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Overline Protobufs

Protocol buffer definitions are in protos/ directory

This is not usable with yarn 1.x as a "raw dependency" (e.g. from github) due to yarn 1.x not running lifecycle scripts properly (see yarn#5047 issue)

Updates, changes

If you want to make a change to a protocol buffer definition, you're then supposed to update all generated implementations and release a new version


  • make desired changes in .proto file
  • javascript
    • npm run proto
    • add all changes files in impl/javascript/
  • rust - noop, see Rust section here

Releasing new version

  • do your work in topic branch, then merge to master
  • when merged in master, you can then run npx release-it to take care of all the steps except the final npm publish
  • wait until build in CI for the newly pushed tag finished
  • you can then run npm publish --access public
  • BEWARE: when adding new language implementation, release-it has to also bump the version in the other languages package descriptor first and also this list needs step for publishing the respective package

Language specific guides


Javascript / Typescript generated classes are in impl/javascript/proto/ directory in the repository, if you want to inspect them. But when using a this package as a dependency, you can import them as e.g const { Block } = require('@overline-proto/proto/core_pb')


  • add @overline/proto as dependency into you project
  • import classes and use them:
const { BcBlock, BlockchainHeaders } = require('@overline/proto/proto/core_pb')
const { WirelessBcBlock } = require('@overline/proto/proto/wireless_pb')
const { codec } = require('@overline/proto/util/wireless-bridge')

console.log(new BcBlock().toObject())

const block = new BcBlock()
block.setBlockchainHeaders(new BlockchainHeaders())
const rawWirelessBcBlock = codec.encodeBcBlockForWireless(block.serializeBinary())


Rust implementation is a noop for now - we use PROST! as protocol buffers implementation in Rust which which takes care of building the protocol buffers in the cargo project you use it in. The directory exists only for the purpose of completeness.

Intended way of use now is to add protos directory with the .proto files as a git submodule.


See prost_build documentation for more examples.

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {


pub mod proto {
    pub mod core {
        include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));