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howdycloud edited this page Sep 29, 2012 · 1 revision

The following are required parameters:

--config Filepath for main configuration file of main video content. Default is ./config.yml.

--extras Filepath for extras configuration file of extra video content. Default is ./extras.yml.

--start Time that generated playlist should start. Default is now.

--end Time that generated playlist should start. Default is 24 hours from now.

--output Filepath for generated XSPF playlist. Default is ./out.xspf.

--calendar Name of Twitch channel, which matches corresponding Google Calendar. Default is ignproleague_dev.

--skipPublish Bypasses the publication process to Google Calendar. Default is false.

--skipOutput Bypasses the XSPF playlist generation process. Default is false.

start and end should follow the RFC 3339 format. For example, 2012-09-28T17:00:00-07:00.


Here's an example of running ipl-playlist that uses the videos outlined in config.yml and extras.yml to generate an XSPF playlist named output.xspf to fill the time between 09-28-12 5pm PST and 10-01-12 10am PST then publishes the main content items to the ignproleague_dev Google Calendar.

go run ./ipl-playlist.go --config /path/to/config.yml --extras /path/to/extras.yml --output /path/to/output.xspf --calendar ignproleague_dev --start "2012-09-28T17:00:00-07:00" --end "2012-10-01T10:00:00-07:00"

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