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Releases: blipson89/Leprechaun


15 Jun 15:33
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Enhancements / Changes

  • Added: .NET 8 support
  • Updated: Vulnerable Json.NET dependency

How to Update

  1. Run either:
    • dotnet tool update leprechaun.cli (if installed locally)
    • dotnet tool update -g leprechaun.cli (if installed globally)


12 Nov 21:34
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Enhancements / Changes

  • Added: better error handling around Sitecore CLI errors to help users determine how to resolve the issue (thanks @daivagna)
  • Added: Sitecore Headless codegen csx files (thanks @Davy803)

How to Update

  1. Run either:
    • dotnet tool update leprechaun.cli (if installed locally)
    • dotnet tool update -g leprechaun.cli (if installed globally)


06 Jan 01:23
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Enhancements / Changes

  • Added: ability to write to multiple files at once #56
  • Changed: Updated to .NET 6
  • Changed: Updated unit test suite

Bug Fixes

How to Update

  1. Run either:
    • dotnet tool update leprechaun.cli (if installed locally)
    • dotnet tool update -g leprechaun.cli (if installed globally)


09 Oct 18:55
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  • Update to Sitecore CLI 4.0
  • Added watch support to the Sitecore Input Provider
  • You can now override the generated type of a specific field
  • ⚠️See Backwards Compatibility Notes⚠️

Enhancements / Changes

  • Added: watch capability to the Sitecore input provider
  • Added: version number to CSX templates. Generated code can now accurately reflect the version of Leprechaun
  • Added: ability to override the type on a specific field (#11)
  • Changed: Stack traces are hidden by default. Use /d or /debug to show full error messages
  • Changed: Updated the GlassMapper.csx template with a bit more detail (#45)

Bug Fixes

  • #44 - SitecoreTemplateReader no longer crashes when scope is set to DescendantsOnly
  • #44 - SitecoreTemplateReader now properly respects the template predicate (see note below)
  • #46 - Multiple base templates now get parsed correctly (thank you @Viktar-Semiarykou)

⚠️ Backwards Compatibility Notes

  • [MINOR] For the Sitecore Input Provider, the name in the include of the templatePredicate MUST match the name of the Include in the .module.json file in order to generate templates. See the Leprechaun.config file for more information.

How to Update

  1. Run either:
    • dotnet tool update leprechaun.cli (if installed locally)
    • dotnet tool update -g leprechaun.cli (if installed globally)
  2. If using Sitecore Serialization, ensure the templatePredicate is setup correctly in your Leprechaun.config (see backwards compatibility notes)


17 Aug 21:10
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This release fixes an issue with resolving module namespaces for Sitecore serialization (thanks @vhil!)


Since this is a dotnet tool, you can update it via
dotnet tool update Leprechaun.Cli (add the -g flag if you want to install it globally)


07 Aug 00:42
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  • Leprechaun is now a dotnet tool!
  • Added support for Sitecore Serialization (Sitecore 10)
  • Major refactor to support additional serialization providers
  • ⚠️ BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES See upgrading section in the readme ⚠️

Enhancements / Changes

  • Added: Leprechaun.Cli dotnet tool
  • Added: Sitecore.InputProviders.Sitecore - Input provider for Sitecore Serialization (Sitecore 10)
  • Changed: Moved Rainbow related code to Sitecore.InputProviders.Rainbow


Going forward, Leprechaun is available as a dotnet tool. Read the Installing Leprechaun section of the readme


19 Oct 18:10
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  • Added whitelisting for base templates, and added the "Rendering Parameters" template to this list
  • Merged some community enhancements to the .csx scripts
  • Under the hood: changed the solution to use the modern SDK format for csproj files
  • ⚠️ Updated Leprechaun to .NET 4.7.2 ⚠️

Enhancements / Changes

  • Added: whitelisting for missing base templates (#20)
  • Added: All template field info fields are now available (PR #28 - thanks @jbreuer )
  • Added: [GeneratedCode] attribute has been added to the out of the box CSX scripts (PR #26 - thanks @basvanmeer)
  • Changed: Removed hardcoded namespace in default Glass Mapper (PR #25 - thanks @whuu)
  • Changed: "Multilist with Search" has been added to the default CSX scripts (PR #23 - thanks @lcjordan)
  • Changed: global:: namespace added to the default CSX scripts (PR #22 - thanks @lcjordan)
  • Changed: now requires .NET 4.7.2


08 Aug 00:48
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  • Glass Mapper Support
  • NuGet Package Tweaks
  • Fixes and Enhancements

⚠️ Contains minor backwards incompatible changes ⚠️

Enhancements / Changes

  • Added Glass Mapper support with GlassMapper.csx! Special thanks to @sitecoremaster
  • Add the global scope to namespaces to inherited interfaces in Synthesis.csx for friending (#14 - credit @lcjordan)
  • Added more unit tests
  • Updated Readme to contain a troubleshooting section. More to come later.
  • HelpText for fields will fall back to Name if both Field.HelpText and DisplayName are blank
  • Added new attribute to <typeNameGenerator> called keepLeadingUnderscores to allow for item names to keep a leading _ (i.e. _Foo and I_Foo)
    • ⚠️ BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY NOTE. If you are upgrading from an older version, you must add keepLeadingUnderscores="false" to your <typeNameGenerator> node in Leprechaun.config


  • Fixed: The main config file will now properly resolve exe-relative paths (issue #18)
  • Fixed: Unique field name validation now takes into consideration the template's own fields (#7)
  • Fixed: Incorrect namespaces were being generated if the namespace had a number (#12 - credit @Gronex)


02 Aug 22:54
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1.0.1-pre03 Pre-release

Version 1.0.1-pre03

This is a small release that adds a few enhancements and changes.

⚠️ Contains minor backwards incompatible changes ⚠️

Enhancements / Changes

  • Updated Readme to contain a troubleshooting section. More to come later.
  • HelpText for fields will fall back to Name if both Field.HelpText and DisplayName are blank
  • Added new attribute to <typeNameGenerator> called keepLeadingUnderscores to allow for item names to keep a leading _ (i.e. _Foo and I_Foo)
    • ⚠️ BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY NOTE. If you are upgrading from an older version, you must add keepLeadingUnderscores="false" to your <typeNameGenerator> node in Leprechaun.config


16 Jul 23:24
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1.0.1-pre02 Pre-release

Version 1.0.1-pre02

This is a small release that resolves config path problem (issue #18 )


  • Fixed: The main config file will now properly resolve exe-relative paths