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Global Config

bloodmc edited this page May 14, 2022 · 12 revisions

GriefDefender's default config offers extended customization for your server. Below is a breakdown of all default variables for your convenience.

⚠️ Some options can cause irreparable changes to your data. Please ensure that you have read the sub-text found next to the variables in your generated global.conf file. All migration variables should ALWAYS be used AFTER a backup of your data is made. ⚠️

Plugin Dependency

Do note, cost variables (such as Towns' creation-cost) require an Economy plugin. Similarly, MCClans is only needed if you plan on using it's integration across plugins. It is not, however, required to use GriefDefender's Town claims.

For example, adding block-break to the list will translate into griefdefender.user.flag.block-break being checked as true, therefore allowing the player to edit his claim's block-break flag with /cf, /cfg, and /cfp.

Modular Configuration

GriefDefender allows for modular enabling. As per default configuration files however, all modules are enabled. Disabling a module will render all flags unusable. Only do it if you do not plan on using GriefDefender's management of said flag. You can choose to disable the following:

  • Block-Changes: block-break, block-grow, block-modify, block-place, block-pre, block-spread
  • Collisions: collide-block, collide-entity
  • Commands: command-execute
  • Movements: enter-claim, exit-claim
  • Entity: entity-damage, entity-riding, entity-spawn, entity-teleport-from, entity-teleport-to
  • Explosions: explosion-block, explosion-entity
  • Interacts: interact-block-primary, interact-block-secondary, interact-entity-primary, interact-entity-secondary, interact-inventory, interact-inventory-click, interact-item-primary, interact-item-secondary
  • Item: item-drop, item-pickup, item-spawn, item-use
  • Liquids: liquid-flow
  • Portals: portal-use
  • Projectiles: projectile-impact-block, projectile-impact-entity


Variable Description Default Value
auto-chest-claim-block-radius Radius used (in blocks) for auto-created claim when a chest is placed. Set to -1 to disable chest claim creation. 4
auto-nature-restore Whether survival claims will be automatically restored to nature when auto-deleted. FALSE
auto-schematic-restore Whether survival claims will be automatically restored to its claim creation schematic on abandon/expiration.
Note: Enabling this feature will cause ALL newly created claims to automatically create a special schematic that will be used to restore claim on abandon/expiration.
Note: Enabling this feature will disable ability to resize claims.
Note: It is HIGHLY recommended to disable building in the wilderness before using this feature to avoid players exploiting.
Note: It is also recommended to ONLY use this feature in newly created worlds where there is no existing player data.
Note: This does NOT affect deletions. If admins want to restore back to original schematic, they can select 'restore' by using /claimschematic command.
border-block-radius Set claim border of specified radius (in blocks), centered on claim. If set to 1, adds an additional 1 block protected radius around claim.
Note: It is not recommended to set this value too high as performance can degrade due to deeper claim searches.
claim-block-task Whether claim block task should run to accrue blocks for players.
Note: If in economy-mode, use setting 'use-claim-block-task' under economy category.
Note: To configure amount accrued, see 'blocks-accrued-per-hour' option at
claim-block-task-move-threshold The minimum threshold of movement (in blocks) required to receive accrued claim blocks.
Note: The claim block task runs every 5 minutes which is the time each player will get to move the required amount of blocks.
claim-create-radius-limit The radius limit for the /claimcreate command. 256
claims-enabled Whether claiming is enabled or not. (0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled). 1
expiration-cleanup-interval The interval in minutes for cleaning up expired claims. Set to 0 to disable. 63
explosion-block-surface-blacklist A list of source id's that cannot cause explosion damage to blocks above sea level. [ ]
explosion-entity-surface-blacklist A list of id's that cannot cause explosion damage to entities above sea level. [ ]
explosion-surface-block-level The 'Y' block level that is considered the surface for explosions. 0
inspection-tool The item used to inspect claims with a right-click.
Note: Set to empty quotes if you want to assign no item and use '/claim' mode exclusively.
modification-tool The item used to create/resize claims with a right click.
Note: Set to empty quotes if you want to assign no item and use '/claim' mode exclusively.
piston-protection-in-claims Whether piston protection should be enabled within claims. Note: This does not affect pistons crossing into another claim, that is always protected. This only determines whether or not GD should process pistons if it doesn't cross into another claim. false
player-trapped-cooldown The cooldown time, in seconds, when using the '/trapped' command. 300
protect-tamed-entities Whether tamed entities should be protected in claims. true
reserved-claim-names A list of reserved claim names for use only by administrators. [ ]
restrict-world-max-height Whether to restrict claiming to world max height. true


Variable Description Default Value
player-equipment Whether player equipment contexts should be applied during permission checks. true
potion-effects Whether potion effect contexts should be applied during permission checks. true
enchantments Whether potion effect contexts should be applied during permission checks. false


Variable Description Default Value
bank-system Whether to enable the bank system for claims. Set to true to enable. FALSE
bank-transaction-log-limit The amount of transactions to keep for history. 60
economy-mode Uses economy instead of player claim blocks for claim creation. If true, disables the claim block system in favor of economy.
Note: Using this mode disables the '/buyblocks' command as claim creation will pull funds directly from a player's economy balance.
Note: If players have existing claimblocks from past configurations, an admin must use the '/ecomigrateblocks' command to convert remainder to currency.
rent-delinquent-task-apply-hour The specific hour in day to attempt to get owed claim rent balances from delinquent renters.
Note: This uses military time and accepts values between 0-23.
rent-max-time-limit Controls the maximum time limit(hours or days) that a claim owner can have their rental max set to.
Note: This only affects claim rentals that have a max specified. If no max is specified by the claim owner, a renter may rent as long as they want.
rent-restore-day-warning Controls which day a player should start to receive warnings about their rented claim nearing expiration.
Ex. If set to '5', this will begin to send players messaging on login and at the rent apply hour when 5 days are remaining before expiration.
Note: This only applies if the owner has 'rent-restore' option enabled and the rent owner sets a max.
rent-schematic-restore-admin Controls whether rented admin claims will use a schematic for restoration.
Note: If set, the claim will create a schematic on rental start and restore it back when finished.
Note: This ONLY applies to rentals with a max date set.
rent-sign Whether rent signs are enabled. FALSE
rent-system Controls whether the rent system is enabled. FALSE
rent-task-interval The interval in minutes for checking claim rent payments that are due. Set to '0' to disable 1
rent-transaction-log-limit The amount of transactions to keep for history. 60
sell-sign Whether sell signs are enabled. false
sign-update-interval The interval in minutes for updating sign data. Set to '0' to disable 1
tax-apply-hour The specific hour in day to apply tax to all claims.
Note: This uses military time and accepts values between 0-23.
tax-system Whether to enable the tax system for claims. Set to true to enable. FALSE
tax-transaction-log-limit The amount of transactions to keep for history. 60


Variable Description Default Value
deny-message-action-bar Controls whether to send claim deny messages to action bar.
Note: Setting to false will send messages to chat.
enable-exit-chat-messages Controls whether exit chat messages are displayed when both enter and exit messages are being sent to a player at the same time.For example, if both an enter and exit title message is configured in a claim then the exit title would be sent to chat if this setting is true. FALSE
enter-claim-player-messages Controls whether to display playername and claim display name as enter message if not set.
Set to '1' to send messages to chat.
Set to '2' to send messages to actionbar.
Set to '3' to send messages to title.
Set to 0 to disable.
enter-exit-chat-show-gd-prefix Whether GD prefix should be shown in enter/exit chat messages. TRUE
greeting-farewell-action-bar Controls whether to send greeting/farewell messages to action bar by default.
Note: Setting to true will send messages to actionbar.
Note: This will only be set if there is no actionbar already set in claim. If so, it will use chat instead.
locale Set the locale to use for GP messages. Available languages: de_DE, en_US, es_ES, fr_FR, pl_PL, ru_RU, zh_HK. The data is stored under assets in jar.
Note: The language code must be lowercase and the country code must be uppercase.
locale-unicode-fix Attempts to adjust unicode fonts to represent minecraft default fonts better.
Note: If you are using 'pl_PL' or 'ru_RU', this setting should be set to false.
Note: Any other languages that experience misalignment in chat menus should disable this setting.
wilderness-default-message Controls whether wilderness default enter message is sent to players. TRUE



Variable Description Default Value
classic Set to true to enable the classic migrator.
Note: Migrates GP bukkit classic claim data and GPFlags data, if available, to current format.
Note: It is recommended to backup data before using.
classic-database Migrates GP bukkit classic database. FALSE
classic-playerdata-threshold Controls the last active player day threshold in order to avoid migrating inactive GP playerdata. To disable, set value to 0.
Note: For example, with the default value of '180' the the migrator will only migrate playerdata for players that played within the past 180 days.
Note: This only handles a player's playerdata where accrued/bonus block information is stored. This setting has no effect on claim migration.
Note: This avoids storing inactive user data in LuckPerms which helps keep '/lp editor' view clean.
griefdefender-file-to-database Set to true to migrate from file format to database.
Note: The storage method must be set to hocon in order for this to work properly.
Note: After migration is complete, switch storage to database.
Note: This will NOT remove existing files in case you want to go back.
red-protect Set to true to enable RedProtect data migrator. FALSE
worldguard Set to true to enable WorldGuard data migrator.
Note: Only cuboid regions are supported.
Note: It is recommended to backup data before using.


Variable Description Default Value
griefprevention-bukkit Set to true to enable the griefprevention bukkit migrator.
Note: Migrates GP bukkit classic claim data and GPFlags data, if available, to current format.
Note: It is recommended to backup data before using.
griefprevention-sponge Set to true to enable the griefprevention sponge migrator.
Note: Migrates GP sponge claim data to current format.
Note: It is recommended to backup data before using.
red-protect Set to true to enable RedProtect data migrator.
Note: All RedProtect data will be converted into basic claim data.
worldguard Set to true to enable WorldGuard data migrator.
Note: Only cuboid regions are supported.
Note: It is recommended to backup data before using.


Variable Description Default Value
dispenser-item-spawns Controls whether dispener item spawns are ignored. TRUE
entity-damage-living-passive Controls whether entity damage events that contain both a source/target living passive entity, such as two animals fighting, are ignored. TRUE
entity-damage-monster Controls whether entity damage events that contain both a source/target monster are ignored. TRUE
entity-item-pickup-non-players Controls whether entity item pickups made by non-players are ignored. TRUE
fall-non-player Controls whether non-player falls are ignored. TRUE
monster-player-damage Controls whether monster attacks against a player are ignored.
Note: This does not include explosion damage.
Note: If you need to prevent damage from monsters in claims then this should remain false.
player-monster-damage Controls whether player attacks against a monster are ignored.
Note: This does not include explosion damage.


Variable Description Default Value
griefdefender-claim-group-priority The claimgroup permission group priority. -60
griefdefender-claim-priority The claim permission group priority. -60
griefdefender-default-priority The default permission group priority. -80
griefdefender-option-priority The option permission group priority. 0
griefdefender-override-priority The override permission group priority. -40

Player Data

Variable Description Default Value
claim-block-system Determines which claim block system to use for claims.
Note: If set to VOLUME, claim blocks will use the chunk count system to balance 3d claiming.
Note: If set to AREA, the standard 2d block count system will be used.
context-storage-type The context type used when storing playerdata within a permissions database.
Available types are : global, server, world. (Default: global)
Global will store data globally shared by all servers.
Server will store data per server. Note: This requires servername to be properly set in permissions config.
World will store data per world.


Variable Description Default Value
allow-fly Whether flying is allowed during PvP. false
combat-logout Whether players should be killed if they logout while in pvp combat. false
enabled Whether pvp protection is enabled for players.
Note: Turnings this off disables all PvP functionality in GriefDefender.


Variable Description Default Value
auto-nature-restore Whether survival towns will be automatically restored to nature when auto-deleted. FALSE
clan-require-town Requires a town to be owned for MCClans.
Note: This is for Sponge only.
cleanup-task-interval The interval in minutes for restoring blocks in an expired town. 5
creation-cost The required amount of funds to create a town.
Note: This requires an Economy plugin.


Variable Description Default Value
active-claim-visual-time The active time, in seconds, to keep a claim's visuals shown to a player.
Note: If value is <= 0, GD will use the default value.
active-create-block-visual-time The active time, in seconds, to keep a claim's create block visual shown to a player.
Note: This only applies during claim creation.
Note: If value is <= 0, GD will use the default value.
client-visuals-per-tick The amount of block visuals a client can receive per tick when showing/hiding claims. 12
cuboid-level-visuals-2d Whether to use cuboid visuals, in 2D claims, during inspection with owner min/max claim levels between 0 and 255 or 0 and 319 for MC 1.17+.
Note: WECUI visuals are not associated to this option.
Note: If enabled, this will send many block updates to players causing more client strain depending on size of claim. Use with caution.
fill-spacing The space between each filler visual block. 10
hide-borders-when-using-wecui Whether to hide the glowstone/gold block borders when using WECUI. FALSE
hide-fillers-when-using-wecui Whether to hide the block fillers when using WECUI. TRUE
hide-wecui-drag-visuals-2d Whether drag visuals should be shown while creating a claim in 2D mode. TRUE
claim-create-block The visual block used during claim creation. minecraft:diamond_block
admin-accent-block The visual accent block used for admin claims. minecraft:pumpkin
admin-corner-block The visual corner block used for admin claims. minecraft:glowstone
admin-filler-block The visual filler block used for admin claims. minecraft:pumpkin
basic-accent-block The visual accent block used for basic claims. minecraft:gold_block
basic-corner-block The visual corner block used for basic claims. minecraft:glowstone
basic-filler-block The visual filler block used for basic claims. minecraft:gold_block
error-accent-block The visual accent block used to visualize an error in a claim. minecraft:netherrack
error-corner-block The visual corner block used to visualize an error in a claim. minecraft:redstone_ore
error-filler-block The visual filler block used to visualize an error in a claim. minecraft:diamond_block
subdivision-accent-block The visual accent block used for subdivision claims. minecraft:white_wool or minecraft:wool for legacy versions