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resqued - a long-running daemon for resque workers.

Resqued is a multi-process daemon that controls and monitors a pool of resque workers. It works well with slow jobs and continuous delivery.

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Install by adding resqued to your Gemfile

gem 'resqued'

Run resqued with a config file, like this:

resqued config/resqued.rb

Or like this to daemonize it:

resqued -p tmp/pids/ -D config/resqued.rb

Configuring workers

Let's say you were running workers like this:

rake resque:work QUEUE=high        &
rake resque:work QUEUE=high        &
rake resque:work QUEUE=slow        &
rake resque:work QUEUE=medium      &
rake resque:work QUEUE=medium,low  &

To run the same fleet of workers with resqued, create a config file config/resqued.rb like this:

2.times { worker 'high' }
worker 'slow'
worker 'medium'
worker 'medium', 'low'

Another syntax for workers:

worker_pool 5
queue 'low', :percent => 20
queue 'normal', :percent => 60
queue '*'

This time, you'd end up with something similar to this:

rake resque:work QUEUE=low,normal,* &
rake resque:work QUEUE=normal,*     &
rake resque:work QUEUE=normal,*     &
rake resque:work QUEUE=*            &
rake resque:work QUEUE=*            &

worker and worker_pool accept a hash of options that will be passed to Resqued::Worker. The supported options are:

  • :interval - The interval to pass to Resque::Worker#run.

Launching in production.

Resqued restarts when its master process receives SIGHUP. It restarts by re-execing the command that you initially ran. There are two main recommendations for running in production.

  • If you use bundler to install resqued, tell it to generate a binstub for resqued. Invoke this binstub (e.g. bin/resqued) when you start resqued.

  • Specify a pid file using the -p option. This pidfile will have the PID of the master process. See docs/ for more information about which signals are supported.

If your application is running from a symlinked dir (for example, capistrano's "current" symlink), you'll need to do two more things:

  • Ensure that your resqued master process is at least 0.7.13 (ps o args= $RESQUED_MASTER_PID should start with "resqued-0.7.13" or higher).

  • Explicitly set the BUNDLE_GEMFILE environment variable to the symlink dir of your app.

  • If you're invoking resqued from something that resolves symlinks in pwd, you'll also want to explicitly set the PWD environment variable.

Rolling all of the above advice together, here's a sample that you could use in an upstart script for resqued:

# fragment of /etc/init/resqued.conf

kill signal QUIT

env BUNDLE_GEMFILE=/opt/app/current/Gemfile
env PWD=/opt/app/current
chdir /opt/app/current

exec bin/resqued -c config/resqued.rb -p /opt/app/shared/tmp/pids/

Compatibility with Resque

Resqued does not automatically split comma-separated lists of queues in environment variables like Resque does. To continue using comma-separated lists, split them in your resqued config file:

queue (ENV["QUEUE"] || "*").split(',')

Loading your application

An advantage of using resqued (over rake resque:work) is that you can load your application just once, before forking all the workers.

For a Rails application, you might do this:

before_fork do
  require "./config/environment.rb"
  # `before_fork` runs in the Listener, and it doesn't actually run any application code.

after_fork do |resque_worker|
  # Set up a new connection to the database.
  # `resque_worker.reconnect` already happens

Customizing Resque::Worker

You can configure the Resque worker in the after_fork block

after_fork do |resque_worker|
  # Do not fork to `perform` jobs.
  resque_worker.cant_fork = true

  # Wait a loooong time on SIGTERM.
  resque_worker.term_timeout =

  resque_worker.run_at_exit_hooks = true

  Resque.before_first_fork do
    # ...

Full config file example

worker 'high'
worker 'low', :interval => 30

worker_pool 5, :interval => 1
queue 'high', 'almosthigh'
queue 'low', :percent => 20
queue 'normal', :count => 4
queue '*'

before_fork do
  require "./config/environment.rb"

after_fork do |worker|
  worker.term_timeout = 1.minute

In this example, a Rails application is being set up with 7 workers:

  • high
  • low (interval = 30)
  • high, almosthigh, low, normal, * (interval = 1)
  • high, almosthigh, normal, * (interval = 1)
  • high, almosthigh, normal, * (interval = 1)
  • high, almosthigh, normal, * (interval = 1)
  • high, almosthigh, * (interval = 1)

Multiple configurations

If your app has several work machines, each with the same application code but different sets of workers, you might want to have a shared config file for the before_fork and after_fork blocks. You can pass in several config files, and resqued will act as if you concatenated them.

$ resqued config/shared.rb config/pool-a.rb
$ resqued config/shared.rb config/pool-b.rb


To test your resqued configuration, add a test case like this:

class MyResquedTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
  include Resqued::TestCase
  def test_resqued_config
    assert_resqued 'config/resqued.rb'

See also

For information about how resqued works, see the documentation.


Daemon of resque workers







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