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Releases: bkdotcom/PHPDebugConsole


02 Feb 20:21
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  • Fix regression with 2.0.1..

    • Fatal errors not displayed via any output option that internally outputs via onOutput event (html, script, firephp, chromeLogger, Text)
      uneffected: file & wamp (both use onLog event)
    • unit test added to assert that errorHandler's onShutdown subscriber comes before debug's onShutdown subscriber.. which is possible now that shutdown is being delegated through eventManager rather than using register_shutdown_function() - nifty!
  • Debug singleton can now be created via _getInstance() and _setCfg() static methods (ie, _method static methods can be called before debug instantiated via new \bdk\Debug() or \bdk\Debug::getInstance())

ie, can now

// no prior debug initialization...
\bdk\Debug::_log('hello world');


26 Jan 03:22
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emailLog fix
additional unit tests
hhvm passes unit tests


27 Dec 03:15
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Changes too numerous
See changelog


25 Aug 03:31
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  • PHPDoc comment parsing - fixed PREG overflow issue on long comments

Additions & Tweaks

  • plain-text output method added
  • CLI debugging defaults to text
  • HTTP_REFERER now included in error email
  • request uri and method now included debug-log email body
  • extends and implements info now output for objects
  • added special case for debugging DOMNodeList objects... now displays the public yet "hidden" length property
  • improved toUtf8 utility method
  • minor css tweaks
  • get() and set() now only have access to configuration
  • added dataGet() and dataSet() methods for directly interacting with the log data
  • timeEnd() and timeGet() accept a template. default: "%label: %time"

Internal changes

  • moved code to "src" folder
  • Utilizing Travis-CI for PHPUnit tests
  • Added and organized unit tests..
  • moved configuration to new Config class
  • removed protected property "collect"... simply use cfg['collect']


06 May 03:21
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  • Bug fix: nested arrays weren't being output via the table() method
  • HTML output now has a checkbox to toggle passing the debug param via cookie
  • Bug fix: setErrorCaller may fail to resolve calling file/line if call_user_func was in the stack trace
  • emailThrottledSummary : new option to disable email summary of throttled errors


01 Apr 03:39
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1.3 introduces awesome object debugging, more output options, ability to specify email method, and more


17 Mar 16:34
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Object constants are now debugged
__debugInfo magic method now used if defined
collapsed groups containing error or warnings now git a visual indicator
fixed critical issue with reflectionProperty::getDocComment() (issue #13)
other minor bug fixes


27 Feb 03:12
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Much more detailed object output
New outputAs option to output log to browser console... <script> is generated containing console.xxxx calls
New emailFunc option.. to specify a function/callable other than PHP's mail function for emailing
and more


23 Dec 16:15
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handful of bug fixes.

tweak to the time() methods / added a timeGet() method


06 Dec 04:28
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  • Now installable via Composer as bdk/debug
  • Explicitly calling output() is no longer necessary

