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Ari Kamen edited this page May 4, 2016 · 3 revisions


Tool generates a HTML Notice file based on the identifications made for the project.

The output will contain an entry for each BOM Component. Each entry will have links to display:

  1.  All paths ID-ed to the Component (if option is selected)
  2.  All copyright strings extracted from the text files identified to it (if option is selected)
  3.  All licenses identified to the component and ability to display text

The output can be controlled by supplying custom attribute tools against your Code Center application.  See configuration for more information.

The tool can also generate a text file for each component (if option is selected)

To run:

  1. Create/edit the configuration property file.
  2. Unzip the package.
  3. Navigate to /bin/
  4. Run  NoticeReportTool (bat or sh) -config <location of configuration file> -application <black duck application type: PROTEX | CODECENTER> -project

Command Line Arguments

-config:  Location of the configuration file required for the Notice Report Tool.  Absolute path only.

-application:  The Black Duck application that will be used to generate the report.  Use Code Center for attribute specific generation.

-project:  The name of the Protex project, used instead of the configuration file '' property.  Useful in case of automation.

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