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Gitlab Registry Pruner

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Docker version of the Gitlab Registry pruner by Ayufan


As stated in the original package readme this tool is not recommanded to be used on production data. There's no warranty that it will not break repository.

Basic Usage

docker run --rm blackholegalaxy/gitlab-registry-pruner [ARGUMENTS]


  -config string
        Path to registry config file
        Print debug messages
        Delete data, instead of dry run
        Delete old tag versions (default true)
        Ignore blobs processing and recycling
  -jobs int
        Number of concurrent jobs to execute (default 10)
        Allow to use parallel blob walker (default true)
        Allow to use parallel repository walker (default true)
  -parallel-walk-jobs int
        Number of concurrent parallel walk jobs to execute (default 10)
  -repository-csv-output string
        File to which CSV will be written with all metrics (default "repositories.csv")
  -s3-storage-cache string
        s3 cache (default "tmp-cache")
        When deleting, do not remove, but move to backup/ folder (default true)
        Print errors, but do not fail
        Print verbose messages (default true)

Dry run

You must specify path to the registry configuration as argument.


You may have to mount gitlab data directory as Docker volume depending on your setup. Omnibus example:

docker run --rm -v /local/gitlab-data/path:/var/opt/gitlab blackholegalaxy/gitlab-registry-pruner -config=/var/opt/gitlab/registry/config.yml

Soft Delete

To soft delete the data, add -delete argument after config path. It will produce a backup directory which can be restored if needed.

-config=/path/to/registry/configuration -delete


As stated on this issue running in soft delete mode will produce a docker_backup directory in gitlab registry data (on omnibus: /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/registry).

The permissions set to this directory to root:root by the pruner may prevent regular backups to run (causing tar: ./docker_backup: Cannot open: Permission denied error). As solution you can move the backup elsewhere in a temporary directory or delete this directory when you feel confident your pruned data is correct.


You can run the command using -soft-delete=false arguments. It will delete the data and not create any backup.

-config=/path/to/registry/configuration -delete -soft-delete=false

Advanced Usage

See original package readme


Ayufan (Kamil Trzciński) - GitLab, MIT, 2017