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blak3r edited this page Aug 5, 2012 · 12 revisions

This page contains samples of how various logs look from asteriskLogger.php. Seeing what logs look like with a working implementation might help others find their problems.

From my extensions.conf (I use Liz Caller Id Plugin)

exten => _X.,1,Set(SUGAREXTENSION=${EXTEN}) 
exten => _X.,n,AGI(cid.agi)
exten => _X.,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},,t)
exten => _X.,n,Hangup

Outbound Call, Initiated by Dialing Number on Phone, x208 -> 4102152497

  • No SugarCRM User Assigned to extension 208
  • Dial Command for x208 == SIP/208
[2012-08-05 12:37:28] Timeout or Error
! AMI Event 'ExtensionStatus surpressed.
! AMI Event 'ExtensionStatus surpressed.
! AMI Event 'ExtensionStatus surpressed.
! AMI Event 'Newchannel surpressed.
! AMI Event 'ExtensionStatus surpressed.
! AMI Event 'Newstate surpressed.
[2012-08-05 12:37:54]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> NewCallerid                                       
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!              Channel --> SIP/208-00002660                                  
!          CallerIDNum --> 208                                               
!         CallerIDName --> BR Desktop Soft (XLink)                           
!             Uniqueid --> 1344184670.24678                                  
!      CID-CallingPres --> 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)            
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* {e['UniqueId']} CallerID  Changed to: 208
[2012-08-05 12:37:54]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> NewCallerid                                       
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!              Channel --> SIP/208-00002660                                  
!          CallerIDNum --> 4109429722                                        
!         CallerIDName --> Alertus                                           
!             Uniqueid --> 1344184670.24678                                  
!      CID-CallingPres --> 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)            
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* {e['UniqueId']} CallerID  Changed to: 4109429722
! AMI Event 'Newchannel surpressed.
[2012-08-05 12:37:54]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> Dial                                              
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!             SubEvent --> Begin                                             
!              Channel --> SIP/208-00002660                                  
!          Destination --> SIP/Flowroute-00002661                            
!          CallerIDNum --> 4109429722                                        
!         CallerIDName --> Alertus                                           
!             UniqueID --> 1344184670.24678                                  
!         DestUniqueID --> 1344184671.24679                                  
!           Dialstring --> Flowroute/14102152497                             
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
! Dial Event src=SIP/208-00002660 dest=SIP/Flowroute-00002661
! Successfully created CALL record with id=9ed54308-9490-21c4-cc8c-501ea1977818
* CallerID is: 4109429722
OUTBOUND state detected... /^(sip\/[1-9][0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?-|Local)/i is astMatchInternal eChannel= SIP/208-00002660 eDestination=SIP/Flowroute-00002661
[2012-08-05 12:37:57]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> NewCallerid                                       
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!              Channel --> SIP/Flowroute-00002661                            
!          CallerIDNum --> 4102152497                                        
!         CallerIDName -->                                                   
!             Uniqueid --> 1344184671.24679                                  
!      CID-CallingPres --> 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)            
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* {e['UniqueId']} CallerID  Changed to: 4102152497
! AMI Event 'Newstate surpressed.
! AMI Event 'Newstate surpressed.
! AMI Event 'Newstate surpressed.
[2012-08-05 12:38:20]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> NewAccountCode                                    
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!              Channel --> SIP/Flowroute-00002661                            
!             Uniqueid --> 1344184671.24679                                  
!          AccountCode -->                                                   
!       OldAccountCode -->                                                   
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[2012-08-05 12:38:20]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> Bridge                                            
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!          Bridgestate --> Link                                              
!           Bridgetype --> core                                              
!             Channel1 --> SIP/208-00002660                                  
!             Channel2 --> SIP/Flowroute-00002661                            
!            Uniqueid1 --> 1344184670.24678                                  
!            Uniqueid2 --> 1344184671.24679                                  
!            CallerID1 --> 4109429722                                        
!            CallerID2 --> 4102152497                                        
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[2012-08-05 12:39:09]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> Unlink                                            
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!             Channel1 --> SIP/208-00002660                                  
!             Channel2 --> SIP/Flowroute-00002661                            
!            Uniqueid1 --> 1344184670.24678                                  
!            Uniqueid2 --> 1344184671.24679                                  
!            CallerID1 --> 4109429722                                        
!            CallerID2 --> 4102152497                                        
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[2012-08-05 12:39:09]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> Hangup                                            
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!              Channel --> SIP/Flowroute-00002661                            
!             Uniqueid --> 1344184671.24679                                  
!          CallerIDNum --> 4102152497                                        
!         CallerIDName --> <unknown>                                         
!                Cause --> 16                                                
!            Cause-txt --> Normal Clearing                                   
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# +++ findCallByAsteriskId(1344184671.24679)
! Found entry in asterisk_log recordId=9ed54308-9490-21c4-cc8c-501ea1977818
# [1344184671.24679] FOUND outbound CALL
Looking for user extension number in: SIP/208-00002660
Channel Matched SIP/### style regex.  Ext is:208
# +++ findUserByAsteriskExtension(208)
 ! Assigned user will be set to Administrator.
# [1344184671.24679] Measured call duration is 50 seconds
# +++ find AccountByPhoneNumber(4102152497)
! No results returned
# +++ find ContactByPhoneNumber(4102152497)
  findSugarObjectByPhoneNumber: Contact query components- Phone: 2152497   RegEx: (2\[^\d\]*1\[^\d\]*5\[^\d\]*2\[^\d\]*4\[^\d\]*9\[^\d\]*7\[^\d\]*)$
Found multiple contacts -- all belong to same account, associating call with account.
! Invalid Arguments passed to setRelationshipBetweenCallAndBean# [1344184671.24679] (OUTBOUND) Now updating record in /Calls/ id=9ed54308-9490-21c4-cc8c-501ea1977818...
NAME: ** Automatic record **
[2012-08-05 12:39:14]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> Dial                                              
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!             SubEvent --> End                                               
!              Channel --> SIP/208-00002660                                  
!             UniqueID --> 1344184670.24678                                  
!           DialStatus --> ANSWER                                            
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
! AMI Event 'ExtensionStatus surpressed.
[2012-08-05 12:39:14]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> Hangup                                            
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!              Channel --> SIP/208-00002660                                  
!             Uniqueid --> 1344184670.24678                                  
!          CallerIDNum --> 4109429722                                        
!         CallerIDName --> Alertus                                           
!                Cause --> 16                                                
!            Cause-txt --> Normal Clearing                                   
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# +++ findCallByAsteriskId(1344184670.24678)
! Warning, results set was empty!
[1344184670.24678] FAILED TO FIND A CALL (note: there are two hangups per call, so this might not be an error)

Outbound Call 2, Initiated by Dialing Number on phone. X207 --> 4102152497, x207 is not assigned to any user when call was made.

[2012-08-05 01:59:59] Timeout or Error
! AMI Event 'Newchannel surpressed.
! AMI Event 'Newstate surpressed.
[2012-08-05 02:00:58]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> NewCallerid                                       
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!              Channel --> SIP/207-0000265c                                  
!          CallerIDNum --> 207                                               
!         CallerIDName --> BR Mac Softphone                                  
!             Uniqueid --> 1344146454.24674                                  
!      CID-CallingPres --> 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)            
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* {e['UniqueId']} CallerID  Changed to: 207
[2012-08-05 02:00:58]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> NewCallerid                                       
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!              Channel --> SIP/207-0000265c                                  
!          CallerIDNum --> 4109429722                                        
!         CallerIDName --> Alertus                                           
!             Uniqueid --> 1344146454.24674                                  
!      CID-CallingPres --> 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)            
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* {e['UniqueId']} CallerID  Changed to: 4109429722
! AMI Event 'Newchannel surpressed.
[2012-08-05 02:00:58]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> Dial                                              
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!             SubEvent --> Begin                                             
!              Channel --> SIP/207-0000265c                                  
!          Destination --> SIP/Flowroute-0000265d                            
!          CallerIDNum --> 4109429722                                        
!         CallerIDName --> Alertus                                           
!             UniqueID --> 1344146454.24674                                  
!         DestUniqueID --> 1344146454.24675                                  
!           Dialstring --> Flowroute/14102152497                             
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
! Dial Event src=SIP/207-0000265c dest=SIP/Flowroute-0000265d
! Successfully created CALL record with id=2cd5b51d-238c-1c2f-85a8-501e0c7e948a
* CallerID is: 4109429722
OUTBOUND state detected... /^(sip\/[1-9][0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?-|Local)/i is astMatchInternal eChannel= SIP/207-0000265c eDestination=SIP/Flowroute-0000265d
[2012-08-05 02:00:59]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> NewCallerid                                       
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!              Channel --> SIP/Flowroute-0000265d                            
!          CallerIDNum --> 4102152497                                        
!         CallerIDName -->                                                   
!             Uniqueid --> 1344146454.24675                                  
!      CID-CallingPres --> 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)            
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* {e['UniqueId']} CallerID  Changed to: 4102152497
! AMI Event 'ExtensionStatus surpressed.
! AMI Event 'ExtensionStatus surpressed.
! AMI Event 'ExtensionStatus surpressed.
! AMI Event 'Newstate surpressed.
! AMI Event 'Newstate surpressed.
! AMI Event 'Newstate surpressed.
[2012-08-05 02:01:16]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> NewAccountCode                                    
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!              Channel --> SIP/Flowroute-0000265d                            
!             Uniqueid --> 1344146454.24675                                  
!          AccountCode -->                                                   
!       OldAccountCode -->                                                   
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[2012-08-05 02:01:16]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> Bridge                                            
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!          Bridgestate --> Link                                              
!           Bridgetype --> core                                              
!             Channel1 --> SIP/207-0000265c                                  
!             Channel2 --> SIP/Flowroute-0000265d                            
!            Uniqueid1 --> 1344146454.24674                                  
!            Uniqueid2 --> 1344146454.24675                                  
!            CallerID1 --> 4109429722                                        
!            CallerID2 --> 4102152497                                        
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[2012-08-05 02:01:34]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> Unlink                                            
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!             Channel1 --> SIP/207-0000265c                                  
!             Channel2 --> SIP/Flowroute-0000265d                            
!            Uniqueid1 --> 1344146454.24674                                  
!            Uniqueid2 --> 1344146454.24675                                  
!            CallerID1 --> 4109429722                                        
!            CallerID2 --> 4102152497                                        
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[2012-08-05 02:01:34]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> Hangup                                            
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!              Channel --> SIP/Flowroute-0000265d                            
!             Uniqueid --> 1344146454.24675                                  
!          CallerIDNum --> 4102152497                                        
!         CallerIDName --> <unknown>                                         
!                Cause --> 16                                                
!            Cause-txt --> Normal Clearing                                   
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# +++ findCallByAsteriskId(1344146454.24675)
! Found entry in asterisk_log recordId=2cd5b51d-238c-1c2f-85a8-501e0c7e948a
# [1344146454.24675] FOUND outbound CALL
Looking for user extension number in: SIP/207-0000265c
Channel Matched SIP/### style regex.  Ext is:207
# +++ findUserByAsteriskExtension(207)
! Assigned user id set to 1
# [1344146454.24675] Measured call duration is 18 seconds
# +++ find AccountByPhoneNumber(4102152497)
! No results returned
# +++ find ContactByPhoneNumber(4102152497)
  findSugarObjectByPhoneNumber: Contact query components- Phone: 2152497   RegEx: (2\[^\d\]*1\[^\d\]*5\[^\d\]*2\[^\d\]*4\[^\d\]*9\[^\d\]*7\[^\d\]*)$
Found multiple contacts -- all belong to same account, associating call with account.
! Invalid Arguments passed to setRelationshipBetweenCallAndBean# [1344146454.24675] (OUTBOUND) Now updating record in /Calls/ id=2cd5b51d-238c-1c2f-85a8-501e0c7e948a...
NAME: ** Automatic record **
[2012-08-05 02:01:35]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> Dial                                              
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!             SubEvent --> End                                               
!              Channel --> SIP/207-0000265c                                  
!             UniqueID --> 1344146454.24674                                  
!           DialStatus --> ANSWER                                            
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[2012-08-05 02:01:35]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> Hangup                                            
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!              Channel --> SIP/207-0000265c                                  
!             Uniqueid --> 1344146454.24674                                  
!          CallerIDNum --> 4109429722                                        
!         CallerIDName --> Alertus                                           
!                Cause --> 16                                                
!            Cause-txt --> Normal Clearing                                   
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# +++ findCallByAsteriskId(1344146454.24674)
! Warning, results set was empty!

Outbound Call initiated by Click To Dial, 207 was assigned to "Blake Robertson" at time of call.

! AMI Event 'Newchannel surpressed.
[2012-08-05 02:08:32]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> NewCallerid                                       
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!              Channel --> SIP/207-0000265e                                  
!          CallerIDNum --> 207                                               
!         CallerIDName -->                                                   
!             Uniqueid --> 1344146907.24676                                  
!      CID-CallingPres --> 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)            
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* {e['UniqueId']} CallerID  Changed to: 207
[2012-08-05 02:08:32]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> NewAccountCode                                    
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!              Channel --> SIP/207-0000265e                                  
!             Uniqueid --> 1344146907.24676                                  
!          AccountCode -->                                                   
!       OldAccountCode -->                                                   
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[2012-08-05 02:08:32]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> NewCallerid                                       
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!              Channel --> SIP/207-0000265e                                  
!          CallerIDNum --> 207                                               
!         CallerIDName -->                                                   
!             Uniqueid --> 1344146907.24676                                  
!      CID-CallingPres --> 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)            
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* {e['UniqueId']} CallerID  Changed to: 207
! AMI Event 'Newstate surpressed.
! AMI Event 'Newstate surpressed.
[2012-08-05 02:08:41]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> NewCallerid                                       
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!              Channel --> SIP/207-0000265e                                  
!          CallerIDNum --> 207                                               
!         CallerIDName --> BR Mac Softphone                                  
!             Uniqueid --> 1344146907.24676                                  
!      CID-CallingPres --> 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)            
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* {e['UniqueId']} CallerID  Changed to: 207
[2012-08-05 02:08:41]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> NewCallerid                                       
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!              Channel --> SIP/207-0000265e                                  
!          CallerIDNum --> 4109429722                                        
!         CallerIDName --> Alertus                                           
!             Uniqueid --> 1344146907.24676                                  
!      CID-CallingPres --> 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)            
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* {e['UniqueId']} CallerID  Changed to: 4109429722
! AMI Event 'Newchannel surpressed.
[2012-08-05 02:08:42]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> Dial                                              
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!             SubEvent --> Begin                                             
!              Channel --> SIP/207-0000265e                                  
!          Destination --> SIP/Flowroute-0000265f                            
!          CallerIDNum --> 4109429722                                        
!         CallerIDName --> Alertus                                           
!             UniqueID --> 1344146907.24676                                  
!         DestUniqueID --> 1344146917.24677                                  
!           Dialstring --> Flowroute/14102152497                             
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
! Dial Event src=SIP/207-0000265e dest=SIP/Flowroute-0000265f
! Successfully created CALL record with id=4c28d2f2-6d8c-bb29-c445-501e0ddf6b79
* CallerID is: 4109429722
OUTBOUND state detected... /^(sip\/[1-9][0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?-|Local)/i is astMatchInternal eChannel= SIP/207-0000265e eDestination=SIP/Flowroute-0000265f
[2012-08-05 02:08:43]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> NewCallerid                                       
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!              Channel --> SIP/Flowroute-0000265f                            
!          CallerIDNum --> 14102152497                                       
!         CallerIDName -->                                                   
!             Uniqueid --> 1344146917.24677                                  
!      CID-CallingPres --> 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)            
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* {e['UniqueId']} CallerID  Changed to: 4102152497
! AMI Event 'Newstate surpressed.
! AMI Event 'Newstate surpressed.
[2012-08-05 02:08:54]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> NewAccountCode                                    
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!              Channel --> SIP/Flowroute-0000265f                            
!             Uniqueid --> 1344146917.24677                                  
!          AccountCode -->                                                   
!       OldAccountCode -->                                                   
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[2012-08-05 02:08:54]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> Bridge                                            
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!          Bridgestate --> Link                                              
!           Bridgetype --> core                                              
!             Channel1 --> SIP/207-0000265e                                  
!             Channel2 --> SIP/Flowroute-0000265f                            
!            Uniqueid1 --> 1344146907.24676                                  
!            Uniqueid2 --> 1344146917.24677                                  
!            CallerID1 --> 4109429722                                        
!            CallerID2 --> 14102152497                                       
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[2012-08-05 02:09:47]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> Unlink                                            
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!             Channel1 --> SIP/207-0000265e                                  
!             Channel2 --> SIP/Flowroute-0000265f                            
!            Uniqueid1 --> 1344146907.24676                                  
!            Uniqueid2 --> 1344146917.24677                                  
!            CallerID1 --> 4109429722                                        
!            CallerID2 --> 14102152497                                       
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[2012-08-05 02:09:47]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> Hangup                                            
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!              Channel --> SIP/Flowroute-0000265f                            
!             Uniqueid --> 1344146917.24677                                  
!          CallerIDNum --> 14102152497                                       
!         CallerIDName --> <unknown>                                         
!                Cause --> 16                                                
!            Cause-txt --> Normal Clearing                                   
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# +++ findCallByAsteriskId(1344146917.24677)
! Found entry in asterisk_log recordId=4c28d2f2-6d8c-bb29-c445-501e0ddf6b79
# [1344146917.24677] FOUND outbound CALL
Looking for user extension number in: SIP/207-0000265e
Channel Matched SIP/### style regex.  Ext is:207
# +++ findUserByAsteriskExtension(207)
! Assigned user id set to f1150f63-6f0e-ae05-7ba3-4ca1158cfa86
# [1344146917.24677] Measured call duration is 54 seconds
Contact Id already set by callListener to: 3373ab58-ec01-c5e1-38f1-4f8f921b535c
# Establishing relation to Contacts... Call ID: 4c28d2f2-6d8c-bb29-c445-501e0ddf6b79 to Bean ID: 3373ab58-ec01-c5e1-38f1-4f8f921b535c
! No results returned
# +++ findAccountForContact(3373ab58-ec01-c5e1-38f1-4f8f921b535c)
! No results returned
# No associated account found
# [1344146917.24677] (OUTBOUND) Now updating record in /Calls/ id=4c28d2f2-6d8c-bb29-c445-501e0ddf6b79...
NAME: ** Automatic record **
[2012-08-05 02:09:49]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> Dial                                              
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!             SubEvent --> End                                               
!              Channel --> SIP/207-0000265e                                  
!             UniqueID --> 1344146907.24676                                  
!           DialStatus --> ANSWER                                            
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[2012-08-05 02:09:49]
! --- Event -----------------------------------------------------------
!                Event --> Hangup                                            
!            Privilege --> call,all                                          
!              Channel --> SIP/207-0000265e                                  
!             Uniqueid --> 1344146907.24676                                  
!          CallerIDNum --> 4109429722                                        
!         CallerIDName --> Alertus                                           
!                Cause --> 16                                                
!            Cause-txt --> Normal Clearing                                   
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# +++ findCallByAsteriskId(1344146907.24676)
! Warning, results set was empty!
[1344146907.24676] FAILED TO FIND A CALL (note: there are two hangups per call, so this might not be an error)
Clone this wiki locally