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A scala Either on Steroids, accumulating error types

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An Either type on steroïds, able to accumulate error types.


Either, especially in Scala 2.12, can be used to perform error management. By convention Left will represent the error and Right will represent the expected value.

For example:

def parseStr(s: String): Either[String, Int] = try {
  } catch {
    case _:NumberFormatException => Left(s"$s cannot be formatted")

This function will return a String when there is an error, and an Int when the parameter String can be parsed.

scala> parseStr("test")
res0: Either[String,Int] = Left(test cannot be formatted)

scala> parseStr("34")
res1: Either[String,Int] = Right(34)

That being said, String as an error type is not really descriptive. From an external point of view, we know that the function can fail, but we don't know what kind of failure occurred. It would be better to use a specific type to represent our error.

case class NumberFormatError(nonFormattableString: String)
def parse(s: String): Either[NumberFormatError, Int] = try {
    } catch {
      case _:NumberFormatException => Left(NumberFormatError(s))
scala> parse("test")
res2: Either[NumberFormatError,Int] = Left(NumberFormatError(test))

It's clearly better, but we now have a problem when mixing different error types.

scala> case class DivideByZero(nb1: Double) 
defined class DivideByZero

scala> def divide(nb1: Double, nb2: Double): Either[DivideByZero, Double] = {
     |    if (nb2 == 0) Left(DivideByZero(nb1))
     |    else Right(nb1 / nb2)
     | }
divide: (nb1: Double, nb2: Double)Either[DivideByZero,Double]

The following code will generate an Either with the super type of our two error types. The problem is that the only common super type is Serializable with Product, thus we lose all type information pertaining to the error, which stands in the way of our goal to achieve a more precise type.

scala> for {
     |   nb1 <- parse("2")
     |   nb2 <- parse("3")
     |   result <- divide(nb1, nb2)
     | } yield result
res3: scala.util.Either[Product with Serializable,Double] = Right(0.6666666666666666)

The way to circumvent this is to try to have a Either[Either[NumberFormatError, DivideByZero], Double], but to generate this is not easy a lot of accidental complexity:

scala> for {
     |   nb1 <- parse("2") => Left(x))
     |   nb2 <- parse("3") => Left(x))
     |   result <- divide(nb1, nb2) => Right(x))
     | } yield result
res4: scala.util.Either[scala.util.Either[NumberFormatError,DivideByZero],Double] = Right(0.6666666666666666)

And it would be even more complex with more than two error types.

EitherAcc is a way to solve this problem.


EitherAcc is a :

  • disjunction - there is 2 possible value, Err and Success.
  • like Either, Err is absorbing: you don't accumulate errors
  • unlike Either it's accumulating error types

Looking at our previous example, we can use EitherAcc the following way:

scala> import co.sachemmolo.eitheracc.EitherAcc
import co.sachemmolo.eitheracc.EitherAcc

scala> for {
     |   nb1 <- EitherAcc.fromEither(parse("2"))
     |   nb2 <- EitherAcc.fromEither(parse("3"))
     |   result <- EitherAcc.fromEither(divide(nb1, nb2))
     | } yield result
res5: co.sachemmolo.eitheracc.EitherAcc[NumberFormatError :+: DivideByZero :+: shapeless.CNil,Double] = Success(0.6666666666666666)

We can see that the resulting type EitherAcc[NumberFormatError :+: DivideByZero :+: CNil, Double] has accumulated the type. That type can be read as "A value of type Double or an error, which type will be NumberFormatError OR DivideByZero".

Using the library


There is currently 3 ways to construct an instance of EitherAcc:

scala> EitherAcc.pure[DivideByZero, String]("test") // construct a Success Value
res6: co.sachemmolo.eitheracc.EitherAcc[DivideByZero :+: shapeless.CNil,String] = Success(test)

scala> EitherAcc.err[DivideByZero, String](DivideByZero(1d)) // construct an Error Value
res7: co.sachemmolo.eitheracc.EitherAcc[DivideByZero :+: shapeless.CNil,String] = Err(Inl(DivideByZero(1.0)))

scala> EitherAcc.fromEither(Right[DivideByZero, String]("test")) // construct a value depending of the Either
res8: co.sachemmolo.eitheracc.EitherAcc[DivideByZero :+: shapeless.CNil,String] = Success(test)

Getting the value

When you finally have your value wrapped in an EitherAcc, you will want to get back your result - the error or the success value. This operation is in fact folding the EitherAcc and we'll need Poly1 from Shapeless to do that.

scala> import shapeless.{Poly1, CNil, :+: }
import shapeless.{Poly1, CNil, $colon$plus$colon}

scala> object getErrorAsString extends Poly1 {
     |    implicit def caseDivideByZero = at[DivideByZero](err => s"Fail to divide ${err.nb1} by 0")
     |    implicit def caseFormatError = at[NumberFormatError](err => s"Fail format ${err.nonFormattableString} to number")
     | }
defined object getErrorAsString

scala> def parseAndDivide(str1: String, str2: String): EitherAcc[NumberFormatError :+: DivideByZero :+: CNil, Double] = {
     |     for {
     |       nb1 <- EitherAcc.fromEither(parse(str1))
     |       nb2 <- EitherAcc.fromEither(parse(str2))
     |       result <- EitherAcc.fromEither(divide(nb1, nb2))
     |     } yield result
     | }
parseAndDivide: (str1: String, str2: String)co.sachemmolo.eitheracc.EitherAcc[NumberFormatError :+: DivideByZero :+: shapeless.CNil,Double]
scala> parseAndDivide("3","5").fold(getErrorAsString, _.toString)
res9: String = 0.6

scala> parseAndDivide("3","da").fold(getErrorAsString, _.toString)
res10: String = Fail format da to number

scala> parseAndDivide("3","0").fold(getErrorAsString, _.toString)
res11: String = Fail to divide 3.0 by 0

Monadic concern

The left type of EitherAcc changes with a flatMap, and as such it cannot be a monad. It is however possible to fix the type of the error accumulator first, through the widen operation. That way, the left type becomes fixed, and our EitherAcc becomes monadic.

scala> type Errors = NumberFormatError :+: DivideByZero :+: CNil
defined type alias Errors

scala> for {
     |   nb1 <- EitherAcc.fromEither(parse("2")).widen[Errors]
     |   nb2 <- EitherAcc.fromEither(parse("3")).widen[Errors]
     |   result <- EitherAcc.fromEither(divide(nb1, nb2)).widen[Errors]
     | } yield result
res12: co.sachemmolo.eitheracc.EitherAcc[NumberFormatError :+: DivideByZero :+: shapeless.CNil,Double] = Success(0.6666666666666666)

Don't worry, widen is not a cast, it can be called only if the error type of EitherAcc is included in the widened type.


A scala Either on Steroids, accumulating error types







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