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Why use this?

  • Quick Deploy - Build & Deploy your contract code in 1 command
  • Wallet Password Storage - Automatically stores the passwords for all the wallets you've created
  • Auto Setup & Account Creation - Create a default wallet, deploy the BIOS, & create an account in a single command
  • Quick Restart - Restart the EOS blockchain from the genesis block, again, in 1 command


  • eos (nodeos & cleos)
  • MacOS


. setup && touch ~/.zeos/

QuickStart Guide w/ Example

Start nodeos


In another tab:

eos_account_create $PROJECT_NAME
eos_deploy $PROJECT_NAME
cleos push action $PROJECT_NAME hi '["hello"]' -p $PROJECT_NAME

Notable Features

Quick Deploy

From within your projects parent directory...

eos_deploy $PROJECT_NAME

Normally, you'd have to...

  • eosiocpp -o hello.wast hello.cpp Build the .wast
  • eosiocpp -g hello.abi hello.cpp Build the .abi
  • cleos set contract hello hello Deploys the contract

Wallet Password Storage

eos_keys Print all your current passwords

Auto Setup & Account Creation

eos_account_create $PROJECT_NAME

What this does for you...

  • cleos wallet create -n default Creates a default wallet, if none already exists
  • Stores your wallet password (~/.zeos/keys.yml)
  • cleos set contract eosio $EOS_PATH"/build/contracts/eosio.bios" -p eosio Deploys the BIOS, if not already
  • cleos create account eosio hello $KEY $KEY Creates a contract account

Quick Restart


Most of the time, to start an EOS instance, it's best to simply use nodeos. But, sometimes, you want to start from scratch. In which case, this is the command for you.

Full Command Reference

Starting a nodeos process

  • nodeos The traditional way to start a EOS blockchain instance
  • eos_clean Deletes ALL existing blockchain data
  • eos_reset Deletes ALL existing blockchain data, and starts a nodeos instance

Creating a default wallet, and deploying the bios

  • eos_setup Creates a default wallet, and deploys the EOS bios
  • eos_wallet_create -n $NAME Creates a wallet, and stores the password

Creating a code account

  • eos_account_create $PROJECT_NAME Creates an account for your project contract

Building & Deploying your contract

  • eos_deploy $PROJECT_NAME Builds and deploys your contract code (Make sure you're in the parent dir of your project)
  • eos_build Builds your contract wast & ABI (Make sure you're in the dir of your project)

Print your stored passwords

  • eos_keys Prints the entire password file (~/.zeos/keys.yml)


An EOS project toolchain.







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