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blablupcom committed Dec 18, 2015
1 parent 4f87275 commit c46c180
Showing 1 changed file with 126 additions and 36 deletions.
162 changes: 126 additions & 36 deletions
@@ -1,51 +1,141 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#### IMPORTS 1.0

import os
import re
import scraperwiki
import urllib2
from datetime import datetime
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# Set up variables
#### FUNCTIONS 1.0

def validateFilename(filename):
filenameregex = '^[a-zA-Z0-9]+_[a-zA-Z0-9]+_[a-zA-Z0-9]+_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]_[0-9QY][0-9]$'
dateregex = '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]_[0-9QY][0-9]'
validName = (, filename) != None)
found =, filename)
if not found:
return False
date =
now =
year, month = date[:4], date[5:7]
validYear = (2000 <= int(year) <= now.year)
if 'Q' in date:
validMonth = (month in ['Q0', 'Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3', 'Q4'])
elif 'Y' in date:
validMonth = (month in ['Y1'])
validMonth = datetime.strptime(date, "%Y_%m") < now
return False
if all([validName, validYear, validMonth]):
return True

def validateURL(url):
r = urllib2.urlopen(url)
count = 1
while r.getcode() == 500 and count < 4:
print ("Attempt {0} - Status code: {1}. Retrying.".format(count, r.status_code))
count += 1
r = urllib2.urlopen(url)
sourceFilename = r.headers.get('Content-Disposition')

if sourceFilename:
ext = os.path.splitext(sourceFilename)[1].replace('"', '').replace(';', '').replace(' ', '')
ext = os.path.splitext(url)[1]
validURL = r.getcode() == 200
validFiletype = ext.lower() in ['.csv', '.xls', '.xlsx']
return validURL, validFiletype
print ("Error validating URL.")
return False, False

def validate(filename, file_url):
validFilename = validateFilename(filename)
validURL, validFiletype = validateURL(file_url)
if not validFilename:
print filename, "*Error: Invalid filename*"
print file_url
return False
if not validURL:
print filename, "*Error: Invalid URL*"
print file_url
return False
if not validFiletype:
print filename, "*Error: Invalid filetype*"
print file_url
return False
return True

def convert_mth_strings ( mth_string ):
month_numbers = {'JAN': '01', 'FEB': '02', 'MAR':'03', 'APR':'04', 'MAY':'05', 'JUN':'06', 'JUL':'07', 'AUG':'08', 'SEP':'09','OCT':'10','NOV':'11','DEC':'12' }
for k, v in month_numbers.items():
mth_string = mth_string.replace(k, v)
return mth_string

#### VARIABLES 1.0

entity_id = "E5036_ELBC_gov"
url = ""
errors = 0
data = []

#### READ HTML 1.0

# Set up functions
def convert_mth_strings ( mth_string ):
month_numbers = {'JAN': '01', 'FEB': '02', 'MAR':'03', 'APR':'04', 'MAY':'05', 'JUN':'06', 'JUL':'07', 'AUG':'08', 'SEP':'09','OCT':'10','NOV':'11','DEC':'12' }
#loop through the months in our dictionary
for k, v in month_numbers.items():
#then replace the word with the number
mth_string = mth_string.replace(k, v)
return mth_string

# pull down the content from the webpage
html = urllib2.urlopen(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml')


# find all entries with the required class
pageLinks = soup.findAll('a', href=True)

for pageLink in pageLinks:
href = pageLink['href']
if '/downloads/download/' in href:
# add the right prefix onto the url
pageUrl = href.replace("/downloads","")
html2 = urllib2.urlopen(pageUrl)
soup2 = BeautifulSoup(html2)
linkBlock = soup2.find('ul',{'class':'list'})
links = linkBlock.findAll('a')
for link in links:
fileUrl = link['href']
title = link.contents[0]
title = title.upper().strip()
if '2010/11' in title:
print 'not single months'
# create the right strings for the new filename
csvYr = title.split(' ')[1]
csvMth = title.split(' ')[0][:3]
csvMth = convert_mth_strings(csvMth);
filename = entity_id + "_" + csvYr + "_" + csvMth
todays_date = str(['l'], data={"l": fileUrl, "f": filename, "d": todays_date })
print filename
href = pageLink['href']
if '/downloads/download/' in href:
pageUrl = href.replace("/downloads","")
html2 = urllib2.urlopen(pageUrl)
soup2 = BeautifulSoup(html2, 'lxml')
linkBlock = soup2.find('ul',{'class':'list'})
links = linkBlock.findAll('a')
for link in links:
fileUrl = link['href']
title = link.contents[0]
title = title.upper().strip()
if '2010/11' in title:
csvYr = title.split(' ')[1]
csvMth = title.split(' ')[0][:3]
csvMth = convert_mth_strings(csvMth.upper())
data.append([csvYr, csvMth, fileUrl])

#### STORE DATA 1.0

for row in data:
csvYr, csvMth, url = row
filename = entity_id + "_" + csvYr + "_" + csvMth
todays_date = str(
file_url = url.strip()

valid = validate(filename, file_url)

if valid == True:['l'], data={"l": file_url, "f": filename, "d": todays_date })
print filename
errors += 1

if errors > 0:
raise Exception("%d errors occurred during scrape." % errors)

#### EOF

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