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This is a native ("C") Lua wrapper for the C++ Archipelago Client Lib apclientpp, allowing to connect to an Archipelago server with native performance and SSL support.

Which Version to Pick

  • The architecture has to match (32bit or 64bit).
  • The Lua version should match (5.1, 5.2, 5.3 or 5.4).
  • In almost all circumstances you should pick a dynamic build, not a static build.
  • The libc/toolchain has to match more or less.
    • On Windows: you can check with Dependency Walker or python -m mingw_ldd path/to/exe --dll-lookup-dirs ..
      • If you see libgcc_*.dll it's a mingw (msvcrXX.dll) or ucrt build (msvcrt.dll).
      • If you see msvcrXX.dll but no libgcc, you can try msvc (vs20xx) builds if available, clang otherwise.
      • If you see msvcrt.dll or api-ms-*.dll, the clang build should work.
    • On Linux and Mac: you can check with ldd - likely to just work as long as the build machine/target is old enough
  • If the DLL of the host application is not named lua5x.dll / / liblua.5.x.dylib:
    • On Windows: the lua-apclient.dll will have to be modified to link to the correct name, see here.
    • On Linux: the dynamic builds should not be tied to a specific .so, but resolve symbols from the application, so no further action should be required.
    • On Mac: either is possible. Need to investigate when we get there.
  • If there is no DLL at all:
    • On Windows: you can try to add a Lua DLL or use a static build, but this is likely to crash.
    • On Linux: the dynamic build should resolve the symbols from the application if libc matches
    • On Mac: see above

Changing Target DLL name

The lua.dll used by the EXE might have a different filename than what lua-apclientpp was linked to. If this is the case and lua-apclientpp actually references the filename (see below), you will have to fix the reference. This is easy to automate, so some fixed up versions might exist in the automated builds.


Dynamic Windows builds always link to a specific DLL by filename. Changing it may require stripping the DLL, which is done for the automated builds already.

# strip lua-apclientpp.dll  # strip the build (i686-w64-mingw32-strip or whatever)
pip install machomachomangler mingw_ldd
mv lua-apclientpp.dll _lua-apclientpp.dll # rename the original
# replace lua53.dll and lua53.3r.dll with the original and correct names below
python -m machomachomangler.cmd.redll _lua-apclientpp.dll lua-apclientpp.dll lua53.dll Lua5.3.3r.dll
python -m mingw_ldd lua-apclientpp.dll --dll-lookup-dirs .  # check the result, or use Dependency Walker


Build without linking to a specific lib - the dynamic linker will then resolve symbols from the executable.


Either build without linking to a specific lib and use -Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup or use install_name_tool to change linkage after the build.


See sample.lua and other samples. Follows the API of apclientpp.

Auto-complete / IDE integration

You can use LuaLS to provide proper auto-complete and type checking in e.g. VSCode/ium using an extension (e.g. sumneko.lua). You should create a .luarc.json in the top level of your project and either put api/library/lua-apclientpp.lua into your project or add a reference to it in your .luarc.json. After doing that, restart the LS or IDE.

NOTE: you may have to type annotate your ap client instance with ---@type APClient.

Lua-specific API

Due to limitations in Lua, some calls or callbacks may be different. Read below and check the samples.

  • set_retrieved_handler -> on_retrieved(map, keys, extra)

    • map: response dict key -> value; nil values will be missing from pairs(map)
    • keys: array of all keys including nil values
    • extra: extra data sent during Get
  • AP.EMPTY_ARRAY use this to send an empty array in json since {} will be an empty json object

  • To properly close the connection in place, use collectgarbage("collect") after replacing the APClient object, i.e.

    ap = nil
    collectgarbage("collect") -- or collectgarbage("step")

    In most case 1 or 2 "step" will be enough to close the APClient and avoid lag spikes.

Handling Connection Failures

Same as with apclientpp, it will try to reconnect and in case of automatic protocol detection (SSL or plain), a socket error might be generated even though the connection might succeed on the second attempt.

If a game needs to be connected at all times, not receiving SlotConnected within e.g. 10 seconds would be the indicator of a failed connect / connect timeout. Receiving a disconnect or error after being connected would be a lost connection.


  • Full build matrix
    • Linux - Ubuntu 20.04 might be fine and has static libssl? Otherwise alma container.
    • Mac - using brew? Brew's libs target somewhat recent macos.
    • MSVC builds - currently there is only a 32bit lua5.1 build
  • Bundle CA certs
  • Tests
  • UUID helper - currently uuid is not being used, so you can just pass in an empty string


Until there is a proper release, you can use the downloads from the latest build in the Actions tab.

Not all possible variations are being built yet.