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Jonathan Beakley edited this page Jan 8, 2019 · 14 revisions

Black Duck Docker Orchestration Wiki

This wiki provides guidance with advanced topics relating to installing Black Duck Docker containers. It complements (but does not in any way replace) the orchestration files and documents contained in this repository. Currently, the majority of pages here relate to Kubernetes/OpenShift (as opposed to Docker Compose and Docker Swarm).

Where to Begin

This wiki discusses complex configuration scenarios, and, as such, is not the right place to start when first deploying Black Duck.

When deploying Black Duck, it is highly recommended to start by reading the top-level README file in this repository. From there, check out README files in the relevant docker-compose, docker-swarm and kubernetes subdirectories. After that, if installing with Docker Compose or Docker Swarm, check out the installation documentation in the docs directory. (See next section for Kubernetes/OpenShift recommendations.)

Kubernetes and OpenShift

If you are installing Black Duck on Kubernetes or OpenShift, the recommended approach is to use Synopsys Operator. Synopsys Operator vastly simplifies Black Duck deployments on Kubernetes and OpenShift by eliminating the need to edit error-prone YML files.

Help with Highly Technical Deployment Tasks

The sidebar on the right provides a list of technical tasks, for example, configuring load balancers, node ports, proxies, etc. These pages are especially useful when modifying a pre-existing Black Duck instance. Please note that unless otherwise specified, these wiki pages apply only to Kubernetes/OpenShift environments.