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RxStore Observer is a redux-inspired state management library using ReactiveX at its core. This provides a complete tool for scalable javascript applications by offering built-in side-effects handling using Observables.

Getting Started

Install using npm:

npm install rxstore-observer --save

Install using yarn:

yarn add rxstore-observer

Usage Sample

import { createRxStore, RxModel, ActionMethod, State } from 'rxstore-observer'

class Counter {
    @State counter = 0

    increment() {
        this.counter+= 1

    decrement() {
        this.counter+= 1

const { reducer, initialState, actions } = new RxModel( Counter )

// Create a mew store instance using `createRxStore`
const store = createRxStore( reducer, initialState )
store.subscribe( (action) => {
    // Subscribing to any state changes inside your store continer.
    console.log( 'ACTION DISPATCHED: ', action )
    console.log( 'CURRENT STATE: ', store.getState() ) 
} )

// Used for dispatching an action to the store.
store.dispatch( actions.increment() )

Using Redux Patterns

import { createRxStore } from 'rxstore-observer'

const initialState = {
    counter: 0

const reducer = (state = initialState, action ) => {
    switch (action.type) {
        case 'INCREMENT': return { ...state, counter: state.counter + 1 }
        case 'DECREMENT': return { ...state, counter: state.counter - 1 }
        default: return state

// Create a mew store instance using `createRxStore`
const store = createRxStore( reducer )

store.subscribe( (action) => {
    // Subscribing to any state changes inside your store continer.
    console.log( 'ACTION DISPATCHED: ', action )
    console.log( 'CURRENT STATE: ', store.getState() ) 
} )

// Used for dispatching an action to the store.
store.dispatch( { type: 'INCREMENT' } )

Adding side effects

import { createRxStore, RxModel, ActionMethod, State, ofType, Effect, ActionType } from 'rxstore-observer'
import { debounceTime, mapTo, tap } from 'rxjs/operators'

class Counter {
    @State counter = 0
    @State done = false

    // ActionType parameter should match its ActionMethod's method name!
    @ActionType('increment') incrementType
    increment() {
        this.counter+= 1

    @ActionType('decrement') decrementType
    decrement() {
        this.counter+= 1

    setDone( value ) {
        this.done = value

    // Using RxJS Observables!
    @Effect watchCounter1( action$ ) {
        return action$.pipe(
            ofType(this.incrementType, this.decrementType),
            mapTo(() => this.setDone(false))

    @Effect watchCounter2( action$ ) {
        return action$.pipe( 
            ofType(this.incrementType, this.decrementType),


const { reducer, initialState, actions, effects } = new RxModel( Counter )

// Create a mew store instance using `createRxStore`
const store = createRxStore( reducer, initialState, effects )
store.subscribe( (action) => {
    // Subscribing to any state changes inside your store continer.
    console.log( 'ACTION DISPATCHED: ', action )
    console.log( 'CURRENT STATE: ', store.getState() ) 
} )

store.dispatch( actions.increment() )


ACTION DISPATCHED: { type: 'Counter/increment', payload: undefined }
CURRENT STATE: { counter: 1, done: false }
ACTION DISPATCHED: { type: 'Counter/setDone', payload: false }
CURRENT STATE: { counter: 1, done: false }

// After 1000ms
ACTION DISPATCHED: { type: 'Counter/setDone', payload: true }
CURRENT STATE: { counter: 1, done: true }

Injectable Services

import { State, ActionMethod, Injectable, Effect, ofType } from 'rxstore-observer'
import { fromPromise, of } from 'rxjs'
import { mapTo, mergeMap } from 'rxjs/operators'

class UserService {
    fetchUsers() {
        return fromPromise(await fetch(<USERS_API_HERE>))

class UserStore {
    @State loading = false
    @State users = []

    @ActionType('fetchUsers') fetchUsersType

    @ActionMethod fetchUsers() {}
    @ActionMethod setUsers(users) { this.users = users }
    @ActionMethod setLoading(toggle) { this.loading = toggle }

    @Effect toggleLoading (action$) {
        return action$.pipe(

    @Effect fetchUsersEffect(action$) {
        return action$.pipe(
            mergeMap(() => this.userService.fetchUsers().pipe(
                mergeMap(users => of(

        protected userService: UserService
    ) {}


Redux-inspired state management library powered by ReactiveX






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