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Only listen for the MouseDown in the World if dragging is enabled.
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blachniet committed Nov 2, 2011
1 parent 5945c35 commit 31f56f4
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion wck/
@@ -1 +1 @@
package wck { import Box2DAS.*; import Box2DAS.Collision.*; import Box2DAS.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2DAS.Common.*; import Box2DAS.Dynamics.*; import Box2DAS.Dynamics.Contacts.*; import Box2DAS.Dynamics.Joints.*; import cmodule.Box2D.*; import wck.*; import gravity.*; import misc.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.ui.*; /** * Wraps b2World and provides inspectable properties that can be edited in Flash. */ public class World extends Scroller { /// See the Box2d documentation for explanations of the variables below. [Inspectable(defaultValue=60)] public var scale:Number = 60; [Inspectable(defaultValue=0.05)] public var timeStep:Number = 0.05; [Inspectable(defaultValue=15)] public var velocityIterations:int = 10; [Inspectable(defaultValue=15)] public var positionIterations:int = 10; [Inspectable(defaultValue=0)] public var gravityX:Number = 0; [Inspectable(defaultValue=10)] public var gravityY:Number = 10; [Inspectable(defaultValue=true)] public var allowSleep:Boolean = true; [Inspectable(defaultValue=true)] public var allowDragging:Boolean = true; /// When true timestep isn't called / dispatched. [Inspectable(defaultValue=false)] public var paused:Boolean = false; /// Orient the world so that gravity is always up? [Inspectable(defaultValue=false)] public var orientToGravity:Boolean = false; /// Show debug draw data. [Inspectable(defaultValue=false)] public var debugDraw:Boolean = false; public var outsideTS:Array = []; public var baseGravity:V2; public var b2world:b2World; public var customGravity:Gravity; public var debug:b2DebugDraw; public var kDrag:Object; [Inspectable(defaultValue="Mouse",enumeration="Mouse,Kinematic")] public var dragMethod:String = 'Mouse'; public var activeRegion:String = ''; public var regionStore:Dictionary; /// The Joint-extending class to use for mouse dragging. This can be set to provide a visual, custom mouse joint. public static var dragJointClass:Class = wck.Joint; /// Base strength of the drag mouse joint. public static var dragJointStrength:Number = 100; /// Added to the strength of the mouse joint - multiplied by the mass of the body being dragged. public static var dragJointMassFactor:Number = 200; /** * Construct the b2World. */ public override function create():void { regionStore = new Dictionary(true); baseGravity = new V2(gravityX, gravityY); b2world = new b2World(new V2(0, 0), allowSleep, this); listenWhileVisible(stage, Event.ENTER_FRAME, step); listenWhileVisible(this, StepEvent.STEP, applyGravityToWorld, false, 10); super.create(); if(debugDraw) { debug = new b2DebugDraw(b2world, scale); addChild(debug); } listenWhileVisible(this, MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, handleDragStart); } public var dragJoint:wck.Joint; public function handleDragStart(e:Event):void { var b:BodyShape = Util.findAncestorOfClass( as DisplayObject, BodyShape, true) as BodyShape; if(b && b.b2body && b.allowDragging && b.body.allowDragging) { if(dragMethod == 'Mouse' && b.b2body.IsDynamic()) { createDragJoint(b, e); } else if(dragMethod == 'Kinematic') { b.listenWhileVisible(stage, Event.ENTER_FRAME, handleDragStep, false, 1000); b.listenWhileVisible(stage, Input.MOUSE_UP_OR_LOST, handleDragStop); var mp:Point = Input.mousePositionIn(this); var bp:Point = Util.localizePoint(this, b.body); b = b.body; kDrag = { body: b, type: b.type, autoSleep: b.autoSleep, offset: mp.subtract(bp) } b.type = 'Animated'; b.awake = true; b.autoSleep = false; } } } public function createDragJoint(b:BodyShape, e:Event = null):void { b.body.awake = true; b.listenWhileVisible(stage, Event.ENTER_FRAME, handleDragStep, false, 1000); b.listenWhileVisible(stage, Input.MOUSE_UP_OR_LOST, handleDragStop); dragJoint = new dragJointClass() as wck.Joint; dragJoint.maxForce = dragJointStrength + (b.b2body.m_mass * dragJointMassFactor); dragJoint.frequencyHz = 999999; dragJoint.dampingRatio = 0; dragJoint.collideConnected = true; dragJoint.type = 'Mouse'; var p:Point = Input.mousePositionIn(this); dragJoint.x = p.x; dragJoint.y = p.y; dragJoint.bodyShape1 = b.body; listenWhileVisible(dragJoint, Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, handleDragStop); addChild(dragJoint); } /** * Move the target of the mouse joint. */ public function handleDragStep(e:Event):void { if(dragJoint) { (dragJoint.b2joint as b2MouseJoint).SetTarget(V2.fromP(Input.mousePositionIn(this)).divideN(scale)); } else { kDrag.body.setPos(Input.mousePositionIn(this).subtract(kDrag.offset)); } } /** * Destroy the mouse joint. */ public function handleDragStop(e:Event = null):void { if(stage) { stopListening(stage, Event.ENTER_FRAME, handleDragStep); stopListening(stage, Input.MOUSE_UP_OR_LOST, handleDragStop); } if(dragJoint) { if(!e || e.type != Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE) { dragJoint.remove(); } dragJoint = null; } else { kDrag.body.type = kDrag.type; kDrag.body.autoSleep = kDrag.autoSleep; kDrag = null; } } /** * Destroy the b2World. */ public override function destroy():void { doOutsideTimeStep(function():void { b2world.destroy(); b2world = null; }); } /** * Do the timestep! */ public function step(e:Event = null):void { if(paused) { return; } b2world.Step(timeStep, velocityIterations, positionIterations); for(var i:uint = 0; i < outsideTS.length; ++i) { outsideTS[i][0].apply(null, outsideTS[i][1]); } outsideTS = []; if(debug) { debug.Draw(); addChild(debug); /// Keeps the debug drawer on top. } } /** * Loop through the body list and apply gravity. This replaces Box2d's built in gravity, which * is fed a zero gravity vector. */ public function applyGravityToWorld(e:Event):void { if(paused) { return; } var b2:BodyShape; for(var b:b2Body = b2world.m_bodyList; b; b = b.GetNext()) { b2 = b.m_userData as BodyShape; if(b.IsAwake() && b.IsDynamic()) { var g:V2 = getGravityFor(b.GetWorldCenter(), b, b2); if(!b2 || b2.applyGravity) { b.m_linearVelocity.x += timeStep * g.x; b.m_linearVelocity.y += timeStep * g.y; } if(b2) { b2.gravity = g; } } } } /** * Get gravity at a specific point, for a specific body and bodyshape (if a bodyshape exists for the body). The * body and bodyshape are passed so that this function can be overriden to provide different gravity for * different objects! This can also be overriden to implement circular gravity, capsule gravity, etc., or alter * each non-static non-sleeping gravity-enabled body in some other way. */ public function getGravityFor(p:V2, b:b2Body = null, b2:BodyShape = null):V2 { var g:V2; if(b2 && b2.customGravity) { g = b2.customGravity.gravity(p, b, b2); } else if(customGravity) { g = customGravity.gravity(p, b, b2); } else { g = baseGravity.clone(); } if(b2 && b2.gravityMod) { b2.modifyGravity(g); } return g; } /** * Defers a function call until later if the world is currently locked. This is handy for * doing forbidden stuff (like destroying a body) within a contact callback, since contact callbacks * happen mid-timestep. If the world is not mid-timestep, the function will be called automatically. */ public function doOutsideTimeStep(f:Function, ...args):void { if(b2world.IsLocked()) { outsideTS.push([f, args]); } else { f.apply(null, args); } } /** * Override scrolling to orient based on gravity. */ public override function scrollRotation():Number { if(orientToGravity) { var b:BodyShape = focus as BodyShape; if(b) { var g:V2 = getGravityFor(V2.fromP(pos).divideN(scale), b ? b.b2body : null, b); return (Math.atan2(g.y, -g.x) * Util.R2D) - 90; } } return rot; } /** * */ public function enableRegion(r:String):void { if(activeRegion != '') { var disable:Array = regionStore[activeRegion] as Array; } activeRegion = r; var enable:Array = regionStore[r] as Array; var dontDisable:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); for(i = 0; i < enable.length; i++) { dontDisable[enable[i]] = true; } if(disable) { for(var i:int = 0; i < disable.length; i++) { if(!dontDisable[disable[i]]) { (disable[i] as BodyShape).active = false; } } } if(enable) { for(i = 0; i < enable.length; i++) { var bs:BodyShape = enable[i] as BodyShape; if(! { = true; // Quick fix for some reason activating bodies attached to joints messes up. bs.linearVelocity = bs._linearVelocity; bs.angularVelocity = bs._angularVelocity; } } } } }}
package wck { import Box2DAS.*; import Box2DAS.Collision.*; import Box2DAS.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2DAS.Common.*; import Box2DAS.Dynamics.*; import Box2DAS.Dynamics.Contacts.*; import Box2DAS.Dynamics.Joints.*; import cmodule.Box2D.*; import wck.*; import gravity.*; import misc.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.ui.*; /** * Wraps b2World and provides inspectable properties that can be edited in Flash. */ public class World extends Scroller { /// See the Box2d documentation for explanations of the variables below. [Inspectable(defaultValue=60)] public var scale:Number = 60; [Inspectable(defaultValue=0.05)] public var timeStep:Number = 0.05; [Inspectable(defaultValue=15)] public var velocityIterations:int = 10; [Inspectable(defaultValue=15)] public var positionIterations:int = 10; [Inspectable(defaultValue=0)] public var gravityX:Number = 0; [Inspectable(defaultValue=10)] public var gravityY:Number = 10; [Inspectable(defaultValue=true)] public var allowSleep:Boolean = true; [Inspectable(defaultValue=true)] public var allowDragging:Boolean = true; /// When true timestep isn't called / dispatched. [Inspectable(defaultValue=false)] public var paused:Boolean = false; /// Orient the world so that gravity is always up? [Inspectable(defaultValue=false)] public var orientToGravity:Boolean = false; /// Show debug draw data. [Inspectable(defaultValue=false)] public var debugDraw:Boolean = false; public var outsideTS:Array = []; public var baseGravity:V2; public var b2world:b2World; public var customGravity:Gravity; public var debug:b2DebugDraw; public var kDrag:Object; [Inspectable(defaultValue="Mouse",enumeration="Mouse,Kinematic")] public var dragMethod:String = 'Mouse'; public var activeRegion:String = ''; public var regionStore:Dictionary; /// The Joint-extending class to use for mouse dragging. This can be set to provide a visual, custom mouse joint. public static var dragJointClass:Class = wck.Joint; /// Base strength of the drag mouse joint. public static var dragJointStrength:Number = 100; /// Added to the strength of the mouse joint - multiplied by the mass of the body being dragged. public static var dragJointMassFactor:Number = 200; /** * Construct the b2World. */ public override function create():void { regionStore = new Dictionary(true); baseGravity = new V2(gravityX, gravityY); b2world = new b2World(new V2(0, 0), allowSleep, this); listenWhileVisible(stage, Event.ENTER_FRAME, step); listenWhileVisible(this, StepEvent.STEP, applyGravityToWorld, false, 10); super.create(); if(debugDraw) { debug = new b2DebugDraw(b2world, scale); addChild(debug); } if (allowDragging) listenWhileVisible(this, MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, handleDragStart); } public var dragJoint:wck.Joint; public function handleDragStart(e:Event):void { var b:BodyShape = Util.findAncestorOfClass( as DisplayObject, BodyShape, true) as BodyShape; if(b && b.b2body && b.allowDragging && b.body.allowDragging) { if(dragMethod == 'Mouse' && b.b2body.IsDynamic()) { createDragJoint(b, e); } else if(dragMethod == 'Kinematic') { b.listenWhileVisible(stage, Event.ENTER_FRAME, handleDragStep, false, 1000); b.listenWhileVisible(stage, Input.MOUSE_UP_OR_LOST, handleDragStop); var mp:Point = Input.mousePositionIn(this); var bp:Point = Util.localizePoint(this, b.body); b = b.body; kDrag = { body: b, type: b.type, autoSleep: b.autoSleep, offset: mp.subtract(bp) } b.type = 'Animated'; b.awake = true; b.autoSleep = false; } } } public function createDragJoint(b:BodyShape, e:Event = null):void { b.body.awake = true; b.listenWhileVisible(stage, Event.ENTER_FRAME, handleDragStep, false, 1000); b.listenWhileVisible(stage, Input.MOUSE_UP_OR_LOST, handleDragStop); dragJoint = new dragJointClass() as wck.Joint; dragJoint.maxForce = dragJointStrength + (b.b2body.m_mass * dragJointMassFactor); dragJoint.frequencyHz = 999999; dragJoint.dampingRatio = 0; dragJoint.collideConnected = true; dragJoint.type = 'Mouse'; var p:Point = Input.mousePositionIn(this); dragJoint.x = p.x; dragJoint.y = p.y; dragJoint.bodyShape1 = b.body; listenWhileVisible(dragJoint, Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, handleDragStop); addChild(dragJoint); } /** * Move the target of the mouse joint. */ public function handleDragStep(e:Event):void { if(dragJoint) { (dragJoint.b2joint as b2MouseJoint).SetTarget(V2.fromP(Input.mousePositionIn(this)).divideN(scale)); } else { kDrag.body.setPos(Input.mousePositionIn(this).subtract(kDrag.offset)); } } /** * Destroy the mouse joint. */ public function handleDragStop(e:Event = null):void { if(stage) { stopListening(stage, Event.ENTER_FRAME, handleDragStep); stopListening(stage, Input.MOUSE_UP_OR_LOST, handleDragStop); } if(dragJoint) { if(!e || e.type != Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE) { dragJoint.remove(); } dragJoint = null; } else { kDrag.body.type = kDrag.type; kDrag.body.autoSleep = kDrag.autoSleep; kDrag = null; } } /** * Destroy the b2World. */ public override function destroy():void { doOutsideTimeStep(function():void { b2world.destroy(); b2world = null; }); } /** * Do the timestep! */ public function step(e:Event = null):void { if(paused) { return; } b2world.Step(timeStep, velocityIterations, positionIterations); for(var i:uint = 0; i < outsideTS.length; ++i) { outsideTS[i][0].apply(null, outsideTS[i][1]); } outsideTS = []; if(debug) { debug.Draw(); addChild(debug); /// Keeps the debug drawer on top. } } /** * Loop through the body list and apply gravity. This replaces Box2d's built in gravity, which * is fed a zero gravity vector. */ public function applyGravityToWorld(e:Event):void { if(paused) { return; } var b2:BodyShape; for(var b:b2Body = b2world.m_bodyList; b; b = b.GetNext()) { b2 = b.m_userData as BodyShape; if(b.IsAwake() && b.IsDynamic()) { var g:V2 = getGravityFor(b.GetWorldCenter(), b, b2); if(!b2 || b2.applyGravity) { b.m_linearVelocity.x += timeStep * g.x; b.m_linearVelocity.y += timeStep * g.y; } if(b2) { b2.gravity = g; } } } } /** * Get gravity at a specific point, for a specific body and bodyshape (if a bodyshape exists for the body). The * body and bodyshape are passed so that this function can be overriden to provide different gravity for * different objects! This can also be overriden to implement circular gravity, capsule gravity, etc., or alter * each non-static non-sleeping gravity-enabled body in some other way. */ public function getGravityFor(p:V2, b:b2Body = null, b2:BodyShape = null):V2 { var g:V2; if(b2 && b2.customGravity) { g = b2.customGravity.gravity(p, b, b2); } else if(customGravity) { g = customGravity.gravity(p, b, b2); } else { g = baseGravity.clone(); } if(b2 && b2.gravityMod) { b2.modifyGravity(g); } return g; } /** * Defers a function call until later if the world is currently locked. This is handy for * doing forbidden stuff (like destroying a body) within a contact callback, since contact callbacks * happen mid-timestep. If the world is not mid-timestep, the function will be called automatically. */ public function doOutsideTimeStep(f:Function, ...args):void { if(b2world.IsLocked()) { outsideTS.push([f, args]); } else { f.apply(null, args); } } /** * Override scrolling to orient based on gravity. */ public override function scrollRotation():Number { if(orientToGravity) { var b:BodyShape = focus as BodyShape; if(b) { var g:V2 = getGravityFor(V2.fromP(pos).divideN(scale), b ? b.b2body : null, b); return (Math.atan2(g.y, -g.x) * Util.R2D) - 90; } } return rot; } /** * */ public function enableRegion(r:String):void { if(activeRegion != '') { var disable:Array = regionStore[activeRegion] as Array; } activeRegion = r; var enable:Array = regionStore[r] as Array; var dontDisable:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); for(i = 0; i < enable.length; i++) { dontDisable[enable[i]] = true; } if(disable) { for(var i:int = 0; i < disable.length; i++) { if(!dontDisable[disable[i]]) { (disable[i] as BodyShape).active = false; } } } if(enable) { for(i = 0; i < enable.length; i++) { var bs:BodyShape = enable[i] as BodyShape; if(! { = true; // Quick fix for some reason activating bodies attached to joints messes up. bs.linearVelocity = bs._linearVelocity; bs.angularVelocity = bs._angularVelocity; } } } } }}
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