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Blog (

Blog CD

Writing articles

Minimal frontmatter

title: Title
date: 1970-01-01

Complete frontmatter

title: Title
subtitle: Subtitle
date: 1970-01-01
author: John Doe # default: Blazej Sewera
license: MIT # default: CC BY-SA 4.0
language: en-US # default: en-US
draft: true # default: false
draftDescription: This is a draft # default: This is a draft article. It may be incomplete.
imgUrl: /image.jpg # default: null
imgDescription: Sample image # default: ''
abstract: | # default: ''
  A short description of an article
keywords: # default []
  - kw1
  - kw2


  • Install Go


  • Run tests:
    yarn test
    yarn test:watch
  • Run tests with the snapshot updates:
    yarn test:update
  • Run a development server:
    yarn dev

Deploy and rollback

The blog is deployed on every push to master. All the applicable deployment and rollback workflows, both automatic and manual are in the actions tab.


Vitest is a faster alternative to Jest.


Isolation mode has to be on. Otherwise, test re-runs in watch mode will fail sometimes.

In vite.config.mjs:

export default defineConfig({
  // [...]
  test: {
    isolate: true,

Vitest VSCode integration

Remember to run vitest VSCode plugin in "Watch mode". To do this, open the Testing tab, expand a dropdown for run configurations (a caret by the double play button), and select Run Tests (Watch Mode).


TLDR: All files in src/pages directory are under CC-BY-SA-4.0. All other files are under GPL-3.0. There can be exceptions, which have to be clearly specified in the licensed file.

A more detailed explanation can be found in the LICENSE file.

Photos are sourced from Unsplash under the Unsplash license, unless stated otherwise.