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Iris2, Copyright (C) 2006 - 2011 Iris Team 

Iris2 is a 2d/3d game client for Online Role Playing Game "Ultima Online" (tm)
using the Ogre3D Engine.

Iris Installation (Step 1-4):
1. You need a legal copy of Ultima Online to use Iris2.
   Supported Ultima Online expansions:
	- Age of Shadows
	- Samurai Empire and Gold Trial  (SE == Gold)
	- Mondain's Legacy
	- or later.

2. Install and run Ultima Online and patch it to the newest Version.

3. Run Iris2_Setup.exe

3.1 Iris2 gets installed

3.2 Visual Studio 2010 runtime gets installed during installation

3.3 DirectX9 runtime gets installed or updated during installation via DirectX WebInstaller

4. Fist run the updater.exe after installation

== Iris on Linux ==

for linux install see the file named INSTALL 

== How to get Ultima Online data ==

Get Ultima Online Mondain's Legacy :'s-Legacy-Client

INSTALL SEE		(English)	(deutsch)

== controls ==
arrow keys for moving the player
u : walk to targetted position

n	: toggle compass
,&. : zoom compass

mousebutton middle : rotate camera
mousebutton left+right : rotate camera
mousewheel up	: zoom camera
mousewheel down : zoom camera

return	: activate or send chatline (arrow keys UP, DOWN for last chatmessage)
space	: run to and attack selected mobile
q	: select neares mobile
e	: select next mobile
tab : toggle warmode
l	: hold to show iris logo
r	: say "vendor buy" (opens buymenus of nearby traders on most servers)
c	: toggle cam mode (freefly,ego,3rdperson)
x,z : zoom camera
t	: toggle Stats
k	: toggle Skills
j	: toggle journal
b	: toggle backpack
p	: toggle paperdoll
y	: toogle renderer 2D/3D
v	: take a screenshot, saved to screenshots/iris*.jpg , where * is timestamp
g	: repeat last chatline
h	: repeat last doubleclick

shift-click : simulates doubleclick (temporary, helpful for low framerates)

f6 : in offline mode : teleport to position under mouse
f10 : show dev tool
f11 : fallbacktool : developer tool used for removing static-part-fallbacks (billboards) for which a model exists (important for combos)
Left Shift + f12 : take highresscreenshot

freefly cam mode :
-hold left mouse button to look around
-use w,a,s,d,r,f to move cam

to set macros and edit keybinds, edit data/mymacros.lua

= predefined Macros =
Ctrl + F5 : Start Recording PacketVideo
Ctrl + F6 : End Recording PacketVideo
Ctrl + F7 : Playback PacketVideo

Ctrl + s : Open Status window
Alt + c : Toggle between War/Peace modes
Alt + p : Open Paperdoll
Alt + k : Open Skills
Alt + j : Open Journal
Alt + i : Open Backpack
Alt + x : Quit

Alt + b : *bow*
Alt + s : *salute*

== command line switches (mainly for debug) ==
-c 								: shows console window under win32
-g path/to/grannyfile.grn		: prints granny dump
-gb path/to/grannyfile.grn		: prints granny bone info
-so 							: start in offline mode
-jt 							: journal-test (in mainmenu)
-mt 							: macrolist-test (in mainmenu)
-sd								: start in debug mode
-sd -artid ARTID_INT			: start in debug mode and show the given artid (artid is given as int number not hex!!!!)
-co GSHARDNAME					: connect to GSHARDNAME (only possible if shard profile has a username and password) 

==== granny debug mode commandline param ====

param1 : modelid
param2 : animid

==== static debug mode  commandline param ====

param1 : modelid
param2 : hueid

=== debug mode ===
a : show first model and anim 

f : param1 -= 1 (one model back)
g : param1 += 1 (one model ffw)
j : param2 -= 1 (one anim back)
k : param2 += 1 (one anim ffw)

f1 : switch to Granny debug mode
f2 : param1 -= 64
f3 : param1 += 64
f4 : param1 -= 4096
f5 : param1 += 4096
f6 : open art-overview

t : svn rm GetModelPath(gDebugMenuModelIndex)  BE CAREFUL WITH THAT; must be activated in code
b : note current model in debugstatic.txt
holding shift while changing param1 makes skips all meshes with MORE than 6 triangles and empty meshes 
	(this is for searching and destroying billboard-like models)
	(careful with big changes to param1, will be slow, skipping tries to load all meshes in between)

===  data ===
there is currently no license for the models and textures in the data dir,
they have been created by the iris1 team for use with the iris project.
We are in the progress of replacing them with new art that will be made available 
under a creative commons license like by-nc-sa or something similar.

=== svn-ignore ===
to filter out uninteresting files under linux call "svn propset svn:ignore -F svnignore . include/ src/"

to compile under win you probably need the servicepack 1 for visual studio

=== code documentation ===
doxygen syntax has been used, might be interesting to generate documentation from the sourcecode

== developer ==
Florian Fischer (SiENcE) 
Robert Noll (Ghoulsblade) 
Sebastian Dorda (hagish)

=== other projects of the iris-ogre-developers ===		- Our mainsite (a Game developer association)			- Iris Website		- Stressfree Zone (space game)	- Lugre	(middelware for Ogre3D, Lua, Fmod, OpenAL, ODE, Boost)

=== environment vars ===

for additional compile options : IRIS_COMPILE_FLAGS , added to premake package.buildoptions

=== license ===
see COPYING for license of our code

further take a look here:
FMOD Sound System, copyright © Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd., 1994-2007.

Ogre3D see: README.ogre

TinyXML see: README.tinyxml


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  • C 46.7%
  • C++ 26.1%
  • Lua 19.7%
  • HTML 4.9%
  • PHP 1.1%
  • GLSL 0.3%
  • Other 1.2%