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  • 2 weeks challenge of dart and flutter
  • UI design challenge (7/4)
  • Pomodoro timer with extra functions (7/6)
  • Display movies on the home screen, and shows details of a tapped movie (7/7~9)
  • test


  • Update home screen height(홈스크린 길이 업데이트)
  • Update home screen by adding SingleScrollView to enable dragging up and down.(홈스크린 SingleScrollView 추가로 위아래로 드레그 가능하게 업데이드)



last challenge : movie application

  • Home 스크린은 아래와 같은 기능을 갖고있어야 합니다.

    • 가장 인기 있는 영화 목록이 표시되어야 합니다.
    • 극장에서 상영 중인 영화 목록이 표시되어야 합니다.
    • 곧 개봉할 영화 목록이 표시되어야 합니다.
  • movie를 탭하면 세부정보 화면으로 이동해야 합니다.

    • 세부정보 화면에는 다음이 표시되어야 합니다.
      • 영화의 포스터.
      • 영화의 제목.
      • 영화의 등급.
      • 영화의 개요.
      • 영화의 장르.
  • popular movie application

  • popular movie API( :

  "page": 1,
    "results": [
            "adult": false,
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            "genre_ids": [
            "id": 455476,
            "original_language": "en",
            "original_title": "Knights of the Zodiac",
            "overview": "When a headstrong street orphan, Seiya, in search of his abducted sister unwittingly taps into hidden powers, he discovers he might be the only person alive who can protect a reincarnated goddess, sent to watch over humanity. Can he let his past go and embrace his destiny to become a Knight of the Zodiac?",
            "popularity": 3369.887,
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            "release_date": "2023-04-27",
            "title": "Knights of the Zodiac",
            "video": false,
            "vote_average": 6.5,
            "vote_count": 312

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        "maximum": "2023-07-12",
        "minimum": "2023-05-25"
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            "id": 455476,
            "original_language": "en",
            "original_title": "Knights of the Zodiac",
            "overview": "When a headstrong street orphan, Seiya, in search of his abducted sister unwittingly taps into hidden powers, he discovers he might be the only person alive who can protect a reincarnated goddess, sent to watch over humanity. Can he let his past go and embrace his destiny to become a Knight of the Zodiac?",
            "popularity": 3369.887,
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            "release_date": "2023-04-27",
            "title": "Knights of the Zodiac",
            "video": false,
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        "minimum": "2023-07-13"
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            "backdrop_path": "/oqP1qEZccq5AD9TVTIaO6IGUj7o.jpg",
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            "id": 455476,
            "original_language": "en",
            "original_title": "Knights of the Zodiac",
            "overview": "When a headstrong street orphan, Seiya, in search of his abducted sister unwittingly taps into hidden powers, he discovers he might be the only person alive who can protect a reincarnated goddess, sent to watch over humanity. Can he let his past go and embrace his destiny to become a Knight of the Zodiac?",
            "popularity": 3369.887,
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            "release_date": "2023-04-27",
            "title": "Knights of the Zodiac",
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            "vote_average": 6.5,
            "vote_count": 312
  • 영화에 대한 세부 정보
  • attach value of id next to {id=} to access a movie detail(id= 를 API에 저장된 아이디로 변환시 세부정보 접근)
  • material(요소) : poster,title, title, vote_average, overview, genre, runtime(포스터, 제목, 평점, 개요, 장르, 런타임)
  • keys : poster_path, title, vote_average, overview, genre_ids, runtime

    "adult": false,
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    "budget": 60000000,
    "genres": [
            "id": 14,
            "name": "Fantasy"
            "id": 28,
            "name": "Action"
            "id": 12,
            "name": "Adventure"
    "homepage": "",
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    "imdb_id": "tt6528290",
    "original_language": "en",
    "original_title": "Knights of the Zodiac",
    "overview": "When a headstrong street orphan, Seiya, in search of his abducted sister unwittingly taps into hidden powers, he discovers he might be the only person alive who can protect a reincarnated goddess, sent to watch over humanity. Can he let his past go and embrace his destiny to become a Knight of the Zodiac?",
    "popularity": 3355.755,
    "poster_path": "/qW4crfED8mpNDadSmMdi7ZDzhXF.jpg",
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            "name": "Stage 6 Films",
            "origin_country": "US"
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            "name": "Toei Animation",
            "origin_country": "JP"
    "production_countries": [
            "iso_3166_1": "JP",
            "name": "Japan"
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            "name": "United States of America"
    "release_date": "2023-04-27",
    "revenue": 6794519,
    "runtime": 112,
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            "name": "English"
            "english_name": "Hungarian",
            "iso_639_1": "hu",
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    "tagline": "Go beyond your destiny.",
    "title": "Knights of the Zodiac",
    "video": false,
    "vote_average": 6.482,
    "vote_count": 310


  • POMODORO TIMER challenge

    • 목표 :
      • 앱은 아래와 같은 기능을 갖고있어야 합니다.
      • 유저가 타이머의 시간(15, 20, 25, 30, 35)을 선택할 수 있어야 합니다.
      • 유저가 타이머를 재설정 (리셋)할 수 있어야 합니다.
      • 유저가 한 사이클을 완료한 횟수를 카운트해야 합니다.
      • 유저가 4개의 사이클(1라운드)를 완료한 횟수를 카운트해야 합니다.
      • 각 라운드가 끝나면 사용자가 5분간 휴식을 취할 수 있어야 합니다.
  • reverse the taped btn's back and foreground color(버튼별 클릭시 버튼색 반전으로 선택된 버튼 확인 가능)

  • result sample(결과) :

  • 스크린샷 2023-07-07 오전 12 09 55





  • essential settings of flutter(flutter 초기 세팅)
  • all flutter materials are inhered in material(모든 flutter 요소는 material에 속해있다.)
  • combination of widgets are how apps are creating in flutter(widget들의 조합으로 어플의 모든 기능이 구현된다.)


  • project name(프로젝트 이름): day_one
  • current file(해당 파일): DayFive.dart
  • First code challenge
  • Challenge goals: Using everything we learned, make a Dictionary class with the following methods:


  • Student std=new Student();
  • var std=Student;
  • replace with instead of extends to using variables and methods(extends 대신 with로 변수나 메소드 사용 가능)
  • is format of constructor(형식으로 생성자 사용, 초기화 가능)


  • Named functions use curly braces for parameters. In this case, the parameter names and values are added like a map, regardless of the order.(named function은 parameter에 중괄호를 쳐준다 그럴경우 순서에 상관없이 map처럼 파라미터 이름과 value를 추가한다.)
  • Even when not assigning values like in a constructor, you can set a default value. (생성자처럼 번수를 주지 않았을 경우에도 default로 값을 지정해줄 수 있다.)
  • left ?? right.
  • (left==!null)? left : right


  • collection if/for : using loop, of if to add/update variable into a list
  • set vs list : list keeps all values even values are same, set's values have to be unique


  • dynamic == python variable like
  • const == like 'final' but using if the program do not have value
  • String? == String variable can have null value


Nomade Coders 2 weeks flutter chanllenge






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