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Si Dunford edited this page Dec 7, 2021 · 3 revisions

Compiling the source code


You will also need two of Bruceys modules:

  • bah.database
  • bah.dbsqlite

To install Bruceys modules: Download the ZIP, extract the files and then copy the required module folders to mods/bah.mod/.

Language Server

Download the source for the language server, unzip it and compile it in release mode.

Copy bls.exe (bls on Linux) to your Blitzmax/bin folder.

In VSCode, open a folder or workspace. Now open a BlitzMax source file and if you haven't already, you should install the BlitzMax vscode extension.

Please remember that the language server is pre-release and may contain bugs, test and experimental code.

If you are brave, why not head over to the Command Line Arguments and have a look at some of the experiment features that are available to unlock.