outputselect * from (select rownum rn,t.* from ( select * from sc_scell_unit where case_id = 13539849 and pgccr >= 300 order by unit_id desc ) t where rownum <= 5 ) e where e.rn >= 1 ;

Maven address


Grammar and semantics

ssql is made up of a table name and query conditions, these are connected with --, like this:tableName--queryCondition.

Logical operator

  • And:;
  • Or:,

Compare operator

  • Equal to: =
  • Less than: <
  • Less than or equal to: <=
  • Greater than operator: >
  • Greater than or equal to: >=
  • In : =in=
  • Like:=like=


  • Positive sequence:->
  • Reverse order:<-
  • Limit(is similar with limit function of Mysql)<->

Data type

  • String(Need to be wrapped by single quotation marks):'xxxx'
  • Number(Various combinations of Arabic numerals):123456
  • Fuzzy match string(It needs to use the =like= and *, the * is a placeholder, finally it will be converted to%):'*eva' -> '%eva'
  • Pagination query(It needs to use the <-> symbol):<->(1-5) (It will be converted to limit 1,5)

For example:

I will take a Mysql database as an example:


explain in detail:
1. The `sc_scell_unit` is a table name;
2. In the `case_id=13539849`, the `case_id` means that the field needs to equal 13539849;
3. The `;`is same as the and; 
4. The `pgccr>=300`means the pgccr needs greater than or equal to 300;
5. The `unit_id<-` means that the result is reversed an order by unit_id filed;
6. The <->(1-5) means limie 1,5;

The tool uses this input will output a SQL to a Mysql:

select * from sc_scell_unit
where case_id = 13539849
  and pgccr >= 300
order by unit_id desc limit 1,5;

The whole example:

//If your target database is an Oracle, you should invoke SsqlHelper.createSqlForOracle() method.
String sqlForMysql=SsqlHelper.createSqlForMysql("sc_scell_unit--case_id=13539849;pgccr>=300;unit_id<-;<->(1-5)");

If you want to get more examples, you can see the com.github.byw.SsqlHelperTest class.


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