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Development environment for Ethereum using Docker, Vue.JS and Truffle+GanacheCLI

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Development environment for Ethereum using Docker, Vue.JS and Truffle+GanacheCLI

How to get started:

cd ethdev_docker
  • Start the container (docker-compose up -d)
  • Run the start script (./scripts/
  • Get a shell in the container (./scripts/

Then create a Vue.js project

  • vue create [projectname]
  • (follow vue wizard)

Then create a Truffle project (which we actually will copy the files from into the vue project)

  • (go to /apps)
  • mkdir truffle && pushd truffle
  • truffle init
  • popd
  • cp -R truffle/* [projectname]

Some cleanup

  • rm -f truffle-config.js

Set truffle.js to the following:

module.exports = {
  // See <>
  // to customize your Truffle configuration!
  networks: {
    development: {
      host: "ganache-cli",
      port: 8545,
      network_id: "*",
      gas: 4600000

Then go into the Vue project and get started

  • cd [projectname]
  • serve_start
  • truffle migrate

Ethereum setup for Debian VM

Can also be found in:

NodeJS installation via package manager

  • Check first if Node JS version installed is 8.x
node --version
  • If installed Node JS version is not 8.x, remove NodeJS packages
sudo apt-get remove nodejs
  • Run bash script from source (this script will add the repository link of the latest version supported by the distro)
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
  • Install NodeJS packages
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  • Check if NodeJS is properly installed
node --version

NPM installation

  • Normally, Node JS installation installs NPM
  • Check if NPM version is 4.0.5
npm --version
  • If version is not 4.0.5, reinstall NPM
sudo npm install npm@4.0.5    
  • Check of NPM is properly installed
npm --version

Rebuild Python essential packages

sudo apt-get install build-essential python

Install Truffle

sudo npm install -g truffle

Install Ganache CLI and Web3 JS

sudo npm install ganache-cli web3@0.20.2

To check if Ganache is working properly

  • Go to node_modules
cd <path where node_modules directory can be found>/node_modules
  • Run Ganache local blockchain
  • If available accounts and corresponding keys displays, Ganache is working properly

To check of Truffle works properly

  • Go to project root directory
  • Run Truffle local blockchain
  • If available accounts and corresponding keys displays, Truffle is working properly


Development environment for Ethereum using Docker, Vue.JS and Truffle+GanacheCLI






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