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blahah committed Apr 21, 2016
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# Created by,osx,node

### Linux ###

# temporary files which can be created if a process still has a handle open of a deleted file

# KDE directory preferences

# Linux trash folder which might appear on any partition or disk

### OSX ###

# Icon must end with two \r

# Thumbnails

# Files that might appear in the root of a volume

# Directories potentially created on remote AFP share
Network Trash Folder
Temporary Items

### Node ###
# Logs

# Runtime data

# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover

# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul

# Grunt intermediate storage (

# node-waf configuration

# Compiled binary addons (

# Dependency directories

# Optional npm cache directory

# Optional REPL history

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145 changes: 145 additions & 0 deletions
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## yunoDB

A portable, persistent, electron compatible fulltext search database. LevelDB underneath.


## How it works

yuno is a JSON document store with fulltext search. It's meant for in in electron apps, focuses solely on text search, and in most cases should handle millions of documents easily.

yuno is pretty basic - it has two main components:
- the document store, which is just the raw JSON objects stored in [leveldb](
- the inverted search index, powered by [search-index]( Importantly, fields that will be searchable are passed through a customisable [natural]( language processing pipeline prior to being added to the index, greatly improving speed and memory usage compared to the vanilla search-index

**None of this is revolutionary** - actually it's standard in the major search contenders like `elasticsearch` and `solr`. And all the pieces exist already in the node ecosystem. But I couldn't find a node fulltext search and document store that could handle millions of documents, persisted on disk, didn't have crazy memory requirements and could be easily bundled into an electron app.

Like, db, **y** **u** **no** exist already??


## install

npm install --save yunodb

## use

1. create / load a database
2. add documents
3. search

### create / load a database

calling `yuno`

**`yuno(options, callback)`**


var yuno = require('yuno')
var dbopts = {
location: './.yuno',
keyField: 'id',
indexMap: ['text']
var db = yuno(opts, (err, dbhandle) => {
if (err) throw err
// do stuff with the db
db = dbhandle

`opts` configures the two persistent datastores. Possible key-value pairs are:

- **location** (String, required) - Base directory in which both datastores will be kept.
- **keyField** (String, required) - Field in each document to be used as a key in the document store.
- **indexMap** (Array | Object, required) - Fields to index for fulltext searching. See [index mapping](#index_mapping) below for details.

#### index mapping

It is quite rare that all fields in a database should be exposed to the user search. More often, we want to allow the user to search certain fields, but retrieve the full document for each result. The `indexMap` option allows you to specify how to index documents.

There are two ways to tell `yuno` how to index:

##### 1. Pass an Array of fields

The simple option - an array of fields to index. The contents of each field will be passed through the default Natural Language Processing pipeline before being added to the search index.

##### 2. Pass an Object mapping fields to processors

To fine-tune the processing on a per-field basis, pass an Object where each key is a field to index. Values can be one of:

- `true`/`false` whether to apply the default NLP pipeline
- `function` a custom processing function.

Custom processing take the field value as a single argument, and their return value (either a string or an array) will be tokenised and added to the index.

### add documents

**`db.add(documents, options, callback)`**

- `documents`, array of JSON-able objects to store
- `indexMap` optional, overrides the database-wide `indexMap` option
- `callback`, function to call on completion, with a single argument to be passed an error if there was one


var docs = [
{ id: 1, text: 'hello '},
{ id: 2, text: 'goodbye '},
{ id: 3, text: 'tortoise '}

function done (err) {
if (err) throw err
console.log('successfully added', docs.length, 'documents')

db.add(docs, done)

or using a custom `indexMap`:

// trim whitespace
function trim (str) { return str.trim() }

db.add(docs, { text: trim }, doneAdding)

### search

**`, opts, callback)`**

Returns a cursor that can be used to page through the results. By default the `pageSize` is 50.

- `query`, string search query
- `opts`, (optional) options object
- `callback`, function to call on completion. Takes two arguments:
- `err` error or `null`
- `results` object containing the result metadata and hits


var cursor ='tortoise', function(err, results) {
if (err) throw err

// first 50 results
console.log(results), results) {
// next page in here

## contributing

Contributions are very welcome. **Please** open an issue to discuss any changes you would like to PR, or mention in an existing issue that you plan to work on it.
140 changes: 140 additions & 0 deletions index.js
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var path = require('path')

var levelup = require('levelup')
var searchIndex = require('search-index')
var _ = require('lodash')
var mkdirp = require('mkdirp')

var preprocess = require('./preprocess/preprocess.js')

function Yuno (opts, cb) {
if (!(this instanceof Yuno)) return new Yuno(opts, cb)

requiredOpts(opts, ['keyField', 'indexMap'], cb)

var self = this

function ready () {
if (cb) cb(null, self)
// TODO: events, self.emit('ready')


this.docstorePath = path.join(opts.location, 'docstore')
this.docstore = levelup(opts.location)

this.indexPath = path.join(opts.location, 'index')
indexPath: this.indexPath,
deletable: false,
fieldedSearch: false,
fieldsToStore: ['tokens'],
nGramLength: 1
}, (err, si) => {
if (err) return cb(err)
self.index = si

this.preprocessor = preprocess(opts)
this.keyField = opts.keyField

Yuno.prototype.putOp = function (doc) {
return { type: 'put', key: doc[this.keyField], value: doc }

// docs: array of documents to add
// opts: options for adding
Yuno.prototype.add = function (docs, opts, cb) {
var self = this
if (_.isFunction(opts)) cb = opts
if (_.isPlainObject(docs)) docs = [docs]

var errs = []
var docb = _.after(2, function () {
cb(errs.length > 0 ? errs[0] : null, docs.length)
var done = function (err) {
if (err) errs.push(err)

this.docstore.batch( => {
return { type: 'put', key: '' + d[self.keyField], value: JSON.stringify(d) }
}), done)

this.index.add( => {
return { id: d[self.keyField], tokens: self.preprocessor.process(d) }
}), done)
// process the docs for search indexing

Yuno.prototype.get = function (key, cb) {
this.docstore.get(key, cb)
} = function (query, opts, cb) {
if (_.isFunction(opts)) {
cb = opts
opts = null
var cursor = Cursor(query, this, opts)
return cursor

function Cursor (query, db, opts) {
if (!(this instanceof Cursor)) return new Cursor(query, db, opts)

var defaults = {
pageSize: 50
if (!opts) opts = defaults

this.pageSize = opts.pageSize || defaults.pageSize
this.offset = 0
this.query = { AND: { '*': db.preprocessor.naturalize(query) } }
this.db = db
} = function (cb) {
var self = this
var q = {
query: this.query,
offset: this.offset,
pageSize: this.pageSize
}, (err, results) => {
if (err) return cb(err)
self.fullResults(results, cb)
this.offset += this.pageSize

Cursor.prototype.fullResults = function (results, cb) {
var self = this

var done = _.after(results.hits.length, function () {
cb(null, results)
}), i) => {
self.db.docstore.get(hit[self.db.keyField], (err, document) => {
if (err) cb(err)
results.hits[i].document = document

function requiredOpts (opts, keys, cb) {
keys.forEach((key) => {
if (!opts[key]) {
cb(new Error(key + ' option is required'))

module.exports = Yuno

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