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Getting started

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Sprig has no dependencies but can be used with jquery by setting Sprig.$ to an instance of jquery like this:

Sprig.$ = window.jQuery

Now component instances will have an $el reference which is component.el as wrapped by $().

Usage examples

Hello world

Register the hello-world component by calling the Sprig.define() method. It takes one parameter a componentId and returns a component definition. The component definition can then be configured with an init function, which will be called every time a matching component is detected in the DOM.

Sprig.define('hello-world').init(function(component) {
  component.el.innerHTML = "Hello World!";

Inserting a hello-world component to the body:

document.body.innerHTML = '<div data-sprig-component="hello-world"></div>';
Sprig.scan(document.body); // Will look for and initialize any uninitialized components found in the document body.

Will result in:

Hello World


Components inserting other components just works:

Sprig.define('parent').init(function(component) {
  component.el.innerHTML = 'I am the parent. This is my child: <div data-sprig-component="child"></div>';

Sprig.define('child').init(function(component) {
  component.el.innerHTML = 'I am the child.';

Inserting a parent component to the body:

document.body.innerHTML = '<div data-sprig-component="parent"></div>';

... will result in:

I am the parent. This is my child:
I am the child.

Passing data

For convenience, all the HTML5 data-* attributes defined on the element are attached to the component's param property.

Note: For browsers that supports HTML5 data-* attributes, this is a reference to the elements' dataset property

Sprig.define('hello-planet').init(function(component) {
  el.innerHTML = 'Hello '+(component.params.planet || 'mysterious planet');

Inserting this hello-planet component to the body:

// planet component with no params
document.body.innerHTML = '<div data-sprig-component="hello-planet"></div>';

// planet component with planet set to moon
var moon = document.createElement("div");
moon.setAttribute("data-sprig-component", "hello-planet");
moon.setAttribute("data-planet", "moon");

... will result in:

Hello mysterious planet
Hello moon

Asynchronous components

A common scenario is the need to request data from the server and wait for the server to return it before displaying it. If you are inserting child-components into the component element asynchronously, you will have to call component.scan() in order to have Sprig looking for newly arrived and uninitalized components.

Sprig.define('some-async-component').init(function(component) {
  setTimeout(function(planet) {
    // now we got our planet
    var planet = {name: 'Pluto'}
    component.el.innerHTML = '<div data-sprig-component="hello-planet" data-planet="''"></div>';
  }, 1000);
  component.el.innerHTML = "Simulating requesting data from server...";