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Releases: bkdotcom/PHPDebugConsole


15 Nov 14:25
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Maintenance releaase

  • HttpMessage\Uri::withScheme() -> allow empty value
  • bdk\Debug\Psr3\Logger (psr3 implemenation) is now compatible with psr/log v1, v2, & v3
  • FindExit error when exit/Fatal from static method
  • Don't attempt to resolve complex array phpDoc types
  • GuzzleMiddleware tweaks
  • new HttpMessage\UriUtils class


19 Oct 19:34
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Version 3.0

  • Much improved HTML UI/UX
    • new drawer + filter sidebar
    • syntax highlighted json, xml, sql, php
    • first argument now sanitized (htmlspecialchars) by default
    • editor links (click on error to open relevant file/line in your editor/IDE)
    • objects - ability to toggle inherited methods
    • fatal error backtraces get context (file-snippets)
    • output log-entry divs replaced with more semantic ul/li
    • included files output as file tree
  • PHP 8.0: Attributes logged
  • PHP 8.1: Enum support
  • PHP 8.2: SensitiveParameterValue
  • ErrorHandler v3
    • New Error class (extends generic Event) replaces array
    • Error notifications no longer emailed by default (see new enableEmailer config option)
  • Included decorators/helpers for logging PDO, mysqli, Doctrine, Guzzle, Curl, OAuth, SimpleCache, Soap, Twig, SwiftMailer
  • MiddlewareInterface (PSR-15), & new writeToResponse() method (PSR-7)
  • New AssetProviderInterface / addPLugin / removePlugin methods
  • New LogEntry object replaces array
  • New Abstraction object replaces array
  • rewritten javascript / css built from SCSS
  • Tons of small enhancements


20 Sep 13:09
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  • php 8.2 readiness (incl support for SensitiveParameterValue)
  • Use PHP built-in-webserver ffor unit tests
  • New Oauth collector
  • Improved SoapClient collector
  • minor ServerRequest fixes


01 Aug 15:57
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  • Enum support
  • rename object config opts
  • improved PhpDoc parsing
  • group args get "brief" output
  • unknown type now handled separately from "custom" type


19 Jun 03:54
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v3.0b1 Pre-release

Long awaited pre-release of version 3.0

  • Much improved HTML UI/UX
    • new drawer + filter sidebar
    • syntax highlighted json, xml, sql, php
    • first argument now sanitized (htmlspecialchars) by default
    • editor links (click on error to open relevant file/line in your editor/IDE)
    • objects - ability to toggle inherited methods
    • fatal error backtraces get context (file-snippets)
    • output log-entry divs replaced with more semantic ul/li
    • included files output as file tree
  • PHP 8.0 : Attributes logged
  • ErrorHandler v3
    • New Error class (extends generic Event) replaces array
    • Error notifications no longer emailed by default (see new enableEmailer config option)
  • Included decorators/helpers for logging PDO, mysqli, Doctrine, Guzzle, Curl, SimpleCache, Soap, Twig, SwiftMailer
  • MiddlewareInterface (PSR-15), & new writeToResponse() method (PSR-7)
  • New AssetProviderInterface / addPLugin / removePlugin methods
  • New LogEntry object replaces array
  • New Abstraction object replaces array
  • rewritten javascript / css built from SCSS
  • Tons of small enhancements


02 Jun 16:00
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fix issue where accessing class before autoloader registered (in non-composer environment)


04 Jan 03:43
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  • PSR-3 (logger) implementation
  • "Channels" (akin to monolog's channels) - see getChannel()
  • New methods:
    • countReset
    • getChannel
    • getHeaders
    • profile
    • profileEnd
    • timeLog
  • misc bug fixes
  • misc UI enhancements

see complete changelog


19 Jun 04:19
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  • Added clear() method
  • Custom methods can now be called statically like core methods
  • Issues when leaving summary groups open and outputting as HTML
  • some \bdk\Debug\Utilities methods beefed up & now more useful outside debugger (arrayPathGet, arrayMergeDeep, & getCallerInfo)


22 May 02:06
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Maintenance release

  • setCfg('string', newValue) not properly returning previous value.. symptom: collect is always on. Bug introduced in v2.1. Unit-test added.
  • Chromelogger - invalid javascript console methods need to be mapped to log()
  • Script - invalid javascript console methods need to be be mapped to log()
    return value added to debug.outputLogEntry event.
  • alert() now publishes debug.outputLogEntry when being output
    \bdk\Debug\Utilities::buildAttribString() - now with more utility
  • Can now instantiate via static method call, ie \bdk\Debug::_setConfig(), \bdk\Debug::_log('collect is false, so this is pointless'), etc.


05 May 02:24
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  • Custom methods: add your own custom methods by subscribing to the debug.log and/or debug.outputLogEntry events
  • Remove internal frames from fatal error trace (2.0.2 Regression)
  • Notice thrown when handling a fatal error with xdebug enabled & no backtrace frames
  • count()
    • optional 2nd param : Disable increment and/or output
    • when not using a label, file & line logged as meta data - output as title attribute for html
  • groupSummary() calls can now be nested & other groupSummary improvements
  • table()
    • Now accepts a Traversable object as param. Array-o-traversable was already a thing, but top-level Traversable had been overlooked
    • Just display stringified or __toString value if applicable
  • setting outputAs now clears previous value (unsubscribes events)
    • (to use multiple output plugins/routes, use $debug->addPlugin())
  • POST requests : display php://input and content-type if $_POST is empty
  • debug.objAbstractStart event : reflector, hist, & debugMethod values now avail to subscribers
  • ChromeLogger & Script output now get stylish alerts
  • New config option: onEUserError gives control of E_USER_ERROR behavior
  • Internal
    • ErrorHandler and ErrorEmailer moved outside of bdk\Debug namespace / have no dependencies
    • Output classes now in Output namespace & implement OutputInterface
    • separate method & args in data.log
    • store some args as meta for alert(), table(), & groupSummary()
    • debug.output event now only published if cfg.output == true
    • moderate performance gains by using absolute function references (ie \func_get_args())
    • more unit tests