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hunterbank is a lending blockchain built using Cosmos SDK and Tendermint. It can be used for borrowing and lending assets for the Game of Chains testnets.

Get started

Install go

Build and install to go bin path

make install

Initialize config

Come up with a moniker for your node, then run:

hunterbankd init $MONIKER

Available commands

  hunterbankd tx loan [flags]
  hunterbankd tx loan [command]

Available Commands:
  request-loan      Request a new loan using GoC assets as collateral
  approve-loan      Provide requested assets for a commission
  repay-loan        Repay an outstanding loan
  liquidate-loan    Liquidate a loan that is past it's deadline
  cancel-loan       Cancel a loan request
  hunterbankd query loan [flags]
  hunterbankd query loan [command]

Available Commands:
  list-loan         Show existing loans

Request a new loan

Use:   "request-loan [amount-requested] [loan-fee] [collateral] [deadline-blocks]"
Example: "hunterbankd tx loan request-loan 1000prov 5prov 500bucks 1000 --from alice"

Approve loan

Use:   "approve-loan [loan-id]"
Example: "hunterbankd tx loan approve-loan 11 --from alice"

Repay loan

Use:   "repay-loan [loan-id]"
Example: "hunterbankd tx loan repay-loan 11 --from bob"

Liquidate loan

Use:   "liquidate-loan [loan-id]"
Example: "hunterbankd tx loan liquidate-loan 11 --from alice"

Cancel loan

Use:   "cancel-loan [loan-id]"
Example: "hunterbankd tx loan cancel-loan 11 --from bob"

List existing loans

Use:   "list-loans"
Example: "hunterbankd query list-loan"

Launch with genesis file or run as standalone chain

To launch as a consumer chain, download and save shared genesis file to ~/.hunterbank/config/genesis.json. Additionally add peering information (persistent_peers or seeds) to ~/.hunterbank/config/config.toml

To instead launch as a standalone, single node chain, run:

hunterbankd add-consumer-section

Launch node

hunterbankd start