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ETH BNB MATIC EVM CHAINS PHP implementation for blockgum integration

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Blockgum PHP Library Documentation


The Blockgum PHP library is designed to simplify interactions with the Blockgum API, allowing developers to integrate various blockchain-related functionalities into their PHP applications. This library provides methods to create addresses, retrieve transaction information, send transactions, and more.


To use the Blockgum PHP library, follow these steps:

  1. Include the Library: Include the Blockgum.php file in your PHP project:

    require_once 'Blockgum.php';
  2. Initialize the Blockgum Object: Create an instance of the Blockgum class with the necessary configuration options:

    $bg_config = [
        'api_url' => '', // Blockgum API URL
        'chain' => 'eth',                        // Blockchain chain (e.g., 'eth', 'bsc', 'matic')
        'jwt_token' => 'YOUR_JWT_TOKEN',         // JWT Token for authentication
        'client_id' => 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',         // Client ID for authentication
        'security_type' => 1,                   // Security type (0 for off, 1 for on)
    $blockgum = new Common\Ext\Blockgum($bg_config);


Creating Addresses


Creates a new blockchain address for a user identified by their unique ID.

$uid = '23236';
$response = $blockgum->createAddress($uid);

Searching by User ID


Retrieves blockchain data associated with a user identified by their unique ID.

$uid = '23236';
$response = $blockgum->searchByUid($uid);

Creating 10,000 Addresses

create10k($start, $limit)

Creates a batch of blockchain addresses starting from a specific index.

$start = 0;    // Starting index
$limit = 100;  // Number of addresses to create
$response = $blockgum->create10k($start, $limit);

Searching for Addresses


Searches for blockchain addresses based on a provided address.

$address = '0x123abc...';
$response = $blockgum->searchAddresses($address);

Wildcard Search

wildcardSearch($type, $term)

Performs a wildcard search for blockchain data based on the specified type and search term.

$type = 'type';       // Search type
$term = 'searchterm'; // Search term
$response = $blockgum->wildcardSearch($type, $term);

Getting Withdrawal Information


Retrieves withdrawal information for a specific order ID.

$order_id = 'order123';
$response = $blockgum->getWithdrawalInfo($order_id);

Transaction Details


Retrieves details of a blockchain transaction by its transaction hash.

$tx_hash = '0xabcdef...';
$response = $blockgum->transaction($tx_hash);

Transaction Info from Database

transactionInfoDb($where, $tx_hash)

Retrieves transaction information from the database based on a specific condition and transaction hash.

$where = 'condition';   // Database condition
$tx_hash = '0xabcdef...';
$response = $blockgum->transactionInfoDb($where, $tx_hash);

Trace Deposit


Traces a deposit transaction using its transaction hash.

$tx_hash = '0xabcdef...';
$response = $blockgum->traceDeposit($tx_hash);

Getting Address Lists

getAddressList($page = -1)

Retrieves a list of blockchain addresses with optional pagination.

$page = 1; // Page number (optional)
$response = $blockgum->getAddressList($page);

Watching Tokens


Watches a token based on the contract information.

$contract = 'token_contract';
$response = $blockgum->watchToken($contract);

Deleting Tokens


Deletes a token based on the contract information.

$contract = 'token_contract';
$response = $blockgum->deleteToken($contract);

Retrieving Statistics


Retrieves statistics related to the Blockgum service.

$response = $blockgum->stats();

Retrieving Token List


Retrieves a list of available tokens.

$response = $blockgum->getTokenList();

Moving Deposits to Main Account


Moves deposits to the main account.

$response = $blockgum->moveDepositsToMainAccount();

Restarting the Server


Restarts the Blockgum server.

$response = $blockgum->restartServer();

About Blockgum


Retrieves information about the Blockgum service.

$response = $blockgum->about();

Checking Advanced Security


Checks if advanced security is enabled.

$response = $blockgum->isAdvancedSecurity();

Shutting Down the Server


Shuts down the Blockgum server.

$response = $blockgum->shutdownServer();

Signing into the API


Signs into the Blockgum API.

$response = $blockgum->signInAPI();

Additional Functions

Amount Decoding

amount_decode($val, $decimals = null)

Decodes an amount by dividing it by the specified number of decimals.

$val = '1000000000000000000'; // Amount in wei
$decimals = 18;                // Number of decimals (optional, uses default if not provided)
$decodedAmount = $blockgum->amount_decode($val, $decimals);

Amount Encoding

amount_encode($amount, $decimals = null)

Encodes an amount by multiplying it by the specified number of decimals.

$amount = '1.23456789'; // Amount
$decimals = 18;         // Number of decimals (optional, uses default if not provided)
$encodedAmount = $blockgum->amount_encode($amount, $decimals);

Private Methods

The Blockgum PHP library also includes various private methods used internally for handling requests, generating JWT tokens, and more. These methods are not intended for direct use in your application.

Error Handling

The Blockgum PHP library includes basic error handling to help you manage and troubleshoot issues that may arise during API interactions. When an error occurs, the library returns an associative array with the following structure:

  • status (integer): Indicates the status of the operation. A value of 0 typically indicates an error.
  • error (string): Provides a human-readable error message describing the issue.
  • errorCode (string, optional): Specifies an error code to further categorize the error.

Here's an example of how to handle errors using the returned array:

$response = $blockgum->someMethod();

if ($response['status'] === 0) {
    // An error occurred
    $errorCode = $response['errorCode'] ?? null;
    $errorMessage = $response['error'];
    // Handle the error based on the errorCode or errorMessage
    // You can log the error, display a user-friendly message, or take appropriate action.
} else {
    // The operation was successful, process the response data as needed.


ETH BNB MATIC EVM CHAINS PHP implementation for blockgum integration






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