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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 22, 2022. It is now read-only.


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Browser Bunyan Logger

Lightweight Logger (< 1KB gziped) that outputs into a Bunyan compatible JSON output.

Designed for use on the web, with no runtime dependencies.


import { Log } from 'bblog';
import { ConsoleLogStream } from 'bblog-stream-console';
var log = Log.createLogger({
    name: 'Hello',
    hostname: '',
    streams: [ new ConsoleLogStream(BBLog.TRACE) ]
});'Hello World');
// {"pid":0,"time":"2016-03-21T21:38:40.092Z","hostname":"","level":30,"msg":" Hello World","v":0,"name":"Hello"}

var childLogger = log.child({key: 'value'});
childLogger.warn('Child Logger');
// {"pid":0,"time":"2016-03-21T21:38:40.100Z","hostname":"","level":40,"msg":" Child Logger","v":0,"name":"Hello","key":"value"}


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yarn global add lerna

lerna bootstrap

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lerna run build

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lerna run test