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Blok Bridge

Tools for making Blok apps that run on the server and the client.

Note: This is still highly experimental and will probably change a lot. Ideally this package will become a low-level way to share code between the client and the server, and will become the foundation of more complex frameworks like blok.tower.


Bridge is currently just a static-site generator, although there may be other ways to run it in the future. It's designed to be simple to use and mostly configuration free (with a few trade-offs we'll get to).

Here's a simple Bridge app, using default configuration:

// src/Main.hx
import blok.bridge.Bridge;
import blok.html.Html;
import blok.router.*;

function main() {
    .start(() -> Html.view(<>
        <title>"Example App"</title>

        <Router routes={[
          new Route<'/'>(_ -> <p>"Home Page"</p>)
    .next(app -> app.process())
    .handle(result -> switch result {
      case Ok(_): trace('Created');
      case Error(e): trace(e.message);

While we could compile this into some target (and -- for bigger apps -- that may even be desireable), generally we can just run it with a configuration like the following:

# run.hxml
-cp src

-lib kit.file
-lib blok.bridge

--run Main

Running this ($ haxe run.hxml) should output some HTML in the default output directory (dist/public).

Islands of Interactivity

To add interactive elements to our site, we need to use special Island components and we need to ensure that we send the necessary javascript to the client.

To do this, lets first create a simple Counter island:

import blok.bridge.*;
import blok.html.Html;
import blok.ui.*;

class Counter extends Island {
	@:signal final count:Int = 0;

	function render():Child {
    return Html.view(<div>
      <button onClick={_ -> count.update(i -> i + 1)}>'+'</button>

Then let's update our main file to include the Counter and a special blok.bridge.BridgeClient component:

import blok.bridge.*;
import blok.html.Html;
import blok.router.*;

function main() {
    .start(() -> Html.view(<>
        <title>"Example App"</title>

        <Router routes={[
          new Route<'/'>(_ -> <Counter count={0} />)
        <BridgeClient />
    .next(app -> app.process())
    .handle(result -> switch result {
      case Ok(_): trace('Created');
      case Error(e): trace(e.message);

For our simple app, that's all that's needed!

@todo: Lots more to explain.


Server-client bridge for Blok







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