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adds vote-report script
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dated committed Sep 23, 2018
1 parent 249efc2 commit 0400604
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- [Automated Snapshot Script](snapshots/)
- [Seed IP Update Script](update-peers/)
- [Automatic Restart Script](auto-restart/)
- [Vote Report](vote-report/)

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42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions vote-report/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# Vote Report

This script generates a vote report at the configured file every 10 minutes.

## Instructions

A **[BPL-node](** needs to be installed and in sync.

Get the script and make it executable with the following commands:

wget -O /usr/local/bin/
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/

Edit crontab by typing `crontab -e`. This will allow you to edit the crontab in your default / chosen editor.

Put the following line at the end of the file to execute the restart checker every 10 minutes:

*/10 * * * * /usr/local/bin/

Be sure to add a linebreak at the end of this file.

Replace the example path above with the real location of the restart script.

Save the file and exit the editor. Do `crontab -l` to verify that the new line is now in your crontab.

### Dependencies

#### Ubuntu
`sudo apt-get install -y wget curl sed jq bc`

#### CentOS
`sudo yum install -y wget curl sed jq bc`

## Configuration

Edit the script to customize the OutputFile variable value.

> OutputFile='/var/www/html/vote-report.txt'
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions vote-report/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@


function GetVotersCount {
VotersJsonData=$( curl -s "$1" )
echo $VotersJsonData | jq '.accounts | length'

function PrintJsonData {
echo $1 | jq -c -r '.delegates[] | { rate, username, vote, address, publicKey, approval }' | while read Line; do

Rank=$( printf %03d $( echo $Line | jq -r '.rate' ) )

Delegate=$( printf %-25s $( echo $Line | jq -r '.username' ) )
Approval=$( printf %0.2f $( echo $Line | jq -r '.approval' ) )

Vote=$( expr $( echo $Line | jq -r '.vote' ) / 100000000 )
Vote=$( echo $Vote | sed ':a;s/\B[0-9]\{3\}\>/,&/;ta' )
Vote=$( printf %10s $Vote )

PublicKey=$( echo $Line | jq -r '.publicKey' )
Voters=$( printf %4s $( GetVotersCount $PublicKey ) )

echo "| $Rank | $Delegate | $Approval | $Vote | $Voters |" >> $2

function PrintTotalVotingWeightData {

TotalBPL=$( curl -s "" | jq -r '.supply' )

while read Line; do

Vote=$( echo $Line | jq -r '.vote' )
TotalVote=$( expr $TotalVote + $Vote )

PublicKey=$( echo $Line | jq -r '.publicKey' )
Voters=$( GetVotersCount $PublicKey )
TotalVoters=$( expr $TotalVoters + $Voters )

done <<< "$( echo $1 | jq -c -r '.delegates[] | { rate, username, vote, address, publicKey, approval }' )"

Percentage=$( bc <<< "scale=2; $TotalVote * 100 / $TotalBPL" )

TotalVote=$( expr $( echo $TotalVote ) / 100000000 )
TotalVote=$( echo $TotalVote | sed ':a;s/\B[0-9]\{3\}\>/,&/;ta' )

TotalBPL=$( expr $( echo $TotalBPL ) / 100000000 )
TotalBPL=$( echo $TotalBPL | sed ':a;s/\B[0-9]\{3\}\>/,&/;ta' )

echo -e "Top 201 Delegates Stats\n" >> $2
echo -e "=> Total Votes : $Percentage% ( $TotalVote / $TotalBPL )" >> $2
echo -e "=> Total Voters : $TotalVoters\n" >> $2

JsonData1=$( curl -s '' )
JsonData2=$( curl -s '' )


echo '' > $WorkFile
PrintTotalVotingWeightData $JsonData1 $WorkFile
echo '==================================================================' >> $WorkFile
echo '| # | Delegate | Vote % | Vote BPL | Voters |' >> $WorkFile
echo '==================================================================' >> $WorkFile
PrintJsonData $JsonData1 $WorkFile
echo '==================================================================' >> $WorkFile
PrintJsonData $JsonData2 $WorkFile
echo '==================================================================' >> $WorkFile
Date=$( date -u "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" )
echo -e "\n$Date UTC / v1.2 / \n" >> $WorkFile

cp -f $WorkFile $OutputFile

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