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A ham radio application suite that can create radiograms as a method to achieve SPOT reports and central reporting over a variety of communication methods in support of emergency communication

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Spotter Readme

PIP Install manual runs, if not using

These additional libraries will need to be installed in addition to Python 3.7.3 pip install --upgrade pip

Twilio library for SMS and phone integrations pip install twilio

Beautiful Soup for Html/XML scrapping pip install bs4

Http Requests pip install request or requests

Open Weather Wrapper for python interfacing to OpenWeather pip install pyowm usage notes:

Objectpath use for walking an XML file Pip install objectpath

PYQRCode for purposes of creating a QRcode for obscuring the target location from plain site; experimentation for stenography Pip Install pyqrcode

WatchDog for file directory auditing; will be used in automation of base PIP install watchdog

Out of working directory where the application will be installed, create a subdirectory called SpotData this is where output files will go.

The following environment variables are used to isolate PII or sensitive key information to memory so as to be less likely to be mistakenly uploaded to repository. The Input menu has an ability to export these sensitive environment variables to a JSON to allow for easier transportability across platforms.

These are the variables name you'll want to populate with data.

Path or Environment variables

These are the required environmen path or variables (windows) that are needed for configuration of the application. If the API key variables is not present, the menu will handle this condition and mark menu accordingly that the feature is unavailable.

  1. s_accuWeatherKey AccuWeather API Key (requires sign-up for API key from Accuweather)
  2. s_googleKey Google API Key (requires sign-up for API key from Accuweather)
  3. s_OpenWeatherKey Open Weather Key (requires sign-up for API key from OpenWeather)
  4. s_twilioAccountSid Twilio Username (requires sign-up for API key from Twilio)
  5. s_twilioAmrronCell Twilio phone number (+18005551212 format) (requires sign-up for API key from Twilio)
  6. s_twilioAuthToken Twilio password (requires sign-up for API key from Twilio)
  7. s_adafruitIoName AdafruitIo User Name
  8. s_adafruitIoKey AdafruitIO Key
  9. s_DarkSkysKey Alternative weather service Key
  10. s_amrronDefaultWebServerUrl Amrron web server for presentation tier (FUTURE FEATURE on AWS)
  11. s_amrronDefaultWebServiceUrl Amrron web service logger URL (FUTURE FEATURE on AWS)
  12. s_amrronDefaultWebServiceKey Amrron web service logger Key (FUTURE FEATURE on AWS)
  13. s_callsignDefault Your Default Callsign
  14. s_cityStateDefault Your Default City, State
  15. s_postalcodeDefault Your Default zip code
  16. s_gridDefault Your Default Grid
  17. s_xDefault Your Default Longitude
  18. s_yDefault Your Default Lattitude
  19. s_dmrIdDefault Your Default DMR Id
  20. s_k2sDefault This is a default file name defined for testing (has call sign in filename)
  21. s_amrronDefaultUser Amrron Default User name
  22. s_amrronDefaultCell Amrron Default User's cell ('+18005551212')
  23. s_amrron00User Optional Amrron user name
  24. s_amrron00Cell Optional Amrron user call
  25. s_amrron00Email Optional Amrron user email
  26. s_amrron01User Optional Amrron user name
  27. s_amrron01Cell Optional Amrron user call
  28. s_amrron01Email Optional Amrron user email
  29. s_amrron02User Optional Amrron user name
  30. s_amrron02Cell Optional Amrron user call
  31. s_amrron02Email Optional Amrron user email
  32. s_amrron03User Optional Amrron user name
  33. s_amrron03Cell Optional Amrron user call
  34. s_amrron03Email Optional Amrron user email
  35. s_amrron04User Optional Amrron user name
  36. s_amrron04Cell Optional Amrron user call
  37. s_amrron04Email Optional Amrron user email
  38. s_amrron05User Optional Amrron user name
  39. s_amrron05Cell Optional Amrron user call
  40. s_amrron05Email Optional Amrron user email
  41. s_USGS

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Header 3

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### Jekyll Themes

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A ham radio application suite that can create radiograms as a method to achieve SPOT reports and central reporting over a variety of communication methods in support of emergency communication






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