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  • Build Docker images using the Artisan CLI
  • Detect PHP version and extensions
  • Bundle assets with Vite.js or Laravel Mix
  • Separate NGINX and PHP-FPM images
  • Deployment examples for Kubernetes and Docker Compose


composer require --dev blamebutton/laravel-docker-builder


Detect Configuration

php artisan docker:generate --detect

When --detect is passed to the docker:generate command, it will automatically detect the following requirements:

  • PHP version, detected using the php version in your composer.json
  • PHP extensions, detected using the configuration of your project:
    • Cache driver: Redis, Memcached, APC
    • Database driver: MySQL, Postgres, SQL Server
    • Broadcasting driver: Redis
    • Queue driver: Redis
    • Session driver: Redis, Memcached, APC
  • Node package manager, detected using the existence of package-lock.json or yarn.lock
  • Node build tool, detected using the existence of vite.config.js or webpack.mix.js

Manual Configuration

php artisan docker:generate

When no options are passed to docker:generate, a prompt is used to configure the project's requirements.

See all available options, and their supported values, by running php artisan docker:generate --help.

  • -p, --php-version - PHP version for Docker image
  • -e, --php-extensions - PHP extensions (comma-separated) to include in Docker image
  • -o, --optimize - Run php artisan optimize on container start
  • -a, --alpine - Use Alpine Linux based images
  • -m, --node-package-manager - Install Node dependencies using NPM or Yarn
  • -b, --node-build-tool - Run Vite.js or Laravel Mix build step


Option 1: Config File

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="BlameButton\LaravelDockerBuilder\DockerServiceProvider"

Option 2: .env

By default, the configuration file reads the following environment variables to determine the Docker image tags.
