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bladealslayer committed May 17, 2011
0 parents commit 8ede7c5
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Showing 8 changed files with 1,011 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions AUTHOR
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Boyan Tabakov <>
340 changes: 340 additions & 0 deletions LICENSE

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions NOTE
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
NOTE to all Bulgarian users:

Regardless of the name of the product it is absolutely
inappropriate to attempt any BOILING, FRYING, BACKING,
or any other transformations that aim to result in a
tasty MEAL! Furthermore, the product IS CERTAINLY NOT
INFECTED WITH BIRD FLU! Just in case you were wondering...

32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions README
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@

0. Install required modules and libraries:
- ImageMagick (library)
- Image::Magick (Perl module) (a.k.a. PerlMagick)
- Email::MIME (Perl module) (requires also Email::Simple)
For details on how to do this see the
respective documentation.
(Sources supplied in directory 'required')

1. Copy the configuration file yaica.conf to
/usr/local/etc/yaica.conf or /usr/local/etc/imgstore.conf.

2. Copy the executable file to a directory that
exists in the PATH environment variable (for easier use).


Use this application to store any attached images from
a given email message with or without applying any
convertions of file format.
Pass the message that should be processed to the standard
input of the application. For example:

$ cat mail | yaica -f jpeg -d .

Type 'yaica -h' for details on the options.

Binary file added doc.pdf
Binary file not shown.
293 changes: 293 additions & 0 deletions doc.rtf

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions yaica.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
325 changes: 325 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@

# Y A I C A #
# Yet Another Image Converter for Attachments #
# v0.1.1 #
# #
# Copyright (C) 2006 by Boyan Tabakov #
# #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
# (at your option) any later version. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with this program; if not, write to the #
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., #
# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #

#NOTE to all Bulgarian speaking users: #
# #
#Regardless of the name of the product it is absolutely #
#inappropriate to attempt any BOILING, FRYING, BACKING, #
#or any other transformations that aim to result in a #
#tasty MEAL! Furthermore, the product IS CERTAINLY NOT #
#INFECTED WITH BIRD FLU! Just in case you were wondering... #
# #

use 5.6.0;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Email::MIME;
use Image::Magick;

sub usage(); # Prints the usage of the programme.
sub get_args(); # Processes the command line arguments.
sub read_cfg(); # Read configuration file.
sub verify_cfg(); # Validates the values of all parameters.
sub read_message(); # Read email message from standard input.
sub get_images($$); # ($msg, \@arr) loop through $msg (Email::MIME) and build list of parts, containing images, in @arr.
sub store_image($$); # ($img, $fname) save the image pointed by $img (Email::MIME) with filename $fname and propper extension for the format.
sub form_prefix($); # ($msg) form filename prefix from the headers of $msg (Email::MIME). Prefix is '<sender email>-<id>'.
sub yaica_error($); # Print error message and die painfully...

sub main();

our $version = "0.1.1";

# default config
our $cfg_file;
$^O eq 'MSWin32' and
$cfg_file = 'c:\Program Files\Yaica\yaica.conf' or
$cfg_file = '/usr/local/etc/yaica.conf';
our %cfg = (
our %args = (
our %yesno = ('yes', 1, 'no', 0); # just a helper
our $message_id = '<init>';

sub usage(){
print "Yet Another Image Converter for Attachments v$version\n",
"Expects e-mail message on stdin (see -r).\n",
"Usage: yaica [options]\n",
" -r [filename] - Read from specified file instead of standard input\n",
" -f [jpeg|tiff] - Set destination image format.\n",
" -d [dirname] - Set destination directory.\n",
" -q [n] - Set jpeg quality - 'n' must be [1, 100].\n",
" -g - Convert to grayscale image.\n",
" -x - Output tiff for faxing. Destination format must be 'tiff', ignores -g.\n",
" -i - Ignore all convertions if image is in correct format.\n",
" Note that this will result in EXACT duplicate\n",
" of the attached image and options -q, -g and -x are ignored.\n",
" This will speed up processing.\n",
" -c - Creates exact duplicate of the original image, regardless of\n",
" the source and destination formats. Ignores all other options except for -d.\n",
" This will speed up processing.\n",
"The flags g, x, i and c may be used with '+' to turn off the given option (e.g. yaica -g +c).\n",
"This is useful when you have the option set to 'yes' in the config file.\n";
exit 1;
# Help!... heeeelp!...
# Yes - that's right! yaica -h returns error code! You are not allowed to ask for help...

sub yaica_error($){
my $msg = shift;
$msg = $message_id."\nYaica Error: ".$msg;
die $msg;

sub get_args(){
# Seems ok, but who knows?
while (@ARGV){
my $val;
$_ = shift @ARGV;
/^-([fdqr])$/ && do{
$val = shift @ARGV;
${$args{$1}} = $val;
last SWITCH;
/^-([xigc]+)$/ && do{
my @opts = split //, $1;
foreach my $opt (@opts){
${$args{$opt}} = 1;
last SWITCH;
/^\+([xigc]+)$/ && do{
my @opts = split //, $1;
foreach my $opt (@opts){
${$args{$opt}} = 0;
last SWITCH;
/.*/ && usage();

sub read_cfg(){
open (CONF, "<", $cfg_file) or yaica_error "Can't read configuration file $cfg_file!\n";
# She loves me!
while($_ = <CONF>){
/^dest_format=(.*)/i && do{
$1 =~ /^(jpeg|tiff)$/i or yaica_error "Option 'dest_format' in configuration file has illegal value '$1'! Must be 'jpeg' or 'tiff'.\n";
$cfg{'dest_format'} = lc $1;
last SWITCH;
/^dest_dir=(.*)/i && do{
$cfg{'dest_dir'} = $1;
last SWITCH;
/^ignore_convert=(.*)/i && do{
$1 =~ /^(yes|no)/i or yaica_error "Option 'ignore_convert' in configuration file has illegal value '$1'! Must be 'yes' or 'no'.\n";
$cfg{'ignore_convert'} = $yesno{$1};
last SWITCH;
/^copy=(.*)/i && do{
$1 =~ /^(yes|no)/i or yaica_error "Option 'copy' in configuration file has illegal value '$1'! Must be 'yes' or 'no'.\n";
$cfg{'copy'} = $yesno{$1};
last SWITCH;
/^grayscale=(.*)/i && do{
$1 =~ /^(yes|no)/i or yaica_error "Option 'grayscale' in configuration file has illegal value '$1'! Must be 'yes' or 'no'.\n";
$cfg{'grayscale'} = $yesno{$1};
last SWITCH;
/^jpeg_quality=(.*)/i && do{
$1 =~ /^(\d{1,3})/ or yaica_error "Option 'jpeg_quality' in configuration file has illegal value '$1'! Must be [1, 100].\n";
$cfg{'jpeg_quality'} = $1;
last SWITCH;
/^tiff_fax=(.*)/i && do{
$1 =~ /^(yes|no)/i or yaica_error "Option 'tiff_fax' in configuration file has illegal value '$1'! Must be 'yes' or 'no'.\n";
$cfg{'tiff_fax'} = $yesno{$1};
last SWITCH;
/^(\[.*\])|#.*|^$/ && last SWITCH;
# Empty lines, lines starting with # and section titles ([section]) are ignored!
# In case you can't tell this from the line above:) I couldn't! Well - the second time...
/^(\w*)=(.*)/ && do{
# If we get here we have a nice looking line but a non-recognized option. Poor we...
yaica_error "Bad option '$1' in configuration file!\n";
/^(.*)/ && do{
# Too bad... Someone was sleeping while typing...
yaica_error "Bad syntax in configuration file: '$1'!\n";
close CONF;

sub verify_cfg(){
# Did you spell it TiFf or tiFF or tiff? Well - it doesn't matter...
$cfg{'dest_format'} = lc $cfg{'dest_format'};
$cfg{'dest_format'} =~ /^(jpeg|tiff)$/ or yaica_error "Bad output format '$cfg{dest_format}'! Must be 'jpeg' or 'tiff'.\n";
#See if the directory exists. At some point I may add code to create the target directory, but who knows?
$cfg{'dest_dir'} = glob($cfg{'dest_dir'});
-d $cfg{'dest_dir'} or yaica_error "$cfg{'dest_dir'} is not a directory!\n";
# Add a nice little ending slash if the poor name lacks one...
$cfg{'dest_dir'} .= '/' if not $cfg{'dest_dir'} =~ /\/$/;
# No log(e.pi/2) quality allowed - sorry...
$cfg{'jpeg_quality'} = int $cfg{'jpeg_quality'};
if ($cfg{'jpeg_quality'} <= 0 || $cfg{'jpeg_quality'} > 100){
yaica_error "Jpeg quality '$cfg{jpeg_quality}' is invalid! Must be [1, 100].\n";

sub read_message(){
# See if we need to read a file or STDIN...
if (defined $cfg{'input_file'}){
close STDIN;
open STDIN, '<', $cfg{'input_file'} or yaica_error "Could not read from file '$cfg{input_file}'!\n";
# It is a plane! No, it is a train!, No, it is a SPACESHIP!
# Errr... and yet - not even a spaceship...
my $message = join "", <STDIN> or yaica_error "Could not read from standard input!\n";
return \$message;
# <=> <=> <=>
# But still, they come...

our $match = qr/(image\/(jpeg|pjpeg|tiff|gif|png|bmp|x-bmp))/o;

sub get_images($$){
my $cur = shift;
my $result = shift;
my @parts = $cur->parts;
if ($cur != $parts[0]){
# When we point back at ourselves this means we are up against the wall
# and have nowhere to go...
foreach (@parts){
get_images($_, $result);
}elsif ($cur->content_type =~ $match){
# Come on! Push the button, push the button!
push(@{$result}, $cur);
# Not that button!!!

sub store_image($$){
my $img = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $type = $img->content_type;
$type =~ $match;
$type = $2;
$type = 'bmp' if $type eq 'x-bmp'; # If there are more of these out there, I don't care!
$type = 'jpeg' if $type eq 'pjpeg';
if ($cfg{'copy'}){
# If we just duplicate the original files, we need the propper extensions...
$name .= '.jpg' if $type eq 'jpeg';
$name .= '.tif' if $type eq 'tiff';
$name .= '.'.$type if $type =~ /bmp|png|gif/;
# Well - we need them anyway:)
$cfg{'dest_format'} eq 'tiff' and $name .= '.tif' or $name .= '.jpg';
$name = $cfg{'dest_dir'}.$name;
if ($cfg{'copy'} || $type eq $cfg{'dest_format'} && $cfg{'ignore_convert'}){
# Do not do any convertions but just duplicate the attached image.
open (OUT, '>', $name) or yaica_error "Could not open file $name for writing!\n";
binmode OUT;
print OUT $img->body or yaica_error "Could not write to file $name!\n";
close OUT;
# Convert image format and/or apply other otions...
my $conv = new Image::Magick('magick'=>$type);
my $err;
$err = $conv->BlobToImage($img->body);
yaica_error "ImageMagick: $err\n" if $err =~ /Exception 4\d\d/;
my %params = ('filename'=>$name);
$params{'compression'} = 'JPEG';
$params{'quality'} = $cfg{'jpeg_quality'} if $cfg{'dest_format'} eq 'jpeg';
$params{'type'} = 'Grayscale' if $cfg{'grayscale'} && not $cfg{'tiff_fax'};
($params{'type'}, $params{'compression'}) = ('Bilevel', 'Fax') if $cfg{'dest_format'} eq 'tiff' && $cfg{'tiff_fax'};
$err = $conv->Write(%params);
yaica_error "ImageMagick: $err\n" if $err =~ /Exception 4\d\d/;

sub form_prefix($){
my $mail = shift;
my $from = $mail->header('From');
my $id = $mail->header('Message-Id');
$from =~ /(\w+((\.|-|\+)\w+)*)@(\w+(\.\w+)+)/;
$from = "$1".'@'."$4";
# Hmmm... which way would be better?
$id =~ s/\D//g if $^O eq 'MSWin32'; # Strip some nasty characters...
#$id = time if $id eq '';
return $from."-".$id;

sub main(){
my $mail = Email::MIME->new(${read_message()}) or yaica_error "Could not parse input!\n";
# It is really bad that we can't understand if the input is good or not quite...
# Do some guessing...
yaica_error "Bad input!\n" if $mail->content_type eq "" || $mail->header('From') eq "";
$message_id = $mail->header('Message-Id');
my @images;
get_images($mail, \@images);
my $pref = form_prefix($mail);
my $count = 0;
store_image($_, $pref."-$count");


# It is the End Of All Hope...

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